Wykład prof. Anthony’ego Elliotta

Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN oraz Sekcja Socjologii Cyfrowej PTS

zapraszają na wykład prof. Anthony’ego Elliotta z University of South Australia, zatytułowany:

Living with AI in Dark Times:
Rethinking Algorithmic Prediction, Agency and Autonomy

Wykład odbędzie się 21 czerwca 2023 roku o godzinie 11:00 w Pałacu Staszica (Warszawa, Nowy Świat 72), sala 268. Będzie można go także odebrać zdalnie, za pośrednictwem aplikacji Zoom. Link: https://zoom.us/j/93887562442?pwd=T2pvbTRvaUo5MVl4UDVLUWd4TFRlUT09

Identyfikator spotkania: 938 8756 2442
Kod dostępu: 273742

From industrial robots to ChatGPT, and from driverless cars to military drones – AI is transforming all aspects of our lives, from the most intimate aspects of personal relationships to the changing nature of work, employment and unemployment.  In this lecture, Anthony Elliott focuses on the complex systems of AI – spanning intelligent machines, chatbots, advanced robotics, accelerating automation, big data  – and their centrality to new forms of social interaction, organizational life and governance.  He argues, provocatively, that today modernity has come to mean smartphones, tablets, cloud computing, big data, automated recommendation systems and predictive analytics.  This has heralded the arrival of what he terms ‘algorithmic modernity’, an altogether new ‘stage’ in the ordering techniques of imagined human mastery.  In this automated order of algorithmic modernity, human agency is increasingly outsourced to smart machines.  We should understand this phenomenon, Elliott argues, in terms of a containment of both uncertainty and complexity which the digital revolution in social relations poses, but which ultimately denies answers. 

ANTHONY ELLIOTT is Bradley Distinguished Professor of Sociology at the University ofSouth Australia, where he is  Executive Director of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence and Dean of External Engagement.  He is Super-Global Professor of Sociology (Visiting) at Keio University, Japan and Visiting Professor of Sociology at UCD, Ireland.  He is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in the UK; Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia; Fellow of the Cambridge Commonwealth Trust; and; Senior Member of King’s College, Cambridge.  He currently serves as a member of the Australian Research Council’s College of Experts.

Professor Elliott’s work has been highly influential in social theory and modern sociology, having published over 50 books with titles translated in 17 languages. ‘The New Republic’ has described his research breakthroughs as “thought-provoking and disturbing”.  His recent books include The Culture of AI (2019), Making Sense of AI (2021), Algorithmic Intimacy (2022) and Algorithms of Anxiety (forthcoming).  He is the editor of The Routledge Social Science Handbook of AI (2021).  

In 2018, he was appointed to the Expert Working Group of the Academy of the Council of Learned Academies in Australia to investigate: “Deployment of artificial intelligence and what it presents for Australia”. The project was commissioned by the Chief Scientist of Australia at the request of the Prime Minister’s Commonwealth Science Council, and with support from the Australian Research Council (ARC), the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, and the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science. 


Profesor Anthony Elliott z University of South Australia jest współcześnie jednym z najwybitniejszych teoretyków społecznych. Opublikował wielu książek przetłumaczonych ma 17 języków (po polsku zostały wydane Koncepcje ‘ja’ oraz Współczesna teoria społeczna: Wprowadzenie), poświęcone teorii psychoanalitycznej, teorii krytycznej, przemianom tożsamościowym, kulturze indywidualizmu i mobilności. W ostatnich latach koncentruje się natomiast przede wszystkim na społecznych i kulturowych konsekwencjach rozwoju algorytmów i sztucznej inteligencji. W tym obszarze tematycznym opublikował między innymi: The Culture of AI (2019); Making Sense of AI (2022) i Algorithmic Intimacy (2023), a także zredagował The Routledge Social Science Handbook of AI (2021). Strona internetowa Prof. Anthony’ego Elliotta: http://www.anthonyelliott.org/

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