Research Team for Sociology of Migration
dr hab. Katarzyna Andrejuk, prof. IFiS PAN – Head
dr Imran Sarihasan (stypendystka programu PASIFIC)
The Research Team for Sociology of Migration focuses on studies of international migration, including: migration to Poland, emigration from Poland abroad, mobility within the European Union, migration policy in Poland and the EU, and attitudes towards migrants, foreigners, minorities. The research of the team members concerns labor migration, educational migration, family migration and refugee migration, as well as the mechanisms of adaptation of migrants, in particular, their activity in the labor markets of host countries.
The Research Team carries out research projects on historical as well as contemporary aspects of migration. Research projects:
2021-2023, international project “Post- World War 2 Migration Flows in V4 Countries in the Propaganda Studies context” – together with the Institute of Social Sciences (Kosice) and the Silesian Museum (Opava) (Katarzyna Andrejuk)
Since 2021 (ongoing), international grant “The Politics of European and American Single-Market Governance (SINGLEMARKETS)” – together with the University of Oslo and Sciences Po Bordeaux University (Katarzytna Andrejuk
Since 2022 (ongoing): Pasific-funded project “Persisting Immigrant Entrepreneurship in European Union Member States during the Economic Downturn due to Covid-19 Pandemic” (Imran Sarihasan).
The Team organizes Migration Serminars at IFiS PAN, as well as conferences devoted to migration issues.
Selected recent publications – Katarzyna Andrejuk:
K. Andrejuk, Przedsiębiorcy ukraińscy w Polsce. Struktura i sprawstwo w procesie osiedlenia, Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN, Warszawa 2017
K. Andrejuk, Europeizacja w diasporze. Studenci polscy na uczelniach w Londynie po 2004 roku, wyd. IFiS PAN, Warszawa 2013
Zmiana społeczna, pandemia, kryzys. Konteksty empiryczne i teoretyczne (red. Katarzyna Andrejuk, Izabela Grabowska, Marta Olcoń-Kubicka, Iwona Taranowicz), wyd. IFiS PAN, Warszawa 2021
Tomescu-Dubrow, J.K. Dubrow, A. Kiersztyn, K. Andrejuk, M. Kolczynska, M., K.M. Slomczynski, The Subjective Experience of Joblessness in Poland, Springer, 2019
- K. Andrejuk, Rapid Evolution of Refugee Policy in Poland: Russian Invasion of Ukraine as a Focusing Event, Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 2023
- K. Andrejuk, Noneconomic Dimensions of Migrants’ Adaptation to the Labor Market: Migrant Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurial Cultures during the COVID-19 Pandemic, “Polish Sociological Review”, vol. 4(220)/2022
- K. Andrejuk, Pandemic transformations in migrant spaces: Migrant entrepreneurship between super‐digitalization and the new precarity, “Population, Space and Place”, volume 28, Issue 6, August 2022.
- K. Andrejuk, Prawica, lewica i postawy wobec imigrantów. Poglądy Polaków na imigrację i ich dynamika na tle trendów europejskich, „Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny”, 2020 (XLVI), Nr 4 (178), s. 239–264
- K. Andrejuk, Marie Godin, Dominique Jolivet, Sónia Pereira, Christof Van Mol, Welfare Considerations in Migration Decision-Making through a Life-Course Approach: A Qualitative Study of Spanish EU-Movers, “Central and Eastern European Migration Review”, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2021, pp. 93-110
- K. Andrejuk, A. Winiarska, Socjologia migracji przed pandemią i w czasach pandemii – „nowa generacja” teorii migracji i adaptacji w kontekście współczesnych wyzwań badawczych, „Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny”, 2020 (XLVI), Nr 4 (178), s. 7–16
- K. Andrejuk, Czy patriotyzm jest prawicowy? Przywiązanie emocjonalne do własnego kraju a deklaracje prawicowości, religijności i poparcia dla Unii Europejskiej, w: Polska-Europa. Wyniki Europejskiego Sondażu Społecznego 2002-2018/19 (red. Paweł Sztabiński, Dariusz Przybysz, Franciszek Sztabiński), Wyd. IFiS PAN, Warszawa 2020
- K. Andrejuk, Imigranci wietnamscy w Polsce – dynamika przemian społeczności według urzędowych danych statystycznych, “Studia BAS”, vol. 4(60)2019.
- K. Andrejuk, Strategizing Integration in the Labor Market. Turkish Immigrants in Poland and the New Dimensions of South-to-North Migration, “Polish Sociological Review” vol. 2(206)2019
- K. Andrejuk, Self-employed migrants from EU Member States in Poland: differentiated professional trajectories and explanations of entrepreneurial success , “Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies”, 2017, vol. 43(4), pages 560-577, DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2016.1249050
- K. Andrejuk, Vietnamese in Poland: How does ethnicity affect immigrant entrepreneurship?, “Asian and Pacific Migration Journal”, December 2016, vol. 25(4), pages 379-400, DOI: 10.1177/0117196816673843
Selected recent publications – Imran Sarihasan:
- Sarihasan, I., Novotny, A, Meyer, N., Mate, D: Female Immigrant Entrepreneurship: A contextual Approach. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business. 1-19, 2023 (Accepted by Publisher). Q3, Scopos and Web of Science DOI:
- Sarihasan, I., Dajnoki, K., Al-Dalahmeh, M.: Immigrant entrepreneurship and gender dimensions: A systematic review: Intangible Capital.19(2),110-130,2023. Q3, Scopus and Web of Science. DOI:
Al-Dalahmeh. M, Sarihasan, I., Dajnoki.: The Influence of Gender and Educational Attainment Differences on International Migrant`s Occupational Status in OECD Countries. Economies 9 (3), 1-13, 2021. Q2, Scopus
DOI: - Sarihasan, I., Máté, D.: Modern slavery policies in a conceptual perspective.
Int. J. Eng. Manag. Sci. 3 (4), 30-35, 2018. DOI: - Máté, D., Sarihasan, I., Popp, J., Oláh, J.: The role of regional differences in immigration: the case of OECD countries. Econ. Socoil. 11 (3), 190-206, 2018. Q2, Scopus DOI: 10.14254/2071- 789X.2018/11-3/12
- Sarihasan, I.: The gender differences of immigration in OECD countries.
Anal. Univ. Oradea. Ştiinţ. econ. 26 (1), 697-706, 2017.
Máté, D., Sarihasan, I., Dajnoki, K.: The Relations between Labour Market Institutions and Employment of Migrants. Amfiteatru Econ. 19 (46), 806-820, 2017. Q2, Scopus, Impact Factor: 1,036 link: - Sarihasan, I.: Immigration Growth Tendencies in OECD Countries. SEA – Pract. Appl. Sci. 4 (12), 547-553, 2016. Link:
Sociology of Migration Discussion Paper Series
Discussion Paper Series publishes new studies concerning various issues of migrant adaptation, migrants on the labour market, attitudes to migration, migration policies, migration history, methodologies of migration research.
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