Rafał Smoczyński


Imię i nazwisko

Rafał Smoczyński

Stopnie i tytuły naukowe

dr hab.


prof. IFiS PAN

Funkcja w IFiS PAN

kierownik Zakładu Badań nad Religią








Zakład Badań nad Religią

Obszary zainteresowań naukowych

kontrola społeczna, teoria społeczna, socjologia ekonomiczna, socjologia religii, filozofia polityczna

Realizowane projekty badawcze

1. “New directions in the sociology of moral panics”, since 2021-2023 (36 months), co-principal investigator (a joint project of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) [with L. Spasova]

2. “The changing normative infrastructure in Czechia and Poland: wellbeing and tax morale”, 2020-2022, co-principal investigator (a joint project of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Czech Academy of Sciences) [with B. Hamplova]

3. “Westernisers and ‘Narodniks’ Dichotomous Identity-Generating Narratives in the 19th–20th-century Polish and Hungarian Intellectual History”, 2020-2023, co-principal investigator (joint project of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences) [with B. Mester]

4. The family studies in Poland and Romania: the quality of life, leisure and kinship networks, since 2019-2021, co-principal investigator (a joint project of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Romanian Academy) [with C. Rada]

5. “Rethinking Inter Korean Social Exchanges in Turbulent Times”, principal investigator, The Korea Foundation, 12 months, 2019

6. “Inter-Korean People to People Diplomacy”, principal investigator, The Korea Foundation, 12 months, 2018

7. “The role of the intelligentsia in shaping collective identities of Poles and Hungarians in 19th and 20th centuries”, 2017-2019, the co-principle investigator (a joint project of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences) [with B. Mester]

8. “Studying Polish and Mongolian Entrepreneurs within Business Ethics Perspectives”, 2016-2017” (24 months), the co-principle investigator (a joint project of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Mongolian Academy of Sciences) [with Z. Munkhtseren]

9. “Expanding research on intergenerational cohesion in contemporary Polish and Romanian families”, 2016-2018, (36 months), co-principle investigator (joint project of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Romanian Academy) [with C. Rada]

10. “Societal reactions to Bulgarian and Polish migrants in the UK”, since 2014-2017 (36 months), the co-principle investigator (a joint project of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) [with L. Spasova]

11. “The Role of Noble Legacy in Shaping Citizenship Models in Central and Eastern Europe”,

since 2013-2016 (36 months), the co-principle investigator (a joint project of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Hungarian Academy of Sciences) [with G. Gango]

12. “Socio-PsychoMedical changes in the lifestyles of the contemporary family in Poland and Romania”, since 2013-2015, (36 months), co-principle investigator (joint project of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Romanian Academy) [with C. Rada]

13. “The post-noble feudal legacy in contemporary Poland”, Polish National Science Centre,

principle investigator, since 2013-2015 (36 months)

14. “The Category of Subjectivity in Michel Henry’s Work”, joint project of the Polish

Academy of Sciences and Université Catholique de Louvain à Louvain-La-Neuve,

investigator, since 2012-2014 [principle investigator W. Starzynski] (36 months)

15. “The relevance of subjectivity in contemporary humanities and social sciences”, a joint

project of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Czech Academy of Sciences and Slovakian

Academy of Sciences, investigator, since 2012-2014  [principle investigators W. Starzynski, K. Novotny, R. Karul] (36 months)

16. “Mapping anti-migrant moral panic”, Canadian Studies, Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Grant, principle investigator (2012) (12 months)

17. “The Societal Reactions towards Polish Economic Migrants in Northern England after 2004”. National Science Centre, since 2012-2014, principle investigator, (36 months)

18. “Affectivity and Its Vicissitudes in Contemporary Humanities and Social Sciences”,

International Visegrad Fund, 2011, (8 months) co-principle investigator [with W. Starzyński]

19. “The Role of Catholic Convictions in Shaping Attitudes of Business People”, National Science Centre, since 2011-2013 (36 months), principal investigator

20. “New Religious Movements and Conflict in Central Europe”, International Visegrad

Fund, 2010, (8 months) co-principle investigator [with D. Hall]

21. REVACERN (Religions and Values: Central and Eastern European Research Network), 6th Framework Programme of the European Commission, 2008-2009 (24 months), investigator

22. „Ritual abuse moral panic”, State Committee for Scientific Research, 2004-2005 (24 months), principle investigator

Stypendia naukowe

1.  Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, the Korea Foundation (6 months, 2021)

2. Kanazawa University, Japanese Society for the Promotion of Sciences Scholarship (4 months, 2020-2021)

3. Institute of Philosophy, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Tempus Foundation Scholarship (7 months, 2020)

4. Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg, IASK Fellowship (4 months, 2019)

5. National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan Fellowship Grant (4 months, 2019)

6. The University of Sarajevo, Visegrad Fund Scholarship (5 months, 2018)


7. National Dong Hwa University, Ministry of Science and Technology Grant (5 months, 2017-2018)

8. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, DAAD Fellowship (2 months, 2017)

9. Tallinn University, Eesti Instituut Fellowship, (3 months, 2016)

10. National Dong Hua University, Chinese Studies Center Fellowship (3 months, 2016)

11. Yildiz Technical University, TUBITAK Research Grant (2 months, 2016)

12. Seoul National University, Korea Foundation Fellowship (6 months, 2015)

13. Slovak Academy of Sciences, SAIA Fellowship (5 months, 2015)

14. Monash University, Endeavour Awards (6 months, 2013-2014)

15. National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan Fellowship (3 months, 2013)

16. The University of Victoria, Canadian ministry of Foreign Affairs Grant, (1 month, 2012)

17. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, DAAD Fellowship (2 months 2011)

18. The University of Bergen, The Research Council of Norway Fellowship (6 months, 2010)

19. The University of Manchester, The British Council Scholarship and Polish Ministry of

Science (2 months 2009)

21. The University of Vienna, OEAD (6 months, 2009)

22. The University of Linköping, The Swedish Institute Fellowship (6 months, 2008-2009)

23. The University of Portland, the Kosciuszko Foundation Grant (3 months during 2005)

24. The University of Sheffield, Marie Curie (6 months 2005)

25. The London School of Economics, British Council (2 months 2005)

26. The London School of Economics, British Council (2 months 2004)


Selected peer-reviewed publications:


1.  Smoczynski, R. 2015. “The impact of the entrepreneurs’ Catholic religiosity upon shadow economy activities in Poland after 1989. Approaching the moral community perspective”, Warsaw: IFiS PAN Publishers.

2.  Smoczynski, R., Zarycki, T.  2017. Totem inteligencki. Arystokracja, szlachta i ziemiaństwo w polskiej przestrzeni społecznej [The intelligentsia totem: aristocracy, nobility and gentry in Polish social space], Warszawa: Scholar

 Journal articles:

 JCR and ERIH indexed articles:
1. Zarycki, T., Smoczynski, R., Warczok, T. 2022 “Cultural citizenship without the state: historical roots of the modern Polish citizenship model”, Theory and Society 51: 269-301

2. Fitzgerald, I., Smoczynski, R. 2023. “Moral Regulation and a good moral panic: UK Polish migrant workers and the 2016 EU Referendum”, Current Sociology 71(3): 379-397

 3. Smoczynski, R., Zarycki, T. 2021. The extended family. Descendants of Nobility in Post-Communist Poland, Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 54(4): 157–175

4. Gressgard, R., Smoczynski, R. 2020. „Noble Polish Sexuality and the Corrupted European Body”, Intersections 6(3): 16-32

5. Kyei, R., Smoczynski, R. 2019. “Religious citizenship and gendered sanctions in the lived experience of second-generation Ghanaians”, Social Compass 66(4): 505-521

6. Smoczynski, R. 2019. „Kontrowersje dotyczące urażania uczuć religijnych: analiza wybranych aspektów debaty publicznej”, Kultura i Społeczeństwo 3: 137-156 [Controversies concerning blasphemy: an analysis of selected aspects of the public debate]

7. Smoczynski, R. 2018.  “Rethinking the role of the intelligentsia habitus in the case of Polish workers in the north of England”, Polish Sociological Review 3(203): 375-389

8. Smoczynski, R. 2017. “Totemic function of the contemporary Polish noble milieu”, Filozofia 9: 748-758


9. Fitzgerald, I., Smoczynski, R. 2017. „Central and Eastern European Accession: Changing Perspective on Migrant Workers”, Social Policy and Society 16(4): 659–668

 10. Zarycki, T., Smoczynski, R., Warczok, T. 2017. „The roots of Polish Culture-centered Politics: Toward a Non-Purely Cultural Model of Cultural Domination in Central and Eastern Europe”, in East European Politics and Societies and Cultures 20(10)

11. Smoczynski, R., Fitzgerald, I., Zarycki, T. 2017. „Social distance practices among Polish migrants in the UK”, in: Ethnic and Racial Studies 40(6): 951-968

12. Smoczyński, R. 2016. „Mapping new research directions in the sociology of moral panic”, Studia Socjologiczne 3 (222): 9-30

13. Smoczynski, R. 2015. “Does Catholicism Function as <Beneficial Constraint> for Small and Medium-Sized Companies Confronted with the Shadow Economy? Some Evidence from Poland”, Prakseologia, 57(1): 215-244

14. Fitzgerald, I., Smoczynski, R. 2015. “Societal Reactions towards Polish Labour Migrants in the UK after 2004: Rethinking employment Insecurities”, in: Czech Sociological Review, 51(3): 339-361

15. Fitzgerald, I, Smoczynski, R. 2015. „Anti-Polish Migrant Moral Panic in the UK; A Response”, in: Czech Sociological Review, 51(3): 380-386

16. Smoczynski, R. 2015. An Interplay Between the Shadow Economy and Religious Oriented Entrepreneurship in Poland. A Qualitative Inquiry, in: Sociologia. Slovak Sociological Review, 47(3): 272-296

17. R. Smoczynski. 2013. “Similarities and Differences of the Sabbath Myth in Early Modern Era and Late Modern Era”, in: Anthropological Notebooks, 19(2): 25-38

18. R. Smoczynski, T. Zarycki. 2012. „Współczesne polskie elity post-szlacheckie w kontekście europejskim”, Kultura i Społeczeństwo, 1: 79-110, [The modern Polish post-noble elites in the European context]

19. R. Smoczynski. 2012. „Wpływ katolicyzmu na akcję ekonomiczną w małych polskich firmach” [The Impact of Catholicism on economic Action in Polish Small Enterprises. The Selected Problems of Empirical Research and the State of Academic Debate], in: Prakseologia, 152: 93-126

20.  R. Smoczynski. 2012. “The Agency of Affectivity in Ritual Abuse Moral Panic”, in: “Vicissitudes of Affectivity in contemporary Humanities and Social Thought”, Archive of

History of Philosophy and Social Thought, Supplement, 57: 115-128

21.  R. Smoczynski. 2009. “Mapping Catholic Governance Practices”, in: Ask. Research and Methods, 18:123-139

 Other peer-reviewed journal articles:

1. Minakowski, M., Smoczynski, R. 2022. “A nyomtatott osztály: munkajegyzetek a lengyel értelmiségrõl és a kulturális tõkérõl” in Székelyföldi 26(7): 41-56

2. Kyei, R., Smoczynski, R., Setrana, M. 2021. „Evidence of Spiritual Capital in the Schooling of Second-Generation Ghanaians in Amsterdam”, African Human Mobility Review 7(1): 88-110

3. Spasova, L., Mantarova, A., Smoczynski, R. 2020. Attitudes towards Migrants in the Context of Intensified Migration in Bulgaria: Moral Panic and Personal Relevance, International Journal of Economics and Politics 1(2): 71-92

4. Kyei, R., Smoczynski, R., Amoah, R.  2019.   “Religious Social Capital in the Political Integration of Second-Generation Migrants”, Journal of Identity and Migration Studies 13(1): 48-64

5. Minakowski, M., Smoczynski, R. 2019. “Mapping Homogamy of Noble Descendants in Poland. A Case Study of the Genealogy of Descendants of the Great Sejm”, Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Social Analysis 9: 29-52


6. Kyei, R., Setrana, M. and R. Smoczynski. 2017. “Practising Religion across National Borders: A Study of Ghanaian Christian Churches in Amsterdam”, Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society 4: 148-182

7. Jerzyński, T., Smoczynski, R., Zarycki, T. 2016. Regionalne osobliwości postrzegania i podtrzymywania tradycji post-szlacheckich przez studentów polskich [Regional peculiarities in the functioning and perceiving of the noble traditions among Polish students], in: Studia Regionalne i Lokalne 1(63): 129-154

8. Kyei, R., Smoczynski, R. 2016. “Building Bridges or Bonds: The Case Ghanaian Second Generation Migrants in Ghanaian Churches in Amsterdam”, in: Anthropological Researches and Studies, 6: 13-24

9.  Zarycki, T., Smoczynski, R. 2014. “Revolution of the Intelligentsia on the Periphery of the Russian Empire and its Contemporary Effects”, in: Mir Rossii, 1: 115-136

10. R. Smoczynski. 2009. “Hegemonia i obiekt braku. Wybrane wątki postgramsciańskiej filozofii Ernesto Laclau i Chantal Mouffe”, in: Idea, 21: 133-159 [Hegemony and object of Lack. Selected aspects of Laclau and Mouffe’s social philosophy]

 Articles in edited volumes

1. Smoczynski, R. 2021. “Moral regulation during the Covid-19 pandemic”, Sulaberidze, A., Archvadze, J., Menabdishvili, L., Gomelauri, N.(eds), pp. 57-72, The International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Institute’s establishment. Demographic challenges of the XX century, Tbilisi: Zenaari

2. Smoczynski, R. 2020. Selected aspects of Biopolitics in the Case of Kaesong Industrial Complex. Robert Petkovšek, Bojan Žalec (eds) pp. 205-211. Transhumanism as a Challenge for Ethics and Religion. Zurich: LIT

3. Minakowski, M.J., Smoczynski, R. 2020. “Working Notes on the Historical Evolution of the Late 1700s Polish Elites”, Mester, B., Smoczynski, R. (eds), pp. 101-117, Lords and Boors. Westernisers and Narodniks: Chapters from Polish and Hungarian Intellectual History, Budapest: Gondolat Publishers and RCH Institute of Philosophy

4. Smoczynski, R., Spasova, L. 2018. “The scapegoating logic of British media reactions towards Bulgarian migrants”, in Petkovsek, R., Zalec, B. (eds) Sacrifice: from origins and culture to contemporary life challenges, Berlin: LIT Verlag pp. 207-2014

5. Smoczynski, R. 2017. “Catholic religiosity and Polish business people: lectures on normative infrastructure of the market economy”, in Juhan, J. Pevec Rozman M. (eds) Evropska Unija in vrednote, Faculty of Theology University of Ljubljana


6. Fitzgerald, I., Smoczynski, R. 2017. “The UK labour market and immigration: what a difference ten years makes”, in Heikkila , E. (ed.) Immigrants and labour markets: Experiences from abroad and Finland. Turku: Migration Institute of Finland 

7. Smoczynski, R. 2016. “Religion and Economy: Exploring the Role of Catholic Convictions in Shaping Attitudes of Business People in Post-Communist Poland”, in. Zolzaya, M. (ed.) Mongolian Business Ethical Formation and Tendency, Ulaanbaator: Soyombo Printing, pp. 111-126 

8. Smoczynski, R. 2016. “Mapping New Religious Movement in Central and Eastern Europe”, in: Mate-Toth, A., G. Rosta (eds) Focus on Religion in Central and Eastern Europe, Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 157-174

9. Smoczynski, R. 2015. “The role of Christian belief in constraining the shadow economy in Poland, China and Taiwan”, in. Juhant, J., Zalec, B. (eds) Which religion, what ideology? The religious potential for peace and violence, Berlin: LIT Verlag

10. Smoczynski, R, Zarycki, T. 2015. The possible application of research findings on Polish post-noble milieu for studying contemporary Georgian nobility, in Sulaberidze A.  Gomelauri  N. Kutateladze I. Namgalashvili T. (eds) The Social Transformation of Post-Nobles in Poland and Gerogia, Tbilisi: The Georgian National Academy of Sciences Press, pp. 37-47

11. Smoczynski, R. 2015. “The Role of Religious Bound in Constraining Suicide. A Sociological Inquiry”, in: Juhant, J., Zalec, B. (eds), Suicide, Berlin: LIT Verlag

12. Smoczyński, R. 2014. „O nieuchwytnym obiekcie satanizmu” [An elusive object of Satanism] Snopek, T., Ślusarska, J. (eds), Religijność w czasie pop-kultury [Religiosity in the pop-culture time], Warszawa: UKSW Publishing House, pp. 173-182

13. Chan, P., Fitzgerald, I., Smoczynski, R. 2013. “Anti-Polish Migrant Moral Panic in the UK”, in: Juhant, J., Zalec, B. (eds), Culture of Fear, Berlin: LIT Verlag.

14.  R. Smoczynski. 2013. “Reducing Antagonism over Anti-New Religious Movements Moral Panics in Selected Countries in Central and Eastern Europe”, in: Priede, J. (ed), “Between East and West: Cultural and Religious Dialogue before, during and after the Totalitarian Rule”, Riga: the University of Latvia Press.

15. R. Smoczynski 2013. “Making Satanic Collective Identities: From Mechanic to Organic Idenity”, in: Petersen, J., Faxnel, P. (eds.) The Devil’s Party: Satanism in Modernity, New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 189-203

16. R. Smoczynski. 2011. „ISKCON Fights Back”, in: Mate-Toth A. and Rughinis, C. (eds.), Spaces and Borders. Current Research on Religion in Central and Eastern Europe, BerlinDe Gruyter, pp. 49-63

17. R. Smoczynski. 2011. “Strategies of the Polish Christian Right. Identification, Imitation and Conflict”, in: Juhant, J., Zalec, B. (eds), Humanity after Selfish Prometheus. Chances of Dialogue and Ethics in a Technicized World, Berlin: LIT Verlag, pp. 185-193

18. R. Smoczynski. 2011. “Lacan and Merleau-Ponty: Affective Intentionality”, in. Gleonec, A., Hammer, T., Novotny, K., Specian, P. (eds) Thinking in Dialogue with Humanities. Paths into the Phenomenology of Merleau-Ponty, Bucharest: Zeta Books, pp. 154-167

19. R. Smoczynski, D. Hall, L. Greskova, G. Goldberger. 2010. “Moral Panics and New Religious Movements in Croatia, Poland and Slovakia”, in: Smoczynski R., Hall, D. (eds.), New Religious Movements and Conflict in Central Europe, Warszawa: Institute of Philosophy and Sociology PAN Publishers, pp. 29-95

20. R. Smoczynski. 2010 “The Hegemonic Practices in Ritual Abuse Scare”, in: Borowik, I., Zawiła, M. (eds.) Religions and Identities in Transition, Kraków: Nomos, pp. 198-213

21. R. Smoczynski. 2009. “Cyber-Satanism and Imagined Satanism: Dark Symptoms of Late Modernity”, in: Petersen, J.A. (ed.): Embracing Satan: Contemporary Religious Satanism, Ashgate Publishing, Furnham.

 Edited Books and Journals

1. Gressgard, R., Lewicki, P., Smoczynski, R. (eds) 2020. “Struggles over Europe: Postcolonial Easte/West Dynamics of Race, Gender and Sexuality”, Intersections 6(3)

2. Mester, B., Smoczynski, R. 2020. (eds) Lords and Boors. Westernisers and Narodniks: Chapters from Polish and Hungarian Intellectual History, Budapest: Gondolat Publishers and RCH Institute of Philosophy  

3. Smoczynski, R. (ed.) 2019. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Social Analysis 9 

4. Hall, D., R. Smoczynski (eds.) 2010. New Religious Movements and Conflict in Central Europe, Warszawa: Institute of Philosophy and Sociology PAN Publishers

5. Smoczynski, R., Starzynski, W. 2012. “Vicissitudes of Affectivity in contemporary Humanities and Social Thought”, Archive of History of Philosophy and Social Thought, Supplement, 57

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