Magdalena Grabowska
Imię i nazwisko | Magdalena Grabowska |
Stopnie i tytuły naukowe | dr hab. |
Stanowisko | prof. IFiS PAN |
Pokój | 227 |
Filozofia/Socjologia | Socjologia |
Zakład | —– |
Zespół badawczy | Zespół Badawczy Psychoanalizy i Badań nad Kategorią Gender w Filozofii |
Obszary zainteresowań naukowych | postcolonial and post-socialist studies, history of women’s movements after 1945, contemporary feminist mobilisations, anti-discrimination policies, qualitative and quantitative studies of sexual violence against women, reproductive justice, and gender equality.
Skrócony biogram | Magdalena Grabowska – socjolożka, absolwentka Wydziału Women i Gender Studies, Rutgers University. Autorka pracy doktorskiej zatytułowanej “Polish Feminism between East and West, która obroniła na Uniwersytecie Rutgers (praca poświęcona była ruchowi kobiecemu w Polsce po 1985 roku). W latach 2010-2014 była stypendystką European Commission, Marie Curie International Re-Integration Fellow na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim. Współzałożycielka Fundacji na rzecz Równości i Emancypacji STER. Zainteresowania badawcze dr. Grabowskiej dotyczą przede wszystkim historii ruchów kobiecych i emancypacyjnych w Europie wschodniej, z perspektywy postkolonialnych i transnarodowych ruchów feministycznych. Zajmuje się również prowadzeniem badań zaangażowanych, w tym badań na temat przemocy wobec kobiet, praw reprodukcyjnych oraz równości kobiet w polityce. W ostatnich latach opublikowała między innymi:
Magdalena Grabowska is alumnae of the Women and Gender Studies Department at Rutgers University.Between 2010-2014 she was a European Commission, Marie Curie International Re-Integration Fellow at Warsaw University. She is the author of the book Broken Genealogy. Women’s social and political activism post 1945 and contemporary women’s movement in Poland („Zerwana genealogia. Działalność społeczna i polityczna kobiet po 1945 roku a współczesny polski ruch kobiecy”, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar, 2018). She is also an author of: “Beyond the ‘Development’ Paradigm: State Socialist Women’s Activism, Transnationalism and the ‘Long Sixties’ w: Women’s Activism and “Second Wave” Feminism, Transnational Histories, B. Molony, J. Nelson (red.) Bloomsbry Academic, London, 147-172 (2017), and “Bits of Freedom: Demystifying Women’s Activism under State Socialism in Poland and Georgia,” w: Feminist Studies (43:1, 141-168, 2017) |
Działalność dydaktyczna | Magdalena Grabowska is an instructor at Graduate School for Social Research at IFiS PAN. She also teaches at Gender Studies, Institute for Literary Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences. |
Zainteresowania pozanaukowe | Magdalena Grabowska worked on research projects with international institutions (including European Commission, European Institute for Gender Equality, Fundamental Rights Agency, The European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control), INGOs (including Boll Foundation, and Open Society Institute), academic institutions (including Warsaw University, Polish Academy of Sciences, University of South California, Rutgers University), as well as local governmental and non-governmental organizations (including Polish Association for Anti-discrimination Law, Federation on Women and Family Planning, Women’s Information Centre- OSKa). In 2011-2012 Grabowska participated in the design and implementation of a pilot study on violence against women carried out at the request of the European Union Fundamental Rights Agency. In 2013, as a national expert, she implemented a project funded by the European Institute for Gender Equality: “Mapping the Current Status and Potential of Administrative Sources of Data on Gender-Based Violence in the EU and Croatia”. In 2015-2016 she designed and coordinated a nationwide quantitative and qualitative study on the scale of sexual violence against women. She is a co-founder of the Foundation for Equality and Emancipation STER (in 2012), and the board member of Feminist Fund.