The Measure of Mind in Nature
We cordially invite you to this year’s (2020/21 season) meetings of the Philosophy of Cognitive Science Seminar of IPS of Polish Academy of Sciences. This year, our meetings will mostly focus on the role of theory and theoretical problems in Mind and Brain Sciences.
Next meeting will take place on November 13th at 12.00 am (Warsaw time, i.e. 11.00 am London time). Our guest will be Alistair Isaac (The University of Edinburgh) and we will discuss second chapter of his book in progress: “The Measure of Mind in Nature”.
The introductory chapters of the book and recent article by Alistair Isaac “Epistemic Loops and Measurement Realism” are also available. Please feel free to contact to me, if you are interested and want to read them as well.
The meeting will be held on-line using Google Meet. Write to:;
Next seminar meetings this year:
04 December 2020 – Matteo Colombo – Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics and the Free Energy Principle in Biology
TBA December 2020 – Iris van Rooij – TBA