“From Phenomenology to Metaphysics” – The Contribution of Hedwig Conrad-Martius to the Early Phenomenology

Polskie Towarzystwo Fenomenologiczne, Instytut Filozofii UW oraz IFiS PAN zapraszają na wykład prof. Ronny Miron (Bar Ilan University, Israel) pt. “From Phenomenology to Metaphysics” – The Contribution of Hedwig Conrad-Martius to the Early Phenomenology.

Ronny Miron is a full Professor of Philosophy at Bar Ilan University, Israel. Her research is focused on post-Kantian Idealism, Existentialism, Phenomenology, and Hermeneutics, as well as current Jewish thought. She employs an interdisciplinary perspective combining the aforementioned traditions. She is the author of Karl Jaspers: From Selfhood to Being (2012), The Desire for Metaphysics: Selected Papers on Karl Jaspers (2014), The Angel of Jewish History: The Image of the Jewish Past in the Twentieth Century (2014). Her last publications deal with early phenomenology, in particular, that of Hedwig Conrad-Martius and Edith Stein, and discuss its place in the so called ‘Munic Circle’ and its relation to the phenomenology of Edmund Husserl. Her edited book, Husserl and Other Phenomenologists, appeared in 2018, published by Routledge.   Her forthcoming book “The Gate of Reality” – the Phenomenological Metaphysics of Hedwig Conrad-Martuis  will be published by Springer Publishing House in 2020.

Wykład odbędzie się 18 lutego o godz. 16.00, sala 154, Pałac Staszica, Nowy Świat 72.

Wykład w języku angielskim.

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