‘Men and ideas in the Renaissance’ – an invitation for a seminar by Dr Lorenzo Mancini
After a two-year break, the series of seminars ‘Men and ideas in the Renaissance‘ returns to its place at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology PAS with its first appearance belonging to an Italian scholar – Dr Lorenzo Mancini*.
On Thursday, July 14, 2022, at 15:00, in room 154 of the Staszic Palace (Nowy Świat 72, Warsaw), Dr. Lorenzo Mancini, a researcher visiting the KnowStudents team as part of a study visit at the Centre for the History of Renaissance Knowledge, will give a seminar on ‘KnowStudents / UnknownSources: students notebooks as unique witnesses of early modern works. The case of Robert Bellarmine’s Index Haereticorum‘.
The topic of the presentation regards the following.
Students notebooks as unique witnesses of early modern works: the case of Robert Bellarmine’s Index Haereticorum Among the theological authors of the late 16 th century, the Jesuit Robert Bellarmine (1542-1621) had a remarkable role in the intellectual disputes against those who were considered heretics by the Catholic Church. In 1586 he started the publication of his magnum opus, the Disputationes de controversiis christianae fidei adversus huius temporis haereticos, originated from the lessons he taught at the Roman College since 1576. However, as known to the historians of his thought, the first nucleus of the Controversiae was developed during his young stay in Louvain (1569-1576), where he wrote a comment to the Saint Thomas’ Summa and another text, usually referred in historiography as the Index Haereticorum. This latter work has been preserved until today in only one known manuscript, a notebook written by a student who attended Bellarmine’s lessons in Rome. During this seminar my aim is to present the history of this document, as well as the reason why it represents an essential source within the research project I am currently working on: the reconstruction of Robert Bellarmine’s bibliotheca, meant both as the books he owned in his private library and as the sources he used to compose his works.
The event will be available in hybrid form, also on the Zoom platform.
Weblink: https://zoom.us/j/91901528740?pwd=dDVHclFDN1NqQUFKQ3lScFl6WlBoQT09. Meeting ID: 919 0152 8740. Password: 728525.
We cordially invite you to participate in the event.
*Dr Lorenzo Mancini is permanent researcher at the Institute for the European Intellectual Lexicon and History of Ideas (ILIESI) of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR); previously, he was archivist and digital project administrator at the Historical archives of the Pontifical Gregorian University. He participated to several Digital Humanities projects and carried out historical research about the early modern age (16th-18th centuries), mainly connected to the history of publishing and book-trade, library history, and history of the Society of Jesus.
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