Bruineberg et al.: Emperor’s New Blankets

The next meeting of the seminar is planned for January, 15th at 12:00 CET. We are delighted to host as our speakers the authors of the paper: Bruineberg, Jelle and Dolega, Krzysztof and Dewhurst, Joe and Baltieri, Manuel (2020) The Emperor’s…


Alistair Isaac: Measurement

On November, 13th, at 12:00, during the meeting of the Philosophy of Cognitive Science Seminar, we will discuss Chapter 2 of Alistair Isaac’s book (in-progress) The Measure of Mind in Nature. The…


Response to Limanowski

In his detailed response ( to our critical evaluation of the study by Limanowski and Blankenburg (2015), Jakub Limanowski (henceforth, JL) claims that our critical analysis is largely driven by misinterpretation of…


Predictive processing: Unification by fiat

Predictive processing (PP) theory of cognition claims that nervous systems continuously try to anticipate their sensory inputs, following the imperative to minimize the mismatch between their predictions and sensory activations. In the…


Cognitive ecology of pickpocketing

The world is not designed for pickpockets. Despite this, they successfully cope in it, both with their beneficial manipulation of things and with their management of our attention. Of course, my study…


Where does geometric cognition come from?

Our paper, written together by myself and Marcin Miłkowski, entitled Cognitive artifacts for geometric reasoning was published in Foundations of Science a few days ago (online first, open access). In our joint paper, we claim that…


Problemy z replikacją w neuronauce obliczeniowej

Nie sposób przecenić znaczenia replikacji badań, czyli powtarzania procedury badawczej w celu sprawdzenia, czy wynik jest powtarzalny. Umożliwia weryfikowanie wcześniejszych wyników i wyciąganych z nich wniosków. Pomaga również w określeniu, jaki jest…


Interfaces, Codes and Symbols

On May 16th, 2016, Dr. Mateusz Hohol participated in the experts’ discussion entitled “Interfaces, Codes and Symbols: The Future of Communication” during the conference “Wrocław Laboratory” which was part of European Capital of Culture…


Functions of musical imagination

On May 11th, 2016, Jakub Matyja MA delivered an invited talk entitled “Functions of musical imagination” and discussed his PhD project during Cognitive Science Seminar at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow.…


Unification by transposition in cognitive science

On May 8th, 2016, Professor Marcin Miłkowski delivered an invited talk entitled “To man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail: Unification by transposition in cognitive science” during 3rd International Symposium on Brain and Cognitive…


The registration form is hosted using Google Forms: Please click here to register for the workshop. If you want to participate without a paper but with coffee and lunches, please register as…

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Styczniowe seminaria Filozofia Kognitywistyki

W styczniu 2016 odbyły się dwa posiedzenia Seminarium Filozofia Kognitywistyki IFiS PAN. Dnia 12 stycznia referat „Oscylacje mózgowe językiem myśli” wygłosił dr hab. Adam Chuderski z Zakładu Kognitywistyki Instytutu Filozofii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.…


Konkurs na stanowisko: pracownika naukowego typu post-doc w projekcie pt.: Kognitywistyka w poszukiwaniu jedności: unifikacja i integracja badań interdyscyplinarnych (Cognitive Science in Search of Unity: Unification and Integration of Interdisciplinary Research)

Dyrektor Instytutu Filozofii i Socjologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk ogłasza konkurs na stanowisko: pracownika naukowego typu post-doc w projekcie pt.: Kognitywistyka w poszukiwaniu jedności: unifikacja i integracja badań interdyscyplinarnych (Cognitive Science in Search…


Multi-model idealization and mechanisms

On June 13th, Saturday, Marcin Miłkowski will deliver a short talk on Multi-Model Idealization and Mechanisms during the conference University Philosophy as the Foundation of Knowledge, Action, and Ethos. In the talk,…


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