Karolina Sztandar-Sztanderska
Imię i nazwisko | Karolina Sztandar-Sztanderska |
Stopnie i tytuły naukowe | dr |
Stanowisko | adiunkt |
Pokój | 266 |
Filozofia/Socjologia | Socjologia |
Zespół badawczy | Zespół Badawczy Socjologii Polityki, Gospodarki i Edukacji |
Obszary zainteresowań naukowych | Karolina Sztandar-Sztanderska’s research interests include, among others, citizen-state encounters, inequalities in access to public services, transformation of welfare state, digitalisation and datafication of the public policies, values and interests underpinning introduction of algorithms, automated-decision-making systems and digital surveillance in the public sector, consequences of these processes for welfare organizations and their staff as well as for various vulnerable publics (e.g. persons from lower social classes or marginalized groups). |
Skrócony biogram | Karolina Sztandar-Sztanderska is a sociologist working as assistant professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of Polish Academy of Sciences (IFiS PAN). She had previously worked at the Faculty of Sociology of University of Warsaw, in Stockholm School of Economics, University of Oldenburg, Warsaw School of Economics and Polish Sociological Association.
Doświadczenie zawodowe |
Realizowane projekty badawcze | Selected:
Zagraniczne doświadczenia naukowe |
Stypendia naukowe |
Nagrody i wyróżnienia |
Działalność dydaktyczna | Vast teaching experience gained within Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD programmes at University of Warsaw on topics related to, among others, sociology of work and organisation, information technology in public policy, surveillance society and writing research projects. |
Promowane doktoraty | Jako promotorka pomocnicza: Justyna Kościńska (Orchowska) „Obywatele, rywale, konsumenci. Mieszkańcy stolicy wobec ograniczonej dostępności usług publicznych”, |
Wystąpienia na konferencjach, sympozjach, lub seminariach | During last years, Karolina Sztandar-Sztanderskahas participated in the following international conferences:
Dorobek popularyzatorski | Due to the great social and political importance of the use of new technologies in public policy, Karolina Sztandar-Sztanderska tried to disseminate the results of her research through teaching at the university. For instance, by including the courses on these topics in the curriculum of the MA in Digital Sociology and Sociology of Social Interventions at the Faculty of Sociology of the University of Warsaw). She also accepted invitations to seminars at other universities (e.g. University of Łódź). Together with Marianna Zieleńska she discussed the risks and pitfalls associated with the use of profiling algorithms in a Tok FM radio programme dedicated to this topic, hosted by T. Stawiszyński. |
Zainteresowania pozanaukowe | Karolina Sztandar-Sztanderska loves practicing yoga and started teaching it |
Short Profile | Karolina Sztandar-Sztanderska is a sociologist working as assistant professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of Polish Academy of Sciences (IFiS PAN). She had previously worked at the Faculty of Sociology of University of Warsaw, in Stockholm School of Economics, University of Oldenburg, Warsaw School of Economics and Polish Sociological Association. Her research is situated at the intersection of sociology and anthropology of public policy, sociology of organisation, sociology of quantification and datafication and science and technology studies. She holds a PhD degree in sociology from Sciences Po de Paris and University of Warsaw and a master degree in sociology (University of Warsaw) and in philosophy (University Nancy 2). She has gained vast international research experience within several EU-funded projects (e.g. LOCALISE, WORKABLE, YOUNEX, CAPRIGHT) and within projects based in France (e.g. “Quantifying Europe”). Currently, she leads a research team based at IFiS PAN within the European project investigating automation and algorithmic infrastructures in welfare and municipal institutions (AUTO-WELF). Recently, she has completed an interdisciplinary research project concerning a profiling algorithm, introduced and within the unemployment policy. |
Work Experience |
Research projects | Selected:
Scientific experience abroad |
Scientific internships |
Awards and distinctions |
Teaching activity | Vast teaching experience gained within Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD programmes at University of Warsaw on topics related to, among others, sociology of work and organisation, information technology in public policy, surveillance society and writing research projects. |
Supervision of PhD dissertations | Defended: Justyna Kościńska (Orchowska) „Obywatele, rywale, konsumenci. Mieszkańcy stolicy wobec ograniczonej dostępności usług publicznych”, main supervisor: dr hab. M. Gdula Ongoing: Alicja Palęcka (University of Warsaw), main supervisor: dr hab. J. Wawrzyniak Monika Berdys (University of Warsaw), main supervisor: dr hab. R. Włoch
Presentations at conferences, symposia, seminars | During last years, Karolina Sztandar-Sztanderskahas participated in the following international conferences:
Promotion of scientific activity | Due to the great social and political importance of the use of new technologies in public policy, Karolina Sztandar-Sztanderska tried to disseminate the results of her research through teaching at the university. For instance, by including the courses on these topics in the curriculum of the MA in Digital Sociology and Sociology of Social Interventions at the Faculty of Sociology of the University of Warsaw). She also accepted invitations to seminars at other universities (e.g. University of Łódź) and associations (e.g. Mouton Numérique in Paris). Together with Marianna Zieleńska she discussed the risks and pitfalls associated with the use of profiling algorithms in a Tok FM radio programme dedicated to this topic, hosted by T. Stawiszyński. |
Non-scientific interests | Karolina Sztandar-Sztanderska loves practicing yoga and started teaching it a few years ago. |
Bibliografia | BOOKS