Mechanistic Integration and Unification in Cognitive Science: schedule
Mechanistic Integration and Unification in Cognitive Science
June, 23-25, 2016
Thursday, June, 23th
10:30 am — Key Speaker: William Bechtel (University of California San Diego), Integrating the Mind-Brain Sciences: Hierarchies of Non-holonomic Constraints
12:00 am — Coffee break
12:30 am — Przemysław Robert Nowakowski (Center for Philosophical Research), From Mechanistic Approach of Morphological Computations to Embodied Cognition
1:10 pm — Jens Harbecke (Witten/Herdecke University), A Theory of Constitutive Inference for the Regularity Account of Mechanistic Constitution
1:50 pm — Lunch
2:50 pm — Sabrina Golonka and Andrew Wilson (Leeds Beckett University), Ecological Behavioral Science
3:30 pm — Witold Wachowski (University of Warsaw), Distributed Cognition and Mechanistic Explanation
4:10 pm — Witold Hensel (University of Białystok), Mechanism Components and Explanatory Power
4:50 pm — Marcin Miłkowski (Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences), Unification and integration: two dimensions of mechanistic fusion
5:30 pm — End of sessions
Friday, June 24th
9:30 am — Key Speaker: Carl Craver (Washington University, St. Louis), Are More Details Better?: Completeness Norms for Mechanistic Explanations
11:00 am — Coffee break
11:30 am — Beate Krickel (Ruhr-University Bochum), Constitutive Relevance – What it is and How it can be Definedin Terms of Interventionism
12:10 pm — Lena Kästner (Humboldt-Universität), A Roadmap for Mechanistic Integration
12:50 pm — Michał Piekarski (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University), Connection Between Pattern Recognition and Memory in the Context of Prediction. Mechanistic Approach, Dynamic Approach or Synthesis of Both?
1:30 pm — Lunch
2:30 pm — Mateusz Hohol (Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences), Geometric Cognition as Explanandum: A Mechanistic Approach
3:10 pm — Catherine Stinson (University of Western Ontario), Mathematical and Mechanistic Explanation Unified
3:50 pm — Anna Kocsis (Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb), The Computation-Representation Divide: The Case of Bayesian Approach to Cognitive Development
4:30 pm — Jakub Matyja (Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences), Transposition heuristic, mechanisms and embodied music cognition
5:10 pm — End of sessions
6:30 pm — Workshop dinner (cost not covered by fees)
Saturday, June 25th
09:30 am — Key Speaker: David Kaplan (Macquarie University), Explaining brains? A challenge for mechanistic integration in neuroscience
11:00 am — Coffee break
11:30 am — Paweł Gładziejewski (Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences), Mechanisms, representations, and exploitable similarity
12:10 pm — Alfredo Vernazzani (Universität Bonn), Visual perception, Trope similarity, and Intentional Mechanisms
12:50 pm — Andrea Zeppi, Alessio Plebe and Pietro Perconti (University of Messina), Looking at Complexity the Other Way Around
1:30 pm Lunch
2:30 pm — Brice Bantegnie (Jean Nicod Institute), Psychology, Still not Autonomous After All these Years
3:10 pm — Carlos Zednik (Otto von Guericke-Universitaet Magdeburg), Explanation in Cognitive Science: Marr and Mechanisms
3:50 pm — End of conference