We support Rare Disease Day, 28 February 2023
In 2008 the European Organization for Rare Diseases (EURORDIS) established Rare Disease Day to raise awareness about rare diseases and to generate change for people living with rare diseases, their families, and caregivers globally. Rare Disease Day is celebrated globally on the last day of February – the rarest day of the year.
The Rare Disease Social Research Center (RDSRC) at the Institute has conducted research in the field of rare and chronic diseases since 2019. For more information about the RDSRC see: http://rdsrc.ifispan.pl/en/ We are open to collaboration!
In May 2023, the RDSRC will co-organize an international workshop on “Rare Diseases, Global Health, and Social Sciences: Counterbalancing Biomedical Reductionism” at the Brocher Foundation in Switzerland (9-11 May, 2023). The workshop is co-organized by Malgorzata Rajtar (RDSRC, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology PAS) and Eva-Maria Knoll (Institute for Social Anthropology, Austrian Academy of Sciences); it is supported by the Brocher Foundation.
Rare Disease Day Official Video 2023 is available at: https://www.rarediseaseday.org/what-is-rare-disease-day/
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