What Are Representational Formats?

What Are Representational Formats?
Section for Logic and Cognitive Science at the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw is pleased to invite for an online seminar on the philosophical and empirical underpinnings of the notion of representational formats in the mind and brain sciences.
The direct motivation for the meeting is the recent publication of a paper ‘The Formats of Cognitive Representation: A Computational Account’ by Alfredo Vernazzani (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) and Dimitri Coelho (Umeå University) Molho in the Philosophy of Science journal. A preprint can be found here: http://philsci-archive.pitt.edu/22551/.
We will discuss the paper in comparison with Sami Yousif’s (UPenn) paper ‘Redundancy and Reducibility in the Formats of Spatial Representations’ published in the Perspectives on Psychological Science in 2022, which can be accessed in a preprint form here: https://osf.io/preprints/psyarxiv/g6f8v/.
We are delighted to inform that all three Authors will be present during the seminar.
The event will take place online on 17th Nov 2023 (Friday), 4 p.m. Warsaw time (CET) on Google Meet platform and will last approximately 1,5h. The meeting is open.
GoogleMeet link: meet.google.com/jiy-rdjv-bqo
Format (sic!) of the meeting is focused on discussing the papers, in a reading group style. The authors first briefly summarize the main theses of their papers (for around ten minutes), and then the floor is open for comments.
Please also consider joining a permanent mailing list: philosophy-of-cogsci@googlegroups.com, if you wish to be informed regularly about all forthcoming events organised by our research group.
Wojciech Mamak,
Przemysław Nowakowski
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