International Philosophical Conference

Location: on-line (ZOOM)
Thursday, April 7
Warsaw time/New York time
15.00/9.00 Welcome address by professor Andrzej Rychard, the Director of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of Polish Academy of Sciences
chair: Katarzyna Kremplewska (IFiS PAN)
15.15-15.40/9.15-9.40 Urszula Lisowska (University of Wrocław) “A Human Individual in an Intergenerational and Interspecies Community – Learning from North American Indigenous Thought.”
15.40-16.05/9.40-10.05 Hector Calleros (American Studies Center, University of Warsaw) “Race and Ethnicity in the United States: An Interpretation of Robert Dahl’s Ideas on Inequality and Exclusion”
16.05-16.30/10.05-10.30 Deron Robert Boyles (Georgia State University) “Individualism Old and Newer. John Dewey, U.S. Exceptionalism, and epistemology”
16.30-16.55/10.30-10.55 Howard G. Callaway (independent scholar and writer) “Identity, Dignity and the Politics of Resentment: Limits of Globalization.”
16.55-17.45 discussion and a coffee break
17.45-18.15 / 11.45-12.15
Keynote address: Herman Saatkamp (the Founding Editor of the Santayana Edition, recipient of Herbert W. Schneider Award) “American Naturalism and the Future of Philosophy”
chair: Urszula Lisowska ((University of Wrocław)
18.15-18.40/12.15-12.40 Cedric Braun (University of St Gallen) “Inclusiveness: Towards a Systematic Account of Deweyan Growth”
18.40-19.05/12.40-13.05 Jonathan Weidenbaum (Berkeley College) “The Individual, the Social, and the Not Yet: Ecstatic Naturalism and the Metaphysics of Responsibility”
19.05-19.30/13.05-13.30 Sebastian Weydner-Volkmann (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) “Filter bubbles, echo chambers and shared experience: Dewey’s conception of the public in the digital age.”
19.30-19.55 Nóra Horváth (Széchenyi István University, Budapest) “Santayana, Day and Hartmann – Discussions on Art Photography”
19.55-20.30 discussion
Friday, April 8
chair: Katarzyna Kremplewska (IFiS PAN)
10.00-10.25 Andrzej Szahaj (UMK, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń) „Długi cień amerykańskiego libertarianizmu”
10.25-10.50 Kamil Aksiuto (UMCS, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin) „Wstyd, duma i amerykańska obietnica – Richard Rorty jako prorok we własnym kraju?”
10.50-11.15 Dariusz Juruś (UJ, Jagiellonian University, Kraków) „Jednostka przeciwko państwu”
11.15-11.40 Katarzyna Haremska (UP, Pedagogical University of Krakow) „Od Emersona do Trumpa – indywidualistyczne korzenie populizmu”
11.40-12.30 discussion followed by a coffee break
chair: Kamil Aksiuto (UMCS)
12.30-12-55 Joanna Pierzga (Akademia Ignatianum, Jesuit University Ignatianum, Kraków) „Refleksja wokół stoickiego pragmatyzmu Johna Lachsa”
12.55-13.20 Marcin Kilanowski (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń) “Freedom and Responsibility or Freedom as Responsibility”
13.20-13.45 Helen Grela (Graduate School for Social Research, IFiS PAN) “The underexamined role of money and how it undermines Nozick’s right libertarianism”
13.45-14.10 Anna Trzcińska (GSSR IFiS PAN graduate, independent scholar) „Jeśli piękno jest wyzwaniem: estetyczne tło polityki Hannah Arendt w interpretacji Jima Josefsona.”
14.10-15.40 discussion followed by a lunch break
chair: Herman Saatkamp
15.40-16.05/9.40-10.05 (NY) Leonarda Vaiana (The University of Messina) “Is Santayana an untimely philosopher?”
16.05-16.30/10.05-10.30 Glenn Tiller (Texas A&M University at Corpus Christi) “Materialism and Transcendentalism”
16.30-16.55/10.30-10.55 Adam Grzeliński (UMK, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń) “The spontaneity of human reason and the world of human symbols. Similarities between George Santayana’s and Ernst Cassirer’s picture of the human world”
16.55-17.20/10.55-11.20 José Beltrán Llavador (University of Valencia) and Daniel Moreno (IES Miguel Servet Zaragoza) “Santayana’s hermeneutics of our society”
17.20-17.35 coffee break
17.35-18.00/11.35-12.00 Richard Rubin (President of the George Santayana Society and General Editor of its bulletin Overheard in Seville) “Santayana and Dewey on the Individual”
18.00-18.25/12.00-12.25 Michael Brodrick (Institute for Humane Studies, George Mason University) “Santayana’s Moderate Individualism”
18.25-18.50/12.25-12.50 Eric Sapp (independent scholar) “Reason Obscured: Dialectics after Santayana and the Frankfurt School”
18.50-19.15/12.50-13.15 Evelyn Burg (City University of New York) “An Introduction to Kenneth Burke: American critic, rhetorician and aesthetic theorist.”
19.15-19.45 discussion
Saturday, April 9
chair: Matteo Santarelli (University of Bologna)
11.30-11.55 Yvonne Huetter-Almerigi (Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna) “Two faces of one coin – Expressing Individuality and Community with Rorty and Price”
11.55-12.20 Przemysław Bursztyka (University of Warsaw) “From I to We and Back Again: Narrative Imagination and the Question of Collective Subject in David Carr”
12.20-12.45 Pavel Barkouski (IFiS PAN) “Do We Need a Psychoanalysis of the Digital Individual? Lacanian Critique of Modern Neuroscience and Cognitive Studies.”
12.45-14.30 discussion followed by a lunch break
chair: Helen Grela (GSSR)
14.30-14.55/8.30-8.55 Krzysztof Piotr Skowroński (Opole University) “The individual and the community in Stoic Pragmatism”
14.55-15.20/8.55-9.20 Tim Madigan (St. John Fisher College, Rochester NY) “Individualism, Community, and the Ethics of Care”
15.20-15.45/9.20-9.45 Matteo Santarelli (University of Bologna) “I Me Mine. Two Problems with Mead’s Theory of Socialization”
15.45-16.10/9.45-10.10 Randall Auxier (Southern Illinois University Carbondale) “Royce, James and Husserl: Revisiting the Standard Narratives”
16.10-16.35/10.10-10.35 Jason Bell (University of New Brunswick) “Empathy in the Philosophy of Josiah Royce and the Philosophical Espionage of his Student Winthrop Bell at the German-Polish Border, 1919.”
16.35-17.15/10.35-11.15 discussion followed by a coffee break
chair: Glenn Tiller (Texas A&M University)
17.15-17.40/11.15-11.40 Martin Coleman (Indiana University-Purdue University) “Ideal Friendship and Actual Friends”
17.40-18.05/11.40-12.05 Hector Galvan (Texas A&M University at Corpus Christi) “Fanatical, Rational, Mystical: Santayana on Spirituality”
18.05-18.30/12.05-12.30 Matthew Caleb Flamm (Rockford University) “The Cries of Spirit”
18.30-18.55/12.30-12.55 Lydia Amir (Tufts University, Boston) “The Significance of Santayanan Individual Liberation in Modern Philosophy”
18.55-19.30/12.55-13.30 discussion and the closing of the conference
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