Empowerment, Opportunity, Necessity: Immigrant Entrepreneurship in a Globalized World

Zapraszamy na konferencję poświęconą przedsiębiorczości imigrantów.
11 stycznia wydarzenie będzie stacjonarne, w sali w Pałacu Staszica, początek o 9.30. Osoby bez referatu chcące uczestniczyć w pierwszym dniu obrad proszone są o zgłoszenie na adres katarzyna.andrejuk@ifispan.edu.pl
12 stycznia zapraszamy do udziału poprzez Zoom. Osoby zainteresowane mogą uzyskać link po zgłoszeniu na adres publicrelations@ifispan.edu.pl
Poniżej program wydarzenia:
Empowerment, Opportunity, Necessity: Immigrant Entrepreneurship in a Globalized World
January 11-12, 2024
9.30 – Conference opening (Imran Sarihasan, Katarzyna Andrejuk)
Thursday, 11.01.2024. Session 10.00-12.20.
Immigrant and Transnational Entrepreneurship: Qualitative Studies
Chair: Katarzyna Andrejuk
Imran Sarihasan (Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences), The Struggles of Stateless Entrepreneurs Sustaining Businesses in Hungary
Kamila Kowalska (University of Warsaw & University of Gdansk), Rafał Raczyński (University of Gdansk), “Femigration. Entrepreneurial Polish women in Italy” – presentation of the project assumptions and preliminary results
Tatiana Kanasz (The Maria Grzegorzewska University, Warsaw), Media images and real life of immigrant entrepreneurs from Belarus in Poland
Katarzyna Andrejuk (Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences), Cross-border or Transnational Entrepreneurship? Polish Entrepreneurs and Their Business Activities in the European Union
Daniel Addy (GSSR, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences), Rafal Smoczynski (Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences), Socio-cultural factors influencing the operation of African migrant entrepreneurs in Poland.
Ahmed Alperen Keskin (Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin), The School Integration Processes of Syrian Refugee Elementary School Students in Turkey: A Case Study
Friday, 12.01.2024, session 1: 9.00-11.00.
Migrant and refugee entrepreneurs in Ukrainian and post-Soviet contexts
Chair: Katarzyna Andrejuk
Jan Brzozowski (Jagiellonian University), Inna Voznyuk (Jagiellonian University), The impact of ties on immigrant entrepreneurship: the perspective of Ukrainians in Poland
Sabina Kubiciel – Lodzińska (Opole University of Technology), Jolanta Maj (Wrocław University of Science and Technology), Pre-war migrant and refugee women from Ukraine and their propensity to set up businesses in Poland. Opportunity or Necessity?
Liudmyla Garnyk (Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient Research Center, Berlin), Immigrants And Grey Zone Economy In Ukraine: Study Of Non-Formal Networks Building For Serving Of Illegal Practices In Higher Educational Domain
Sanja Tepavcevic (University of Pannonia, Hungary), Emergence of post-Soviet entrepreneurship in the European Union
Friday, 12.01.2024, session 2: 11.30.-13.00.
Refugee entrepreneurs from Syria and Supporting Migrant Integration
Chair: Imran Sarihasan
Main Al-Dalahmeh (Al-Ahliyya Amman University), Divergent Entrepreneurial Ventures: A Case Study of Syrian Refugees in Jordan
Gizem Gökdeniz (Çanakkale 18 Mart University), The Effect of Cultural Intelligence on Entrepreneurship: The Example of Syrian Immigrant Entrepreneurs
Dimitrios Polychronopoulos (University of South-Eastern Norway), Transnational Entrepreneurship in Support Programs in Norway: A set-theoretic approach to understanding migrant entrepreneurship support.
Friday, 12.01.2024, session 3: 13.15.-14.45
Migrant Entrepreneurship and Embeddedness in Networks: Case Studies from Various Countries and Regions
Chair: Imran Sarihasan
Mónica Ibáñez Angulo (University of Burgos), Informal Microfinancing Systems and Networks: Transnational Senegalese Tontines in the Migratory Context
Berta Güell, Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB) and CER-Migracions (Autonomous University of Barcelona), Transnational entrepreneurship and mixed embeddedness: the case of Pakistani businesses in Barcelona
Martha Judith Sánchez Gómez (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), Two different stories: Mexican Women Entrepreneurial in Napa County in the United States (online)
15.00. Conference closing (Imran Sarihasan, Katarzyna Andrejuk)
Osoby zainteresowane udziałem przez Zoom mogą uzyskać link po zgłoszeniu na adres publicrelations@ifispan.edu.pl. Osoby bez referatu chcące uczestniczyć w pierwszym dniu obrad jako słuchacze (offline na miejscu) proszone są o zgłoszenie na adres katarzyna.andrejuk@ifispan.edu.pl
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