Joanna Fomina


Imię i nazwisko

Joanna Fomina

Stopnie i tytuły naukowe

dr hab.


prof. IFiS PAN

Funkcja w IFiS PAN

• Kierowniczka Zespołu Studiów Europejskich; • Członkini Komisji Badań Własnych; • Członkini Komisji Socjalnej






Zespół badawczy

Zespół Studiów Europejskich

Obszary zainteresowań naukowych
  • eurosceptycyzm, populizm i polaryzacja;
  • polityka migracyjna i integracyjna UE i krajów członkowskich, zarządzanie granicami UE;
  • partycypacja społeczna i polityczna migrantów w UE;
  • polityka UE wobec państw Partnerstwa Wschodniego i Rosji i jej skutki społeczno-polityczne.
Skrócony biogram

Dr hab. Joanna Fomina, prof. Instytutu Filozofii i Socjologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk jest Kierowniczką Zespołu Studiów Europejskich. Absolwentka Szkoły Nauk Społecznych przy IFIS PAN (doktorat w 2010), Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego (magisterium w 2003) i Uniwersytetu Humboldta (magisterium w 2005) w Berlinie. Jako stypendystka Programu Marie Curie, pracowała na Uniwersytecie w Bradford w Wielkiej Brytanii, gdzie prowadziła badania nad polską diasporą. Specjalizuje się w socjologii integracji europejskiej oraz socjologii migracji. Jej zainteresowania naukowe obejmują takie zagadnienia jak eurosceptycyzm, populizm i polaryzacja; polityka azylowa, migracyjna i integracyjna UE i krajów członkowskich oraz zarządzanie granicami UE; polityka UE wobec państw Partnerstwa Wschodniego i Rosji, , partycypacja społeczna i polityczna migrantów. Jej najnowsza publikacja książkowa pt.  Political Dissent and Democratic Remittances. The Activities of Russian Migrants in Europe, Routdlege: New York and London, 2022 poświęcona jest działaniom prodemokratycznym przymusowych migrantów z Rosji do krajów UE.



2023 Habilitacja, nauki socjologiczne, Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii, Polska Akademia Nauk

2010 Doktorat, nauk humanistycznych w zakresie socjologii, Szkoła Nauk Społecznych, IFIS PAN, rozprawa doktorska: „Lessons from the British Multiculturalism Policy: Looking for a Viable Approach to Diversity in Europe”

2004 Magisterium, Master of British Studies, Centre for British Studies, Uniwersytet Humboldta w Berlinie, praca magisterska: “The British Debate on the European Constitution”

2003 Magisterium, filologia angielska, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków, praca magisterska: „Female Immigrant Experience North American Fiction”

1999 Licencjat, filologia angielska (1999), Kolegium Języków Obcych, Przemyśl

Realizowane projekty badawcze

Kierowniczka projektu:

2016-2019 Agents of Change? Civic participation and political activism of political imigrants from Russia to the EU states and transnational political remittances. Polish National Scientific Center grant –


2023 – Humanitarna relokacja w UE, Fundacja WOT

2023 – Youth Brain Drain in South East Europe and Eastern Partnership, CoE-EU Youth Partnership

2021-2022 – Prawa migrantów w UE , Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights

2014-2015 Euroscepticism in New EU Member States: the case of Poland and Romania, IFIS, Polish Academy of Sciences

2013-2014 Nothing about Us Without Us. Civic Participation of Poles in the UK, Institute of Public Affairs, Warsaw

2013-2014 Polish-Ukrainian Border during the Euro-2012 Football Championship: Best Practices, Batory Foundation, Warsaw

2012-2014 Eastern Partnership Visa Liberalisation Index, Batory Foundation, Warsaw, project leader

2013 The Perception of Poland and Poles in Ukraine and of Ukrainians and Ukraine in Poland, Institute of Public Affairs, Warsaw

2008-2011 Bilingualism, Identity and the Media in Inter- and Intra-cultural Comparisons (BIM), funded by the Finnish Academy, research on Polish migrants and Polish diaspora in the UK, led by prof. Charles Husband, University of Bradford and prof. Tom Moring, University of Helsinki

2010 The Perception of Poland and Poles in Ukraine, the Institute of Public Affairs, Warsaw, Poland

2010 Perception of Poles and Poland in Great Britain, the Institute of Public Affairs, Warsaw, Poland

2009 Gender and Citizenship in a Multicultural Context project, University of Warsaw, project funded by the European Commission, led by prof. Małgorzata Fuszara, University of Warsaw

2009 Gender and Citizenship in a Multicultural Context: Women Political Participation project, funded by the European Commission, led by prof. Małgorzata Fuszara, Warsaw University

2007 The perception of Polish migrants in the British press project, the Institute of Public Affairs, Poland

Zagraniczne doświadczenia naukowe

2007-2008           praca na Uniwersytecie w Bradford, UK, w ramach Marie Curie Fellowship


2001  Międzynarodowy Sekretariat Amnesty Inernational, Londyn, UK

2004-2005 Biuro poselskie posła Bena Bradshaw, Izba Gmin, UK

2006 Institute of Community Cohesion, Coventry, UK (stypendium British Council)

Stypendia naukowe

2007-2008 Marie Curie Fellowship, Uniwersytet w Bradford, UK

Działalność dydaktyczna

20015/2016 – seminarium Czy wielokulturowość jest dobra dla kobiet? Feministyczna krytyka polityki wielokulturowości, Podyplomowe Studia nad Społeczną i Kulturową Tożsamością Płci „Gender Studies” ISNS UW

2015/2016 – seminarium Europe in the making: Integrating and disintegrating factors, Szkoła Nauk Społecznych, IFIS PAN, z prof. J. Niżnikiem

Wystąpienia na konferencjach, sympozjach, lub seminariach


„Russian political emigration: visions and controversies after Navalny’s imprisonment”, the Annudal Conference of the British Association of Slavonic and Eastern EUropean Studies, the British Association of Slavonic and Eastern EUropean Studies, Cambridge University, Wielka Brytania, 08-10 kwietnia 2022.

 „Pod flagą biało-niebieską: Antywojenne i prodemokratyczne działania rosyjskich migrantów w Europie”, Konferencja Komitetu Badań nad Migracjami PAN, Uniwersytet Łódzki, 21-23 września 2022.

„Nowy exodus: Emigracja polityczna z putinowskiej Rosji do Europy,” konferencja Komitetu Badań nad Migracjami PAN, UG I MUZEUM EMIGRACJI – POGRANICZE, Gdańsk, 15-19 września 2021.

Political Emigration and Democratic Remittances: Voice After Exit by Russians in Europe”, International Studies Association, 62nd Annual Convention: Globalization, Regionalism and Nationalism: Contending Forces in World Politics, International Studies Association, Los Angeles, Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki (online), 07-10 kwietnia 2021. 

“Transnational practices of citizenship: Russian political emigrants in the EU”, Council for European Studies annual conference “Sovereignties in Contention: Nations, Regions and Citizens in Europe, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Madryt, Hiszpania, 20-22 czerca 2019.

 „Of „Patriots” and Citizens: Assymetric Populist Polarization in Poland”, The Global Challenge of Political Polarization conference, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Bruksela, Belgia, 17-18 czerwca 2019.

 „Voice after Exit: Political emigration from Russia, civic and political participation and pro-democratic remittances, konferencja Post-Soviet Diaspora(s) in Western Europe”, Uniwersytet w Lizbonie, Portugalia, 15-17 grudnia 2019.

“Agencji zmiany? Partycypacja społeczno-polityczna politycznych migrantów z Rosji do krajów UE i przepływy polityczne pomiędzy UE a Rosją,”UAM, Jednostka w społeczeństwie obywatelskim w Rosji i w Polsce. Pamięć i ochrona praw człowieka – historia, edukacja, aktywizm, Poznań, 13 – 14 listopada 2018

Transnational Diaspora, Civic and Political Participation and Political Remittances: The Case of Recent Russian Migrants to the EU,” Council for European Studies 26th Conference, Chicago, 27-29 March 2018

 “Agents of Change? Russian Political Migrants’ Activism and Transnational Socio-Political Remittances,” Council for European Studies 25th Conference, University of Glasgow, UK • July 12-14, 2017.

“Russia’s strategic communications, the impact on the European public sphere and the EU attempts to counteract it,” UACES 47th Annual Conference: Exchanging Ideas on Europe, Crakow, 4-6 September 2017,



“Migracje a demokratyzacja: transnarodowe przepływy społeczno-polityczne na przykładzie rosyjskich migrantów do krajów UE” Migracje w przestrzeni społecznej współczesnej Polski i Europy – kontekst światowy, Akademia Umiejętności/Polska Akademia Nauk, Kraków, 29-30 maja 2017 roku

ogólnopolska konferencja naukowa Komitetu Badań nad Migracjami PAN “Migracje XXI wieku”, Łagów, październik 2015, referat: Czy wielokulturowość jest dobra dla kobiet? Sprzyjanie transmisji wzorców kulturowych w społecznościach migranckich a prawa kobiet.

konferencja “European Civilisation and the World Between Conflicts, Cooperation and Dialogue”, Uniwersytet Karola w Pradze, wrzesień 2015 referat: Understanding Russia? Helping Ukraine? Poles and Germans on the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict


konferencja międzynarodowa Qualitative Research in Communication, National School for Political and Administration Studies (SNSPA), Bucharest, wrzesień 2015, referat: Eastern Europe: Blind Faith Transformed into Europragmatism?, z Loredana Radu and Liliana Lupsecu


konferencja międzynarodowa “Contradictions: Envisioning European Futures, 22nd Conference of Europeanists, Council for European Studies, Paryż, lipiec 2015, referat: The Paradox of Polish Euroscepticism: Explaining the Undercurrent Public Discontent with Europe of the Most Enthusiastic Supporter of the European Project


ogólnopolska konferencja naukowa Komitetu Badań nad Migracjami PAN “Migracje XXI wieku”, Łagów, październik 2015, referat: Czy wielokulturowość jest dobra dla kobiet? Sprzyjanie transmisji wzorców kulturowych w społecznościach migranckich a prawa kobiet.


seminarium “Polska emigracja – szansa czy tylko porażka”, Klub Polska 2025+, Stowarzyszenie Banków Polskich, Warszawa, lipiec 2015, udział w panelu dyskusyjnym


konferencja międzynarodowa “The Geopolitical Situation and Security Challenges in the Eastern Europe and The Caucasus. The Role of Poland and Germany”, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, lipiec 2015, referat: Bridging the Gap: The Divergence of German and Polish Public Opinion on the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict


konferencja międzynarodowa „EU Eastern Partnership Civil Society Conference, maj 2015, paper: Challenges and Prospects for Visa-free Regim with Eastern Partnership countries, Riga


konferencja międzynarodowa „European Union towards Geopolitical Dilemmas in the Eastern Partnership, Uniwersytet Viadrina, Frankfurt nad Odrą, maj 2015, referat: From Collective Myths to International Confrontation: Russian National Identity and Public Opinion Support for Russia’s Foreign Policy


seminarium „Umowy o ułatwieniach wizowych i readmisji i liberalizacja wizowa”, Cachkadzor, Armenia, maj 2014, referat: Założenia umowy o ułatwieniach wizowych pomiędzy UE i Armenią


seminarium „Free Movement and Migration Between Neighbours: Frameworks and Practices, Polish Norwegian Expert Roundtable on Migration Governance”, PISM, Warszawa, kwiecień 2014, referat: Mały ruch graniczny z Kaliningradem


seminarium „Language, Identity, Politics: the Myth of Two Ukraines”, kwiecień 2014, Bertelsmann Stifung, Berlin, prezentacja raportu


konferencja „The EU’s New Home Affairs Agenda: The CEE’s Moment?”, PISM, Warszawa, luty 2014, referat: Polska polityka migracyjna, , referat nt.  polskiej polityki migracyjnej


Human Dimension Meeting on Freedom of Movement, OBWE, kwiecień 2013, Wiedeń


„Visas? What’s the Reason? The EU Visa Policy Towards Eastern Partnership Countries conference, Parlament Europejski”, listopad 2012, referat na temat stanu obecnego dialogu liberalizacji wizowej pomiędzy UE a krajami Partnerstwa Wschodniego


konferencja międzynarodowa „Eastern Partnership Panel of Migration and Asylum”, Komisja Europejska, Chisinau, październik 2012, referat: EU Visa Policy Towards the EaP states


szkoła letnia „Experiencing Cooperation in the Black Sea Region: Moves beyond Politics – Black Sea Young Reformers Fellowship”, Centre for Applied Policy Research, Uniwersytet w Monachium, październik 2012, wykład gościnny: Politics in the Black Sea Region – An European view, a regional view


szkoła letnia „Future EU Leaders: What Europe in 2020”, Europeum, Praga, lipiec 2012, wykład gościnny: „EU Visa Policy and perspectives of Visa liberalisation with Eastern Partnership Countries”


seminarium międzynarodowe „Heteroglossic Media Spaces”, University of Vienna, maj 2010, referat: Poles in the UK, Bilingualism, Identity, Media


konferencja międzynarodowa „Identity and the Media in Inter- and Intra-cultural context” Uniwersytet w Helsinkach, maj 2009, referat: Polish media in UK



konferencja międzynarodowa „Nationalism, Ethnicity and Citizenship: Whose Citizens? Whose Rights?” CRONEM Uniwersytet w Surrey, lipiec 2008, poster: Community Cohesion and Super-diversity: the Case for Post-ethnic Diversity Management

Dorobek popularyzatorski

ekspertka ds. migracji Biura Instytucji Demokratycznych i Praw Człowieka OBWE, Helsińskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka

autorka licznych raportów i ekspertyz poświęconych tematyce praw człowieka, integracji europejskiej, populizmu i polaryzacji, procesów migracyjnych na zlecenie organizacji pozarządowych i międzynarodowych

udział w licznych pozaakademickich konferencjach, seminariach i spotkaniach poświęconych kwestiom integracji europejskiej oraz migracji




Political Dissent and Democratic Remittances The Activities of Russian Migrants in Europe, London and New York: Routledge, 2022.

Europe on test: the onus of the past, edited by Joanna Fomina and Józek Niżnik, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, 2019.

Lived Diversities: space, place and identities in the multi-ethnic city, Bristol: Policy Press, 2014. (With Charles, Husband, Yunas Alam, and Joerg Huttermann)

Migration and Diversity in Europe: Lessons from British Multiculturalism, Saarbrucken: VDM Dr Mueller Verlag, 2010.

Peer-reviewed book chapters:

„Unia Europejska i świat po pandemii,” In Polska W Europie Jutra. Polityka europejska Polski w kontekście zmian międzynarodowych XXI wieku, edited by Józef Niżnik, Warsaw: Polish Academy of Sciences, 2021.

“The Emerging European Public Sphere in the Face of Russia’s Information War”, In: In Search of a European Public Sphere: Challenges, Opportunities and Prospects, edited by Małgorzata Winiarska-Brodowska, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

“The Euromaidan Moment: The Making of Ukrainian Diasporic Civil Society in Poland.” In Democracy, Diaspora, Territory: Europe and Cross-Border Politics, edited by Olga Oleinikova, Jumana Bayeh, New York: Routledge, 2019: 91-111, (with Roch Dunin-Wąsowicz).

“Of “Patriots” and Citizens: Asymmetric Populist Polarization in Poland.” In Democracies Divided: The Global Challenge of Political Polarization, edited by Thomas Carothers and Andrew O’Donohue, Washington: Brookings Institution Press, 2019.

“From politics of fear to securitisation policies? Poland in the face of migration crisis.” In Phantom Menace The Politics and Policies of Migration in Central Europe, edited by Jacek Kucharczyk, Grigorij Mesežnikov, Prague: Institute for Public Affairs and Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, 2018: 158-203, (with Kucharczyk, Jacek).

“On Ukraine’s Geopolitical Identity: Public Opinion Dynamics on NATO Accession in the Aftermath of the War with Russia.” In Ukraine after Maidan Revisiting Domestic and Regional Security, edited by George Soroka and Tomasz Stepniewski , Hannover: ibidem Press | Columbia University Press, 2018: 135-150.

“Who’s Afraid of the “Big Bad Wolf”? – A Qualitative Assessment of Poles’ and Romanians’ Attitudes Towards the European Union.” In Inquiring communication through qualitative research, edited by Corina Buzoianu, et al. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing: 2018.

“Economic Migration of Ukrainians to the European Union: A View from Poland.” In Migration and the Ukraine Crisis: a Two-country Perspective, edited by Agnieszka Pikulicka-Wilczewska and Greta Uehling, Bristol: E-International Relations Publishing, 2017: 78-99.

“Refugee Crisis – a Test in Efficiency and Solidarity” (In Polish: “Kryzys uchodźczy – sprawdzian ze skuteczności i solidarności”). In Geopolityczne powiązania Europy, a system polityczny Unii Europejskiej i możliwe kierunki jego ewolucji, edited by Józef Niżnik, Warsaw: Komitet Prognoz Polska 2000+ przy Prezydium PAN, 2016.

“The EU Failed, We Need More EU? The Public Perceptions of the EU and European Integration in the Context of Russian-Ukrainian Military Conflict and the ‘Migration Crisis’.” In Why Europe? Narrative and Counter-Narrative of European Integration, edited by Alina Bargaoanu, et al. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2017, 169-184.

“Narrowing the Gap: Convergence of German and Polish Public Opinion towards the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict.” In Eastern Chessboard: Geopolitical Determinants and Challenges in Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus, edited by Piotr Bajor and Kamila Scholl-Mazuerk,  Kraków: Księgarnia Akademicka, 2015.

“Inhabiting Heteroglossic Media Spaces: Intra-group transitions, identity construction and the language-media interface of ‘Bradfordian Poles’.” In: Living Languages in Bilingual Media Environments, edited by Charles Husband and Tom Moring, Helsinki NORDICOM, 2011 (with C. Husband).

“Gendered Migration? The Analysis of Non-Governmental Organisations Working on Migrant Integration in Poland”(In Polish: Czy migracja ma płeć? Analiza organizacji pozarządowych działających na rzecz migrantów w Polsce). In: W Poszukiwaniu nowych wzorów integracji cudzoziemców, edited by Karolina Grot, and Justyna Seges Frelak, Warsaw: Institute of Public Affairs, 2012.

“Parallel Worlds: Self-Perception of Poles in Great Britain,(in Polish: “Światy równoległe – wizerunek własny Polaków w Wielkiej Brytanii”). In Dyskusje o integracji. Wybór tekstów Polskiego Forum Integracyjnego, edited by Justyna Frelak, Warsaw: Institute of Public Affairs, 2011.

“Poland after 2005 elections: Domestic Discontent or EU Backlash?” In Democracy and Populism in Central Europe: The Visegrad Elections and Their Aftermath, edited by Martin Butora et al., Bratislava: IVO, 2007: 81-98, (with J. Kucharczyk).

The Role of National Parliaments under the European Constitutional Treaty.” In Multilevel Governance: Patterns and Degrees of Political Integration. The EU Eastern Enlargement Challenge”, edited by Józef, Warsaw: IFiS Publishers, 2006: 179-192.

Articles in peer-reviewed journals:

“Voice, exit and voice again: democratic remittances by recent Russian emigrants to the EU.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, November 2019, Online First publication,

“The Unlikely Eurosceptics: the Undercurrent anti-European Attitudes among the Young Poles and the Role of the Domestic Context”, Polish Sociological Review, 2017 (2): 141—165.

“Populism and Protest in Poland,” Journal of Democracy, 2016 (27/ 4): 58-68, (with Jacek Kucharczyk).

“At 25 is Ukraine any closer to Europe?” New Eastern Europe, 2016 (6).

“Understanding Russia? Helping Ukraine? Poles and Germans on the Russo-Ukrainian Conflict”, Historie, Otazky, Problemy. European Civilisation and the World between Conflicts, Cooperation and Dialogue, 2016 (2/8): 103-117.

“European Integration as Self- Colonization? The Appropriation of Postcolonial Theory by Polish Eurosceptics” Czas Kultury, 2016 (4): 100-107.

“Ukrainians in Poland: In pursuit of a better life?”, New Eastern Europe, 1/2016.

“Media Use and Ethnolinguistic Vitality in Bilingual Communities.” Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development, 2011, (with Tom Moring, Charles Husband, et al.)

“Immigration Policy Debates and their Significance for Multiculturalism in Britain.” Polish Sociological Review, 2010 (1/169): 57-86.

The Rise and Fall of Fascism in Britain.” Scientific Works of the Kamyanets Podilsky State University (Naukovi Pratsi Kamyanets-Podilskogo Natsionalnoho Universytetu), 2008 (7/1): 94-97.

The Failure of British Multiculturalism? Lessons for Europe.” Polish Sociological Review, 2006 (IV): 409-425.

Reports, policy papers:

Polexit w polskiej debacie publicznej. Instytut Spaw Pubilcznych: Warszawa, 2021 (z Małgorzatą Kopką-Piątek).

Language, Identity, Politics: the Myth of Two Ukraines, Bertelsmann Foundation, Berlin 2014.

Poland – Ukraine, Poles – Ukrainians. A Look Across the Border (In Polish: Polska – Ukraina, Polacy – Ukraińcy. Spojrzenie przez Granicę) Warsaw: Institute of Public Affairs, 2013, (with Konieczna, Joanna i Łukasz Wenerski).

EU-Russia Visa Facilitation and Liberalisation. State of Play and Prospects for the Future  Berlin: EU-Russia Civil Society Forum, 2013, (with Oleg Korneev et al.).

The Polish-Ukrainian Border during the Euro 2012 (In Polish: Granica polsko-ukraińska podczas Euro 2012: Odprawa w jednym miejscu receptą na zwiększenie przepustowości przejść granicznych, Warsaw: Batory Foundation, , 2013, (with Tomasz Horbowski and Monika Szulecka).

Local Border Traffic Agreement for the Kaliningrad Region: a Success Story of the Polish Presidency and a Trust-building Exercise for Poland and Russia, Batory Foundation, Warsaw, 2011.

A Border to Repair. Poland and Ukraine Borderland Issues (In Polish: Granica do naprawy. Problemy pogranicza Polski i Ukrainy, edited with Joanna Konieczna, Warsaw: Batory Foundation, 2012.

The Perception of Poles and Poland in the United Kingdom, Warsaw: Institute of Public Affairs, 2011.

Through the Looking Glass: The Perception of Poland and Poles in the Ukrainian Media, (In Polish: Po drugiej stronie lustra. Obraz Polski i Polaków w mediach ukraińskich), Warsaw: Institute of Public Affairs, 2011, (with Natalya Ryabinska).

‘Next Stopski London’. Public Perceptions of Labour Migration within the EU. The Case of Polish Labour Migrants in the British Press, (with Justyna Frelak) Institute of Public Affairs, Warsaw, 2008.


Good Practices in Migrant Integration: Trainee’s Manual. Warsaw: OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, 2018, (with Nihad Bunar, Dominika Cieślikowska, Rebecca Keating, Ursula Trummer, Larry Olomoofe).

Good Practices in Migrant Integration: Trainer’s Manual,Warsaw: OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, 2018, (with Nihad Bunar, Dominika Cieślikowska, Rebecca Keating, Ursula Trummer, Larry Olomoofe).


Zainteresowania pozanaukowe

historia społeczna, literatura i kinematografia anglosasska, malarstwo okresu modernizmu


Short Profile

Joanna Fomina  is Assistant Professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. She earned a Master’s degree in English from Jagiellonian University, Krakow; a Master’s degree in British Studies from Humboldt University, Berlin; and her Ph.D. in sociology from the Polish Academy of Sciences. She worked as Migration Expert at the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights and also coordinated the Europe without Barriers international coalition of NGOs working toward EU visa liberalization for the Eastern Partnership countries. Her academic interests include EU integration, migration and migrant integration policies, Euroskepticism and populism, and democratization and transformation in Central and Eastern Europe.

Research projects

2016-2019 Agents of Change? Civic participation and political activism of political imigrants from Russia to the EU states and transnational political remittances. Polish National Scientific Center grant – project leader

2014-2015 Euroscepticism in New EU Member States: the case of Poland and Romania, IFIS, Polish Academy of Sciences

2013-2014 Nothing about Us Without Us. Civic Participation of Poles in the UK, Institute of Public Affairs, Warsaw

2013-2014 Polish-Ukrainian Border during the Euro-2012 Football Championship: Best Practices, Batory Foundation, Warsaw

2012-2014 Eastern Partnership Visa Liberalisation Index, Batory Foundation, Warsaw, project leader

2013 The Perception of Poland and Poles in Ukraine and of Ukrainians and Ukraine in Poland, Institute of Public Affairs, Warsaw

2008-2011 Bilingualism, Identity and the Media in Inter- and Intra-cultural Comparisons (BIM), funded by the Finnish Academy, research on Polish migrants and Polish diaspora in the UK, led by prof. Charles Husband, University of Bradford and prof. Tom Moring, University of Helsinki

2010 The Perception of Poland and Poles in Ukraine, the Institute of Public Affairs, Warsaw, Poland

2010 Perception of Poles and Poland in Great Britain, the Institute of Public Affairs, Warsaw, Poland

2009 Gender and Citizenship in a Multicultural Context project, University of Warsaw, project funded by the European Commission, led by prof. Małgorzata Fuszara, University of Warsaw

2009 Gender and Citizenship in a Multicultural Context: Women Political Participation project, funded by the European Commission, led by prof. Małgorzata Fuszara, Warsaw University

2007 The perception of Polish migrants in the British press project, the Institute of Public Affairs, Poland



Lived Diversities: space, place and identities in the multi-ethnic city, Bristol: Policy Press, 2014. (With Husband, Charles, Alam, Yunas and Joerg Huttermann)

Migration and Diversity in Europe: Lessons from British Multiculturalism, VDM Dr Mueller Verlag, Saarbrucken, 2010.


Good Practices in Migrant Integration: Trainee’s Manual. Warsaw: OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, 2018. With Nihad Bunar, Dominika Cieślikowska, Rebecca Keating, Ursula Trummer, Larry Olomoofe.

Good Practices in Migrant Integration: Trainer’s Manual,Warsaw: OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, 2018. With Nihad Bunar, Dominika Cieślikowska, Rebecca Keating, Ursula Trummer, Larry Olomoofe.

Book chapters:

“On Ukraine’s Geopolitical Identity: Public Opinion Dynamics on NATO Accession in the Aftermath of the War with Russia,” in: Ukraine after Maidan Revisiting Domestic and Regional Security, George Soroka and Tomasz Stepniewski (eds.) Hannover: ibidem Press | Columbia University Press, 2018: 135-150,

“Who’s Afraid of the “Big Bad Wolf”? – A Qualitative Assessment of Poles’ and Romanians’ Attitudes Towards the European Union”, in: C. Buzoianu, M. Bîră, G. Tudorie & A. Duduciuc (Eds.), Inquiring communication through qualitative research, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing: 2018.

“Economic Migration of Ukrainians to the European Union: A View from Poland,” in Pikulicka-Wilczewska, Agnieszka and Greta Uehling, (eds.) Migration and the Ukraine Crisis: a Two-country Perspective, E-International Relations Publishing: Bristol, 2017: 78-99.

“Kryzys uchodźczy – sprawdzian ze skuteczności i solidarności (Refugee Crisis – a Test in Efficiency and Solidarity)” in: Niżnik, Józef (ed.) Geopolityczne powiązania Europy, a system polityczny Unii Europejskiej i możliwe kierunki jego ewolucji, Komitet Prognoz Polska 2000+ przy Prezydium PAN, Warszawa 2016.

“The EU Failed, We Need More EU? The Public Perceptions of the EU and European Integration in the Context of Russian-Ukrainian Military Conflict and the ‘Migration Crisis’”, in Bargaoanu, Alina, Buturoiu, Raluca and Loredana Radu (eds.) Why Europe? Narrative and Counter-Narrative of European Integration, Peter Lang: Frankfurt am Main, 2017, :169-184.

“Narrowing the Gap: Convergence of German and Polish Public Opinion towards the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict”, in: Bajor, Piotr and Kamila Scholl-Mazuerk (eds) Eastern Chessboard: Geopolitical Determinants and Challenges in Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus, Księgarnia Akademicka: Kraków, 2015.

“Inhabiting Heteroglossic Media Spaces: Intra-group transitions, identity construction and the language-media interface of ‘Bradfordian Poles’” (with C. Husband) in: Living Languages in Bilingual Media Environments, Husband and Moring (ed.) NORDICOM, Helsinki, 2011.

“Gendered Migration? The Analysis of Non-Governmental Organisations Working on Migrant Integration in Poland”(In Polish: Czy migracja ma płeć? Analiza organizacji pozarządowych działających na rzecz migrantów w Polsce), in: „W Poszukiwaniu nowych wzorów integracji cudzoziemców”, Grot, K. i J.Seges Frelak (ed.), Institute of Public Affairs, Warszawa, 2012.

“Parallel worlds: self-perception of Poles in Great Britain(in Polish: “Światy równoległe – wizerunek własny Polaków w Wielkiej Brytanii”) in: Dyskusje o integracji. Wybór tekstów Polskiego Forum Integracyjnego, J. Frelak (ed.), ISP, Warszawa, 2011.

“Poland after 2005 elections: Domestic Discontent or EU Backlash?” (with J. Kucharczyk), in: Democracy and Populism in Central Europe: The Visegrad Elections and Their Aftermath, M. Butora et al. (ed.), IVO, Bratislava, 2007: 81-98.

The Role of National Parliaments under the European Constitutional Treaty” in Multilevel Governance: Patterns and Degrees of Political Integration. The EU Eastern Enlargement Challenge”, J. Niżnik (ed.), IFiS Publishers, Warsaw 2006: 179-192.

Articles in peer-reviewed journals:

“The Unlikely Eurosceptics: the Undercurrent anti-European Attitudes among the Young Poles and the Role of the Domestic Context”, Polish Sociological Review, 2017 (2): 141—165.

“Populism and Protest in Poland” (With Jacek Kucharczyk), Journal of Democracy, October 2016, Volume 27, Number 4, 58-68.

“At 25 is Ukraine any closer to Europe?”, New Eastern Europe, 6/2016.

“Understanding Russia? Helping Ukraine? Poles and Germans on the Russo-Ukrainian Conflict”, Historie, Otazky, Problemy. European Civilisation and the World between Conflicts, Cooperation and Dialogue, 2016/2, 8: 103-117.

“Integracja Europejska jako Samokolonizacja”, Czas Kultury, 4/2016: 100-107.

“Ukrainians in Poland: In pursuit of a better life?”, New Eastern Europe, 1/2016.

“Media use and ethnolinguistic vitality in bilingual communities” (with Moring, T., Husband, C., Lojander-Visapää, C., Vincze, L., Mänty, N.), Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development, 2011.

“Immigration Policy Debates and their Significance for Multiculturalism in Britain”, Polish Sociological Review, 1(169) 2010: 57-86.

The Rise and Fall of Fascism in Britain”, Scientific Works of the Kamyanets Podilsky State University (Naukovi Pratsi Kamyanets-Podilskogo Natsionalnoho Universytetu), 7, v. 1, 2008: 94-97.

The Failure of British Multiculturalism? Lessons for Europe”, Polish Sociological Review, IV/2006: 409-425.

Reports, policy papers:

Language, Identity, Politics: the Myth of Two Ukraines, Bertelsmann Foundation, Berlin 2014.

Polska – Ukraina, Polacy – Ukraińcy. Spojrzenie przez Granicę, (with J. Konieczna, i Ł. Wenerski), Institute of Public Affairs, Warszawa, 2013.

EU-Russia Visa Facilitation and Liberalisation. State of Play and Prospects for the Future (with O. Korneev, A. Sembayeva, P. van Elsuwege, V. Voynikov), EU-Russia Civil Society Forum, 2013.

Granica polsko-ukraińska podczas Euro 2012: Odprawa w jednym miejscu receptą na zwiększenie przepustowości przejść granicznych, Batory Foundation, Warszawa, 2013, (with Horbowski, T., i M. Szulecka).

Local Border Traffic Agreement for the Kaliningrad Region: a Success Story of the Polish Presidency and a Trust-building Exercise for Poland and Russia, Batory Foundation, Warszawa, 2011.

Granica do naprawy. Problemy pogranicza Polski i Ukrainy, (eds. with J. Konieczna), Batory Foundation, Warszawa, 2012

Wizerunek Polski i Polaków w Wielkiej Brytanii, Institute of Public Affairs, Warszawa, 2011.

Po drugiej stronie lustra. Obraz Polski i Polaków w mediach ukraińskich, (with Natalya Ryabinska), Institute of Public Affairs, Warszawa, Warszawa, 2011.

‘Next Stopski London’. Public Perceptions of Labour Migration within the EU. The Case of Polish Labour Migrants in the British Press, (with Justyna Frelak) Institute of Public Affairs, Warszawa, 2008.

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