Mechanistic Integration and Unification in Cognitive Science
Warsaw, June 23-26, 2016
The aim of the workshop is to discuss the recent work on mechanistic explanation, with special stress on particular problems of integration of multiple mechanistic models, robustness, and unification of partial explanations, theories and fields.
There is a growing consensus that cognitive science and cognitive neuroscience explain their phenomena of interest mechanistically. Cognitive science is an interdisciplinary research field, in which methods, tools, and concepts from other disciplines are used. One can ask a fundamental question whether anything unifies the field; or whether it is not just a hotchpotch of heterogeneous research. This kind of doubt can be articulated with regard to any interdisciplinary research field. However, the existence of interdisciplinary collaboration means that there are real connections between disciplines and that their problems are related. But to really dispel the doubt against interdisciplinary research, one needs to answer the question of what makes such conglomerates as cognitive science actually unified.
Invited Keynote Speakers
William Bechtel (California, San Diego)
Carl F. Craver (Washington University in St. Louis)
David Kaplan (Macquarie)
Call for Papers
Abstracts (up to 500 words) on these topics should be submitted via EasyChair in a form prepared for anonymous review. Accepted speakers will have 40 minutes for their presentations, including discussion time.
Registration and Venue
The standard fee is EUR 95, while the reduced fee (for students or researchers from developing countries) EUR 50. The registration fee covers only conference materials, coffee breaks and lunches during the workshop. Click here to register.
The organizers do not provide the accommodation. The accommodation can be easily arranged in the centre of Warsaw via travel websites such as
The venue of the workshop is the Staszic Palace in the very centre of Warsaw, the seat of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences.
Deadline for abstract proposals: April, 1, 2016
Notification of acceptance: April, 16, 2016
Workshop: June, 23-26, 2016
The workshop is organized by Marcin Miłkowski and Mateusz Hohol, and financed from National Science Center grant under the decision DEC-2014/14/E/HS1/00803, with support from Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, and Center for Philosophical Research, Warsaw.