The labyrinths of understanding and belonging: conducting war-time research in Ukraine, Norway and Romania

Warsaw, 13.06.2024, 18:00, CEST, zoom
The labyrinths of understanding and belonging: conducting war-time research in Ukraine, Norway and Romania
„Testimonies from the War” Research Semianr Series
This time we invite you to a conversation with Anna Chebotarova, who has conducted research on the Ukrainians displaced internally, to Romania and Norway. With this talk, we start our series of talks with scholars who do research corresponding to our work within the “Testimonies from the War” project.
Researching displacement and belonging during the war involves considerable challenges and ethical dilemmas. Navigating between the emic-etic poles of research positionality is heavily influenced by personal experiences and direct exposure to war. Lived familiarity with current events varies significantly across gender, language, place of residence and other backgrounds of both researcher and interviewee. In my talk, I will reflect upon the construction of belonging and in/outgroup bordering in research relationships through the narration of individual and collective experiences of war. I will present the preliminary results of my research project that involved interviewing Ukrainians displaced by war – both within Ukraine and abroad (Norway and Romania).
Anna Chebotarova is a sociologist and a doctoral research fellow at the Department of Literature, Area Studies and European Languages (ILOS) at the University of Oslo, Norway. She is engaged in the international project “National values and political reforms in post-Maidan Ukraine” (VALREF). Before joining ILOS, she worked as a coordinator of the “Ukrainian Regionalism: a Research Platform” project at the University of St. Gallen (Switzerland). She was affiliated with the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Center for Urban History in East-Central Europe (Lviv, Ukraine). Anna has graduated from the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology at Central European University and Ivan Franko Lviv National University.
Chair: Anna Wylegała, leader if the “Testimonies from the War” project in Poland.
The seminar will be conducted in English.
Please register at: You will receive the link to the zoom meeting upon registration.
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