The Research Group on Comparative Analysis of Social Inequality
Członkowie Zespołu mający zatrudnienie statutowe:
Prof. dr hab. Kazimierz M. Słomczyński – Kierownik
Dr hab. Krystyna Janicka, prof. Instytutu. – Zastępca Kierownika
Dr hab. Joshua Kjerulf Dubrow – Profesor Instytutu
Dr hab. Irina Tomescu-Dubrow – Profesor Instytutu
Dr Ilona Wysmułek
Mgr Anna Gromada – Asystentka badawczo-techniczna, Doktorantka SNS IFiS PAN
Mgr Danuta Życzyńska-Ciołek – Specjalistka ds. badań i archiwizacji, Doktorantka SNS IFiS PAN
Mgr Olena Oleksiyenko – Specjalista ds. badań i analiz sondażowych, Doktorantka SNS IFiS PAN
Przemek Powałko – Specjalista ds. zarządzania danymi sondażowymi i jakości danych
Dorota Laskowska – Pracownik techniczny
Pozostali Członkowie Zespołu:
Dr hab. Zbigniew Sawiński – Profesor Instytutu
Dr hab Anna Kiersztyn – IS UW
Dr Marcin W.Zieliński – Adiunkt w IFiS PAN, Kierownik Archiwum Danych Społecznych
Dr Katarzyna Kopycka – Pracownik naukowy w Instytucie Socjologii MLU Halle-Wittenberg
Dr Kinga Wysieńska-Di Carlo – Pracownik naukowy w Shanker Institute, USA
Mgr Anna Baczko-Dombi – Instytut Socjologii UW
Mgr Marta Kołczyńska – Doktorantka OSU i SNS IFiS PAN
Mgr Anna Turner – Doktorantka SNS IFiS PAN
Mgr Nika Palaguta – Doktorant SNS IFiS PAN
Mgr Weronika Boruc – Doktorantka SNS IFiS PAN
Mgr Anastas Vangeli – Doktorant SNS IFiS PAN
The Research Group on Comparative Analysis of Social Inequality was established in 1992 to conduct research on the place of individuals in the social structure, and their psychological functioning in times of political transformation. Kazimierz M. Slomczynski, Wojciech Zaborowski, Krystyna Janicka, and Bogdan W. Mach were amongst the founding members.
The main goal of the research group is to work on a comprehensive description of social inequalities and a comparative analysis of the social structure over time (panel studies) and across countries (cross-national studies). Social inequalities are considered in a broad context, taking into account macroeconomic conditions and changes in political systems.
The research group closely collaborates with foreign institutions, in particular with Ohio State University, with which the Polish Academy of Science conducts the long-lasting Cross-National Studies: Interdisciplinary Research and Training Program (CONSIRT; more information at Currently the two most important projects carried out by our team are: Polish Panel Survey POLPAN, and international survey data harmonization project HARMONIA.
Polish Panel Survey POLPAN is a unique program of panel surveys carried out since 1988 in 5-year intervals, recording biographies of individuals from a representative sample (with additional new cohorts). The study includes non-verbal Raven test (measuring intellectual flexibility – the main IQ component) and Nottingham Health Profile questionnaire (measuring the state of physical and mental health). POLPAN study was recently supported by a Polish National Science Centre Maestro grant “Polish Panel Survey POLPAN 1988-2013: Structure and Social Mobility” (2011/02/A/HS6/00238). The research contributes to the knowledge on how to conduct long-term panel studies effectively, and how to improve the quality of this type of data. POLPAN study is also invaluable for social sciences, as it allows researchers to test hypotheses concerning the influence of intellectual and social resources on individual biographies, and to determine how these biographies shape the social structure. More information about the project at
The HARMONIA project is a joint venture of the research group with the Mershon Center for International Security at Ohio State University. The project is based on the grant “Democratic Values and Protest Behavior: Data Harmonization, Measurement Comparability, and Multi-Level Modeling” (2012/06/M/HS6/00322), awarded by the Polish National Science Centre. The researchers working within HARMONIA project created a dataset combining data from 22 international surveys, analysed the comparability of measurements of the data and harmonized key variables. More information about the project at
Team members are also involved in a number of research projects within the following areas of interests: political inequality in cross-national perspective (J. Dubrow); the effects of status differentiation on trust and cooperation levels in social dilemmas; the motherhood penalty and the legitimation of gender inequalities on the labor market; causes and consequences of occupational segregation based on race and gender; labor market discrimination processes (K. Wysienska-Di Carlo); sick leave reform in France, lowest-low fertility rates in Europe (A. Gromada); political attitudes and behaviour in comparative perspective, and survey methodology (M. Kolczynska); public sector corruption in Europe, cross-national analysis using data harmonization and multilevel modelling (I. Wysmulek); political participation of linguistic minorities in post-Soviet states (O. Oleksiyenko); life course perspective, biographical approach, sociology of ageing (D. Zyczynska-Ciolek); privacy and data protection in the context of online surveillance, methodology of research with use of Google data (A. Turner); populism, political parties, electoral behaviour (N. Palaguta); entrepreneurship in Poland and game theory application in experimental sociology (W. Boruc).
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