Research Group on Sociology of Politics, Economy and Education

Dr hab. Michał Federowicz, prof. IFiS PAN Head
Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Rychard
Dr hab. Krzysztof Niedziałkowski, prof. IFiS PAN
Dr hab. Marta Olcoń-Kubicka, prof. IFiS PAN
Dr Jędrzej Niklas (stypendysta programu PASIFIC)
Dr Fabio Parasecoli, prof. New York University
Dr Marcin Serafin
Dr Michał Sitek
Dr Celina Strzelecka
Dr Karolina Sztandar- Sztanderska
mgr Sebastian Sosnowski

Members of the group explore various sociological approaches in their analyses of contemporary social change. Among them are: new economic sociology, temporal order of markets, human ecology, environmental sociology, environmental politics and policies, relational sociology, governance, cultural analyses of economic life, sociological approach to the change in education, relations between education and society, multiculturalism in education, including massive in few of Ukrainian children and youth to Polish schools. Scientific interests of the group evolved from sociological and historical institutionalism and sociology of social, economic and political change, transformation of social order, towards a search for new theoretical concepts, like event as a sociological category, relational goods, or expectations. Fields of interest include: the rise of digital platform economy, how international organizations shape expectations, reshaping of the Polish tax system after 1989, ethnographic research into money practices in households, social perception of inflation, socio-political and environmental determinants of environmental governance, emergence of hybrid institutional order, educational cross-national surveys.

Seminars with participation of both faculty and doctoral students:

  • Regular seminars or the research group with presentations and discussions of texts of members of the group or texts of invited guests – conducted in English or Polish depending on needs of the audience.
  • Cyclical seminar: Education and Society. Cross-disciplinary seminar devoted to various aspects of educational change (in Polish).

Current research projects:

  • Max Planck Partner Group: Sociology of Economic Life (with Max Planck Society) (M. Serafin)
  • Directions and dynamics of Europeanization – Wolf policies in Central and Eastern Europe in an institutional perspective (K. Niedziałkowski)
  • Forest Value: LEARNFORCLIMATE: Learning to realize multiple forest policy objectives under climate related stress and disturbance (K. Niedziałkowski)
  • Transforming the State-Citizenship Relationship: The Institutionalization of the Personal Income Tax in Poland after 1989 (A. Rychard)
  • Intergenerational transactions: Relational work and moral frames in transfers of wealth from parents to their adult children (M. Olcoń-Kubicka)
  • AUTO-WELF: Automatyzacja polityk społecznych – infrastruktury algorytmiczne na rzecz dobrobytu w Europie (K. Sztandar Sztanderska)
  • Democratic Values in Educational Practice. The extended presence of Ukrainian children and youth in Polish schools after February 24th, 2022 (M. Federowicz)
Adres: Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN,
00–330 Warszawa, ul. Nowy Świat 72, pokój 207, 209
tel. 657-28-53, 657–27–62
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