Marek Muszyński
Imię i nazwisko | Marek Muszyński |
Stopnie i tytuły naukowe | dr |
Stanowisko | adiunkt |
Pokój | 120 |
Zakład | Zakład Obliczeniowych Nauk Społecznych |
Obszary zainteresowań naukowych | – psychometrics – survey methodology – psychological and educational assessment – computer-based measurement in broad social sciences – computer-based paradata (log data) |
Skrócony biogram | I work as an Assistant Professor (adiunkt) at the Computational Social Sciences Unit at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IFiS PAN), Warsaw, Poland. My main background is psychometrics and survey methodology and my research interest concentrates around the issue of measurement quality, especially identifying and mitigating the effects of response biases, such as careless/inattentive responding, response styles or social desirability responding. I often work with large-scale data, mainly from social surveys (such as ESS) or educational studies (PISA, PIAAC, TIMSS/PIRLS). Recently, I developed an interest in computer-based paradata (log data), which I use to identify response biases in social surveys and psychological assessments. In my research, I also employ machine learning techniques, including large language models, which I use for measurement tools development and improvement. |
Wykształcenie | PhD (cum laude) in Sociology, Institute of Sociology, Faculty of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland. Thesis: Validity of the Overclaiming Technique as a Method to Account for Response Bias in Self-assessment Questions. Supervisor: Prof. Jarosław Górniak. · May 2014 Postgraduate studies in Educational Measurement, Educational Research Institute, Warsaw, Poland and Institute of Sociology, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland. · June 2011 MA in Psychology, Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland. Thesis: Dependence of Automatisation and Cognitive Control on Language Proficiency- Trilingual Stroop Task. Supervisor: Prof. Edward Nęcka.
Doświadczenie zawodowe | · Since 2020 Assistant Professor (adiunkt), Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences (IFiS PAN) · 04.2017-04.2020 Educational consultant & expert at the Centre for Evaluation and Analysis of Public Policies (CEAPP) at the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland · 11.2017-02.2019 Researcher at the Evidence Institute, Warsaw, Poland · 10.2013-10.2017 Research & data analysis specialist (specjalista ds. badań i analiz) at the Educational Measurement Unit, Educational Research Institute (IBE), Warsaw, Poland · 10.2011-06.2013 Pre-doctoral research assistant at the Psychology of Language and Bilingualism Lab “LangUsta”, Institute of Psychology, Jagiellonian University. |
Realizowane projekty badawcze | RESEARCH PROJECTS (PI and Co-I) 2024 (PI) Using Large Language Models for Automatic Item Generation: Development and Validation for TIMSS Grade 4. IEA R&D 2023 research grant. 2024 (Co-I) Approximate Areas of Interest for Enhanced Understanding of Student Motivation and Task Interaction in IEA Assessments. IEA R&D 2023 research grant. 2019-2024 (Co-I) Response styles: sources, consequences, remedies. National Science Centre (NCN) grant 2019/33/B/HS6/00937. Selected additional projects: 06.2023-09.2023 Verifying translation and adaptation of assessment tools for C-suite managers. Subject matter expert (SME) for cApStAn Linguistic Quality Control to advise on the Polish version of an assessment designed for C-Suite managers by YSC Consulting, part of the Accenture Group. Advice on psychological relevance of localised instruments and related reports. 02.2022-current Developing and improving self-report measurement tools for psychoeducational assessment in primary school. Ongoing R&D project with Diagmatic Limited, a leading online psycheducational diagnostic company located in Kraków, Poland. 03.2022-06.2022 Employing log-data indices to account for response biases in questionnaire data. International research stay at the DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Project realised in Prof. Frank Goldhammer’s research team. Visit in the frames of CONNECT scholarship, sponsored by German Research Foundation (DFG). 05.2021-08.2022 The impact of growing participation in PISA on scaling outcomes. Report commissioned by the OECD, Paris. With: Artur Pokropek, Tomasz Żółtak (IFiS PAN). 06.2018-10.2018 Assessment practices in K-12 education. Report prepared for the Ministry of Education of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. With: Michael Russell (Boston College), Maciej Jakubowski (Evidence Institute). 02.2017-07.2017 National Youth Program- assessment framework and survey results. National large-scale survey and report commissioned by Eradah, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. With: Małgorzata Szewc, Maciej Jakubowski (Evidence Institute). 10.2016-10.2017 Standard setting using state-of-the-art IRT-based methods. Work in the frames of Educational Research Institute (IBE). Leader of the team conducting an IRT-based standard setting procedure for maths high-stakes exams in Poland (high school entrance exam). With: Bartosz Kondratek, Paulina Skórska (IBE). 06.2016-10.2016 Technological developments relevant to the second cycle of PIAAC. Report commissioned by the OECD, Paris. With: Mark Cheeseman (b7e Consulting), Cees Glas (U of Twente), Mateusz Żółtak (Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities), Maciej Jakubowski, Bartosz Kondratek, Karolina Świst (Evidence Institute). |
Nagrody i wyróżnienia |
Bibliografia | [1] Pokropek, A., Żółtak, T., Muszyński, M. (in press). Identifying Careless Responding in Web-Based Surveys: Exploiting Sequence Data from Cursor Trajectories and Approximate Areas of Interest. Zeitschrift für Psychologie/Journal of Psychology, 233(2). [2] Grygiel, P., Dolata, R., Humenny, G., & Muszyński, M. (2024). Depressive symptoms and loneliness among early adolescents: a psychometric network analysis approach. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 65(2), 199-214. [3] Muszyński, M. (2023). Attention checks and how to use them: Review and practical recommendations. ASK: Research and Methods, 32(1), 3-38. [4] Pokropek, A., Żółtak, T., & Muszyński, M. (2023). Mouse Chase: Detecting Careless and Unmotivated Responders Using Cursor Movements in Web-Based Surveys. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 39(4), 299-306. [5] Muszyński, M., Pokropek, A., Castaño-Muñoz, J., & Vuorikari, R. (2022). Can Overclaiming Technique Improve Self-Assessment Tools for Digital Competence? The Case of DigCompSat. Social Science Computer Review, 49(6), 2318-2341. [6] Pokropek, A., Muszyński, M., & Żółtak, T. (2022). The impact of growing participation in PISA on scaling outcomes: A Monte Carlo simulation study. OECD Working Papers, 277. [7] Muszyński, M., Pokropek, A., & Żółtak, T. (2021). Structural validity of overclaiming scores: analysing PISA 2012 data. Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling, 63(1), 119-145. [8] Durlik, J., Szewczyk, J., Muszyński, M., & Wodniecka, Z. (2016). Interference and inhibition in bilingual language comprehension: Evidence from Polish- English interlingual homographs. PLOS ONE, 11(3), e0151430. [9] Muszyński, M., Kondratek, B., Gajewska-Dyszkiewicz, A., Paczuska, K. & Szpotowicz, M. (2016). Właściwości psychometryczne egzaminu maturalnego 2015- język angielski, poziom podstawowy. Analizy IBE 2/2016, 1-30. [in Polish: Psychometric properties of the final high-school exam 2015- English, basic level.] [10] Muszyński, M., Campfield, E. D. & Szpotowicz, M. (2015). Język angielski w szkole podstawowej – proces i efekty nauczania. Wyniki podłużnego badania efektywności nauczania języka angielskiego (2011-2014). Warszawa: IBE. [book in Polish: English in primary schools: process and the effects of teaching. Results of longitudinal study on the effective English teaching (2011-2014).] [11] Muszyński, M., & Jakubowski, M. (2015). Use of learning strategies and reading performance- PISA 2009 results for Poland. Edukacja/Education Quarterly, 3(134), 5-25. Full list of publications available at my Google Scholar account: |