Research Ethics Committee
Composition of the Research Ethics Committee at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences:
- dr hab. Katarzyna Andrejuk, prof. IFiS PAN – chair of the commission
- mgr Grażyna Drążyk
- prof. dr hab. Urszula Jarecka
- dr hab. Piotr Lichacz, prof. IFiS PAN
- dr Dariusz Przybysz
- dr hab. Małgorzata Rajtar, prof. IFiS PAN
§ 3 of Order No. 34/2022 of 28 December 2022 regarding amendments to Order 23/2020 of 1 October 2020.
In § 3 para. 2 of Order 23/2020 of 1 October 2020, the deadline for the Commission’s opinion is amended: “shall issue opinions no later than five weeks after receipt of the application”, to issue opinions no later than four weeks after receipt of the application. § 3 para. 2 shall be replaced by the following:
“2. The Commission shall accept applications on a continuous basis and shall give its opinion within four weeks of receipt of the application at the latest. This deadline may be extended in the event that the applicant needs to supplement the information or consult external experts.
The remaining provisions of Order No. 23/2020 of 1 October 2020 remain unchanged.”
Application for an opinion on the conduct of research in the social sciences and humanities – required documents
Annex 1 to the application – Information on the processing of personal data File to download
Please familiarise yourself with:
NCN Council Recommendations on research involving human subjects:
Code of ethics for a researcher:
- classic-editor-remember:
- classic-editor