Navjotpal Kaur
Navjotpal Kaur completed her Ph.D. at Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada in 2022. Her research interests are men and masculinities, sociology of gender, environment, health, and international migration.
At IFiS, Navjotpal is based in the Hermeneutic Philosophy, Poststructuralism and Feminist Thought department, led by Prof. dr hab. Paweł Dybel. Her mentor at IFiS is dr.hab. Magdalena Grabowska, prof. IFiS PAN.
Men, Masculinities, and Agriculture: A Gendered Approach to Environmental Degradation in the Global South
This research project focuses on agrarian-patriarchal settings of post-Green Revolution India. It explores the links between rural hegemonic masculinities, contextual gender relations, agrarian practices, and environmental degradation. ‘Masculinities’ here refers to identities, power, individual and collective actions, and individually held and societally reinforced norms related to manhood. Culturally explicit gender norms are critical determinants of the relationship between people and the environment, and decide access to and power over natural resources. Therefore, to build culturally sensitive approaches to understand and address environmental degradation in agrarian settings, it is imperative to understand the gender nuances operational within a specific spatial-temporal context. The research findings from this project will enable scholars, policymakers, and climate scientists to understand the role of the relational nature of gender in natural resource degradation by highlighting the interactions between rural hegemonic masculinities, land, and the environment.
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