Prezentacje i nagranie z konferencji ESS pt. ”Poland and its European context: Continuity and Change”

Za zgodą prelegentów udostępniamy prezentacje z międzynarodowej konferencji ”Poland and its European context: Continuity and Change”, poświęconej prezentacji wyników 9. edycji projektu „Europejski Sondaż Społeczny” (ESS), która odbyła się 5 lutego 2020 r. w Warszawie.
Podczas konferencji wykłady wygłosili:
Henryk Domański and Dariusz Przybysz (IFiS PAN): Fair incomes in European countries: 2018
Lucyna Darowska (Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Germany), Eldad Davidov (University of Cologne, Germany and University of Zurich, Switzerland, Germany) and Peter Schmidt (University of Giessen, Germany): Justice attitudes in Germany and Poland and their association with values in the context of global challenges
Kazimierz M. Słomczyński (IPS PAS and Department of Sociology, Ohio State University): Explaining Pro-Meritocratic Attitudes: Does the degree of societal meritocracy influence the degree of support for such a system?
Piotr Błędowski (Warsaw School of Economics): Time is relative – life courses from the social perspective
Denisa Fedáková and Michal Kentoš (Centre of Social and Psychological Sciences, Slovak Academy of Sciences): Retirement or late career? Trends in “Timing of life” from the ESS perspective
Ewa Krzaklewska (Institute of Sociology, Jagiellonian University): When does a woman or a man become an adult? Expectations towards the timing of transitions to adulthood in Poland
Bart Meuleman (University of Leuven, Belgium): Perceived ethnic threat in anti-immigrant times. An analysis of European Social Survey data, 2002 – 2018
Paweł Kaczmarczyk (Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw): Does the place in the migration cycle matter? The migration transition and attitudes towards immigrants across
Program konferencji
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