Social Mobility in Hungary over Two Centuries

Zespół Socjologii Polityki, Gospodarki i Edukacji serdecznie zaprasza na wykład dr Pawła Bukowskiego, który odbędzie się w czwartek 27 lutego o 9.00 w sali 161 Pałacu Staszica, ul. Nowy Świat 72
Tytuł prezentacji to: Movements at the Crossroads of Europe: Social Mobility in Hungary over Two Centuries
Autorzy: Paweł Bukowski (LSE, PAN), Gregory Clark (UC Davies), Attila Gáspár (University of Padua), Rita Peto (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

This paper looks at the long-run social mobility in Hungary from the late 18th century until today. We measure social mobility at the level of groups defined by specific surnames, using their relative representation among elite occupations (Clark et al. 2015). We construct a unique data set from historical registries spanning more than two centuries to estimate the rate of status transmission under different political regimes: feudal and constitutional monarchies (-1918), right-wing authoritarianism (1919-1945), communism (1947-1989) and liberal democracy (1989-). The results show that long-run social mobility is generally low, implying that advantaged groups can keep their status despite many political and social upheavals. Nevertheless, historical elites lost their advantage at the fastest rate in regimes that were liberal by the standard of their age – constitutional monarchy and liberal democracy. On the other hand, right-wing authoritarianism had an adverse effect on social mobility as it protected the status of elite groups. Surprisingly, there is limited evidence for accelerating social mobility under communism. Finally, the status of disadvantaged groups (e.g., the Romani minority) did not improve under any of the studied regimes. However, we find evidence of lowering entry barriers to the elite occupations for women over the last century.

Dr Paweł Bukowski – ekonomista i wykładowca w Centre for Economic Performance na London School of Economics, adiunkt w Instytucie Nauk Ekonomicznych PAN, członek Concilium Civitas. Jest również ekspertem w The European Expert Network on Economics of Education przy Komisji Europejskiej. Studia doktorskie z ekonomii ukończył na Central European University, podczas których wizytował University of California w Berkeley. Laureat dwóch międzynarodowych grantów badawczych oraz stypendium “Review of Economic Studies”. W trakcie swojej kariery publikował w międzynarodowych czasopismach naukowych oraz prezentował na ponad 50 konferencjach i seminariach. Członek i założyciel grupy eksperckiej “Dobrobyt na Pokolenia”.

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