Theses on an Apophatic Philosophy of Culture
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Na najbliższym seminarium 16 grudnia br. (11:30-13:30, online – Zoom)
dr Przemysław Bursztyka (Wydział Filozofii UW, Zakład Filozofii Kultury)
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Theses on an Apophatic Philosophy of Culture
The aim of my talk is to provide a few theses on what I provisionally call an apophatic philosophy of culture. The two starting assumptions of this approach are: First, in case of philosophy of culture there is an intransgressible entanglement of the “object” and discipline. There is no separation, no distance between these two. Philosophy, as such originates from culture (as one of its emanations) and always necessarily refers to it (whether consciously or not); it is culture’s ultimate possibility of self-questioning and self-critique. Second, culture – against all essentialism, against all objectivistic tendencies – is essentially non-objectifiable. It is an all-encompassing, apriorical horizon of all possible meanings and modes of experience – expressed and articulated in more or less comprehensive systems of structuration and symbolic formation, but never reducible either to any of them, or to any potential sum of them. An apophatic philosophy of culture presents culture as such originary horizon of all human creative efforts of meaning-giving. It is fundamentally pluralistic, polyphonic, dynamic, open, but most importantly, tensive. It operates through and on the basis of a series of intransgressible tensions between: arche and telos, essence and semblance, transcendence and immanence, presence and absence, nomos and phusis, and so forth. These tensions provide a kind of ontological framework out of which particular historically and locally determined forms of culture appear. It is out of these tensions that any account of reality appears. It is out of them that any positive view on culture (as well as all particular forms of our self-understanding) emerges. Thus if one can speak of any essence of culture it refers to this genetically and ontologically primordial element of productive tensions from which all other fundamental categories derive as their specifications.None of these specifications are final. None of them are ultimate. None of them are more adequate or closer to any pre-established Ideal – simply because the latter is nothing but one of such fundamental categories derived from this originary tensive element. So, all of these articulations confirm fundamentally indefinite character of culture and it is only in this sense we can provide a tentative, less than satisfactory de-finition of culture: Culture is nothing but the creative, open-ended process of in-defining itself. Culture comes to itself, or becomes what it is in the acts of creative deviation from what is given – either in the form of basic, immediate givens of our experiences or in the form of particular, already established and time-honored cultural meanings.
Proponowane lektury:
- Zofia Rosińska, Nie tylko to, co racjonalne. Teksty z filozofii kultury, Oficyna Naukowa, Warszawa 2020, tekst Filozofia kultury jako „filozofia spraw ludzkich”, s. 12-34.
- Krzysztof Okopień, Wykłady z ontologii kultury i inne pisma filozoficzne, Wydawnictwo IBL PAN, Warszawa 2021, tekst Tezy o ontologii kultury, s. 21-38.
Dr Przemysław Bursztyka
Pracuje na Wydziale Filozofii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, gdzie od 2015 roku pełni obowiązki kierownika Zakładu Filozofii Kultury. Jego zainteresowania badawcze obejmują: filozofię kultury (oraz jej relacje z naukami o kulturze), psychologię filozoficzną, filozofię człowieka (w szczególności antropologię apofatyczną), filozofię podmiotu, fenomenologię, psychoanalizę, egzystencjalizm (Søren Kierkegaard, Friedrich Nietzsche), hermeneutykę, estetykę (w szczególności fenomenologiczną). W ostatnich latach przedmiotem jego badań były estetyczne i etyczne aspekty pracy wyobraźni, w szczególności rola wyobraźni w procesie konstytuowania się tożsamości jednostkowej i zbiorowej. Aktualnie pracuje nad autorską koncepcją rozumienia i uprawiania filozofii kultury. Autor licznych artykułów w czasopismach oraz pracach zbiorowych. Współzałożyciel oraz redaktor naczelny międzynarodowego kwartalnika filozoficznego Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture ( Współredaktor i współautor książek:
- Philosophy of Culture as Theory, Method, and Way of Life (Leiden, 2022),Schulz. Między mitem a filozofią (Gdańsk, 2014),
- Freud i nowoczesność (Kraków, 2007 oraz 2008),
- Miłość i samotność. Wokół myśli Sørena Kierkegaarda (Warszawa, 2007).
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- block-editor