Przypomnienie i zaproszenie: 14 marca i 21 marca 2018 r. – wykłady

1. Uprzejmie przypominamy o wykładzie dr Marzeny Adamiak pt. “Feminizm i fenomenologia: konflikty, inspiracje, nadzieje”, który odbędzie się 14 marca o godzinie 14.00, w sali 154 IFiS PAN.

W ramach przygotowania do spotkania zachęcamy do lektury:ście_poszukiwania_albo_konstruowania_kobiecej_tożsamości

2. Natomiast 21 marca, godz. 14.00, s. 154 wykład pt. “The #ЯнеБоюсьСказать (#IamNotScaredToSpeak) campaign in the Russian speaking community of Facebook in July 2016: A Critical Discourse Analysis” wygłosi Anna Sedysheva
Anna Sedysheva is a first-year PhD student at the Polish Academy of Sciences’ Graduate School for Social Research. Her Master’s degree in Cultural Communication was completed at The University of Wroclaw and she received her Bachelor’s degree in Russian Philology from Vladivostok’s Far Eastern Federal University.

Hashtag activism in Social Media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook has gained popularity around the globe. Campaigns such as #MeToo and #NotGuilty have drawn much needed attention to the problems of gender based violence and misogyny. This report is dedicated to a similar social media campaign #ЯнеБоюсьСказать (#IamNotScaredToSpeak) that took place in the Russian speaking community of Facebook in July 2016 (following an identical campaign started in Ukraine). The campaign gave voice to women who experienced sexual abuse, and disclosed the scale of the problem in Russian society that is dominated by the notion of women’s modesty and one wherein victim blaming is common. Understanding the types of posts and comments associated with the hashtag #ЯнеБоюсьСказать (#IamNotScaredToSpeak) and users’ responses, is the main aim of this study. Herein I present an analysis of the discourse patterns utilizing Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) in public Facebook posts that were framed with this hashtag. I have divided the groups according to the authors’ positions; between active participants who shared their traumatic experience, supporters and skeptics or people engaging in victim blaming or belittling of the issue. The campaign was largely discussed in the Russian traditional Media, including on TV channels. Subsequent posts that used two or more hashtags such as #MeToo and #ЯнеБоюсьСказать, belonging to a later period of time (2017), reinforces the idea that the campaign #IamNotScaredToSpeak was successful and remains current in Russian society. The #IamNotScaredToSpeak campaign was also important owing to its’ spontaneous nature. It was a self-organized protest which was started on the level of ordinary people. This was unlike the #MeToo campaign which was begun and driven by celebrities. Other feministic campaigns have been initiated in Russian social media since 2016.

organizatorki seminarium
dr Marzena Adamiak
dr Magdalena Grabowska
dr hab. Dorota Hall
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