The Diverse Uses of Social Network Analysis in International Affairs and Economy: Methods, Concepts, and Applications-6th June

Guest lecture.Tuesday 6th June 17:30 in room 232

David Dornisch, a senior social scientist working in the Applied Research and Methods division at the U.S. Government Accountability Office

The Diverse Uses of Social Network Analysis in International Affairs and Economy: Methods, Concepts, and Applications

In the last 10 years social network analysis has been used in increasingly intensive and sophisticated ways to explain a diverse array of international economic and political issues, including trade/investment flows, terrorist connections, criminal enterprises, multinational corporations, international NGOs, etc. This presentation will: 1) elaborate on the methodological and conceptual underpinnings of this work with focus on the ways in which different measurement, clustering, and statistical concepts have been brought to bear and 2) identify network analysis-based key findings contributing significantly to our knowledge of these varied fields. Ultimately participants should walk away with new ideas for how to think about international politics and economics in terms of relational/interactive structures and dynamics.

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