Team for Research on Social Structure

Profesor of Sociology Henryk Domański – Head
Dr Dariusz Przybysz
Dr Zbigniew Karpiński (unpaid leave)
Dr Katarzyna M. Wyrzykowska
Dr Kinga Zawadzka

The main goal of the Team is to investigate various areas of social structure defined in a broad context. Specifically, we are doing empirical research on: (i) social hierarchies and social mobility over time, (ii) the class stratification in cross-national perspective, (iii) formation of the Polish counterpart of the “middle class”, (iv) how participation in culture, and lifestyle, affects class distances,  and (v) methodology in research on social stratification. These analyses are conducted on data coming from research based on national samples, and on qualitative research.

Concerning social stratification our research focus on changes in social barriers related to the family background, principles of meritocracy, and labour market. Analyses on the middle class focus on adaptation of attitudes, patterns of socio-occupational careers, and strategies related to material conditions typical for the so-called middle class in Western countries. In case of stratification of culture we investigated relationships between class position and patterns of eating, musical preferences and activities, alongside participation in other dimensions of lifestyle and cultural tastes. Especially, studies on the symbolic class distances are pursued (i.e. how people asses each other in terms of class divisions with connotation to moral values): whether they exits and how they are expressed. As regards methodological studies these aim at practical questions concerning treatment of nonresponse, testing validity of measures applied in statistical analyses, and implementation of new instruments of collecting data. All of them were supported by a Polish National Science Centre under the Maestro and OPUS grants.

The list of most recent publications of the Group includes:

  • Co-autorship in the Irina Tomescu-Dubrow et al.. 2018. Dynamics of Class and Stratification in Poland. Budapest – New York: CEU Press.
  • Domański, D. Przybysz, K.M., Wyrzykowska, and K. Zawadzka. 2021, Dystynkcje muzyczne. Stratyfikacja muzyczna i gusty muzyczne Polaków. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe SCHOLAR.
  • Kinga Zawadzka. 2023. Roczniki siedemdziesiąte. Styl życia i wartości inteligencji średniego pokolenia. Warszawa. Wydawnictwo Naukowe SCHOLAR.




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