Section for Logic and Cognitive Science
Section for Logic and Cognitive Science
Dr hab. Marcin Miłkowski – Head
Prof. dr hab. Jacek Malinowski
Prof. dr hab. Szymon Wróbel
Dr hab. Joanna Klimczyk
Dr Przemysław Nowakowski
Dr Krystian Bogucki
Dr Sylwia Wilczewska
Dr Maciej Zając
Wiktor Rorot
The Section for Logic and Cognitive Science is one of the oldest units in the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology. It was founded and chaired by Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz in 1956–1961 (as The Section of Logic). In the 1970s and 1980s, the section, chaired by Ryszard Wójcicki, focused on the model-theoretic investigation of the logical consequence operation. In 1992, the section expanded its focus and was renamed the Section of Logic, Language and Action. In 2002, there was another change in the section’s focus and as a consequence, its name acquired the present form: Section for Logic and Cognitive Science.
Research on cognitive science performed by the members of the section focuses on the analyses of the structure of theory in cognitive sciences, their methodology and practice. In particular, the focus is on problems in the mathematical modeling of cognitive systems. An important part of this research theme is the open seminar “Philosophy of Cognitive Science”.
An important part of the section is Studia Logica – an international logical journal, one of the oldest in the Polish Academy of Sciences, founded in 1953 by Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz. Thanks to the efforts of its later Editor-in-Chief, Ryszard Wójcicki Studia Logica achieved an unquestioned position among the most eminent logical journals. The journal is indexed and covered by Journal Citation Reports, Web of Science Database. Studia Logica is published by Springer, and is accompanied by a three-book series: Studia Logica Library: Trends in Logic, Outstanding Contributions, and Logic in Asia. Studia Logica publishes papers presenting original results on logical systems which apply methods of contemporary formal logic to problems in philosophy and social science. Since 2006, the journal has been run by Jacek Malinowski. There is more on “Studia Logica” on the journal webpage and on the Springer webpage.
At present, the research at the Section of Logic and Cognitive Science focuses on logic, argumentation theory, and cognitive science. In particular:
Jacek Malinowski – logic and logical pragmatics. Studia Logica Editor-in-Chief .
Szymon Wróbel – research in broadly understood cognitive science of human social behavior. For many years, he has worked in the Faculty of Artes Liberales at the University of Warsaw, teaching classes in the main problems of contemporary philosophy.
Marcin Miłkowski – philosophy of cognitive science, explanations in cognitive science and neuroscience.
Joanna Klimczyk – practical philosophy, normativity
Przemysław Nowakowski – embodied cognition, interdisciplinarity
Krystian Bogucki – conducts a research project “How to Understand Nonsense? The Role of Imagination in Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus“. The project’s main goal is to propose a novel theory that would explain how do we ‘understand’ the nonsensical Tractarian sentences and how their ‘understanding’ differs from the understanding of meaningful sentences of other philosophical and scientific works.
Sylwia Wilczewska – conducts a research project whose aim is to analyze the practical dimension of agnosticism about God, both in the older, narrower sense of suspending judgement on God’s existence and in the newer senses, which have recently been introduced by the proponents of different varieties of ‘new agnosticism’. The topics under consideration include the way in which different concepts of God give rise to different kinds or aspects of practical agnosticism, the significance of practical agnosticism for the recent debate on the nature of faith in religious epistemology, and the relation between practical agnosticism, religious fictionalism and negative theology.
Maciej Zając – conducts a research project entitled “Selected Ethical Problems in Regulating Autonomous Weapon Systems”, whose goa is presenting solutions to three philosophical problems crucial to the possibility of effectively regulating autonomous weapon systems, that is, military robots capable of selecting their own targets at the battlefield. The first problem regards the algorithmization of the Principle of Proportionality; the second the difficulties of surrendering to an autonomous, artificially intelligent agent; the third, the possibility of verifying autonomous weapon systems’ compliance with the International Law of Armed Conflict. Finding the solutions to these problems seems essential for effective regulations of autonomous weapons’, achieving which is crucial for both humanitarian and strategic reasons.
Wiktor Rorot – conducts a research project entitled “Investigation of the use of the concept “communication” in biology and cognitive sciences” which aims to analyze how researchers in biology and cognitive science use the term “communication” and related to notions, how are they understood, and what role they play in the scientific practice of those disciplines. The project employs the tools of digital philosophy of science, to ground the philosophical study on empirical material, gathered from a corpus of scientific publications from the relevant fields. The project is funded by the Polish National Science Centre (grant agreement 2022/45/N/HS1/02434) and supervised by prof. Marcin Miłkowski. Wiktor Rorot’s interests also include philosophy of cognitive science, philosophy of biology, and philosophy of mind.
Graduate School of Social Research PhD students:
- Mgr Jędrzej Brzeziński (supervisor: prof. Szymon Wróbel),
- Mgr Andrzej Frelek (supervisor: prof. Szymon Wróbel),
- Mgr Gabriela Klimont (supervisor: prof. Szymon Wróbel),
- Mgr Wiktor Lachowski (supervisor: prof. Marcin Miłkowski),
- Mgr Wojciech Mamak (supervisor: prof. Marcin Miłkowski),
- Mgr Szymoń Miłkoś (supervisor: prof. Marcin Miłkowski),
- Mgr Daniel Piecka (supervisor: prof. Marcin Miłkowski, funded from PRELUDIUM BIS-2 NCN program),
- Mgr Marcin Rabiza (cotutelle agreement with the University of Leiden; supervisors: prof. Marcin Miłkowski, prof. James McAlistair, and Daniel Kostić),
- Mgr Piotr Wesołowski (supervisor: prof. Szymon Wróbel),
- Mgr Natalia Zakrzewska (supervisor: prof. Marcin Miłkowski),
Former Section members: Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz, Katarzyna Budzyńska, Małgorzata Czarnocka, Janusz Czelakowski, Wiesław Dziobiak, Wojciech Gasparski, Paweł Gładziejewski, Andrzej Grzegorczyk, Jacek Hawranek, Mateusz Hohol, Elżbieta Kałuszyńska, Anna Lewicka-Strzałecka, Danuta Miller, Marcin Mostowski Adam Nowaczyk, Robert Piłat, Tadeusz Skalski, Błażej Skrzypulec, Jerzy Słupecki, Roman Suszko, Michał Tempczyk, Marek Tokarz, Ryszard Wójcicki, Jan Zygmunt
Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences,
00-330 Warszawa, Nowy Świat 72, room 231,
phone: 22 657 28 28, fax.: 22 826 78 23
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