Polish Center for Holocaust Research

Team members, employees of IFiS PAN:
Prof.dr hab. Barbara Engelking – Head
Dr hab. Dariusz Libionka, prof. IFiS PAN
Dr Agnieszka Haska
Mgr Jakub Petelewicz

Research team members:
Marta Janczewska, MA, Jewish Historical Institute

prof. dr hab. Jacek Leociak, Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences
dr Karolina Panz, historian, Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Alina Skibińska, MA, historian, representative in Poland of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC
Dagmara Swałtek-Niewińska, MA, PhD candidate in School of Social Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Aleksandra Bańkowska, Ph.D., historian, Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences
prof. Andrzej Żbikowski, PhD, Jewish Historical Institute

Professor emeritus:
Dr. hab.Małgorzata Melchior, Institute of Applied Social Sciences, University of Warsaw

Polish Center for Holocaust Research was established on July 2, 2003. It brings together researchers drawn from various humanities disciplines: historians, literary scholars, sociologists, psychologists. It conducts interdisciplinary research, combining different methodologies, breaking the previous patterns of describing the Holocaust, revealing different cognitive perspectives and points of view, showing the heterogeneity and ambiguity of the historical matter, looking for new unknown and unconventional sources. Since 2005, the Center publishes academic journal devoted to the subject of the Holocaust in Poland, “Zagłada Żydów. Studia I Materiały | Holoaust Studies and Materials”. Also published are English-language volumes entitled “Holocaust Studies and Materials. “Holocaust Studies and Materials” containing a selection of the most interesting articles published in the Polish-language edition. More information about the yearbook,and Open Access articles can be found directly on its website http://www.zagladazydow.pl

Since 2008, thanks to the efforts of the team, the publishing series “Library of Holocaust Testimonies” has been published, bringing closer the unknown and hard-to-find records of the Holocaust experience. By 2023, 21 volumes have already been published.

Selected publications:

  • DALEJ JEST NOC. Losy Żydów w wybranych powiatach okupowanej Polski, red. Barbara Engelking, red. Jan Grabowski, Warszawa 2018 (2 tomy, 9 autorów, 1600 stron)
  • Klucze i kasa. O mieniu żydowskim w Polsce pod okupacją niemiecką i we wczesnych latach powojennych, 1939-1950, red. Jan Grabowski, Dariusz Libionka, Warszawa 2014, Stowarzyszenie Centrum Badań nad Zagładą Żydów, 632 p.
  • ZARYS KRAJOBRAZU. Wieś polska wobec zagłady Żydów 1942-1945, red. Barbara Engelking, Jan Grabowski, Warszawa 2011, Stowarzyszenie Centrum Badań nad Zagładą Żydów, 538 p.
  • Barbara Engelking, JEST TAKI PIĘKNY SŁONECZNY DZIEŃ … Losy Żydów szukających ratunku na wsi polskiej 1942-1945, Warszawa 2011, Stowarzyszenie Centrum Badań nad Zagładą Żydów, 289 p.
  • Barbara Engelking, Such a beautiful sunny day. Jews seeking refuge in the Polish coutryside, 1942-1945, Jerusalem 2017, Yad Vashem, 368 p.
  • Barbara Engelking, «On ne veut rien vous prendre…Seulement la vie»: DesJuifs cachés dans les campagnes polonaises 1942-1945, Paris 2015, Calman-Levy, 336 p.
  • Jan Grabowski, JUDENJAGD. Polowanie na Żydów 1942-1945. Studium dziejów pewnego powiatu, Warszawa 2011, Stowarzyszenie Centrum Badań nad Zagładą Żydów, 380 p.
  • Jan Grabowski, Hunt for the Jews. Betrayal and Murder in German-Occupied Poland, Indiana University Press 2013, 320 p.
  • Jan Grabowski, ציד היהודים; בגידה ורצח בפולין בימי הכיבוש הגרמני [Cid ha-yechudim. bgida we-recach b-Polin b-yamei ha-kibush ha-germani], Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, December 2016
  • Prowincja Noc. Życie i zagłada Żydów w dystrykcie warszawskim red. B. Engelking, J. Leociak, D. Libionka, Warszawa 2007
  • Series Holocaust Testimonies Library

For up-to-date information on the Team’s research, publications and other work, visit: www.holocaustresearch.pl

Address: Centrum Badań nad Zagładą Żydów, Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN
00-330 Warszawa, ul. Nowy Świat 72, pok. 160
E-mail: centrum@holocaustresearch.pl

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