Anna Turner


Imię i nazwisko

Anna Turner

Stopnie i tytuły naukowe








Zakład Teorii Kultury

Obszary zainteresowań naukowych

digital sociology, digital culture, surveillance, privacy, AI, big data analysis, comparative analysis,

Skrócony biogram

Since 2022 – Assistant Professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences


International Social Survey Programme Advisory Expert of the ISSP 2024 module on Digital Societies


My work focuses on understanding the impact of new technologies on society from an interdisciplinary perspective. Areas of research interests:


Future and meaning of privacy in an algorithmic reality (moral aspects of online monitoring; resilience practices of surveillance society; protecting privacy in a world driven by AI).


Computational creativity (the influence of AI on the Art; perception and cultural value of Art created by AI).


Methodological challenges with Big Data (studying social problems with new data that come from tools not adapted to research analysis, i.e Google searches; harmonising internet data with survey research; mix methods approach).


PhD in Sociology, 2020, at Graduate School for Social Research at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy Of Sciences.


Thesis title: Economic, political and social determinants of public interest in surveillance, privacy and data protection. Google data in comparative sociology


Edward Snowden interviewed six months after he exposed the global mass surveillance programme, said: ”For me, in terms of personal satisfaction, the mission is already accomplished, I already won. As soon as the journalists were able to work, everything that I had been trying to do was validated. Because, remember, I didn’t want to change society. I wanted to give society a chance to determine if it should change itself” . These words led me to consider the possible impact of Snowden’s revelations (and subsequent global media coverage) on societies across the globe. Was this just another media-driven scandal which in time would pass or did it have a greater significance and effect on our behaviour? What interests us most? Is it Edward Snowden the celebrity and media figure? Or is it the topics – such as mass surveillance, the need for legal regulations and securing information privacy – that are being discussed in public discourse after the exposure of NSA activity? Is the impact of this issue global in scale, or does it affect the behaviour of citizens mainly from Western Democracies?


Supervisor: prof. dr hab. Kazimierz M. Słomczyński

Doświadczenie zawodowe

Since 2022 Assistant Professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology PAN


Associate of Polish Panel Survey POLPAN carried out by the Team for Comparative Analyses of Social Inequality (CASIN) at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences (IFiS PAN)


Associate of the Cross-National Studies: Interdisciplinary Research and Training Program (Polish Academy of Sciences and The Ohio State University)

Pełnione funkcje w organizacjach, towarzystwach i gremiach naukowych

International Social Survey Programme Advisory Expert of the ISSP 2024 module on Digital Societies (ISSP)


Vice-president of the Digital Sociology Group at the Polish Sociological Association (PTS)


Member of The Commission On Risks To Civilisation at the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences (PAU

Udział w redakcjach czasopism lub serii wydawniczych

ISA Global Dialogue – Regional Editor of Polish editions

Realizowane projekty badawcze

Research project funded by University of Minnesota and in cooperation with University of Amsterdam and IFiS PAN


POLPAN Polish Panel Survey carried out by the Team for Comparative Analyses of Social Inequality (CASIN) at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences (IFiS PAN), and in cooperation with researchers from other Polish and international academic institutions.


PRELUDIUMprincipal investigator at individual pre-doctoral grant received from National Science Centre. Project title: Economic, political and social macro determinants of public interest in online surveillance. Google Big Data in comparative sociology 


Data Harmonization – The project “Democratic Values and Protest Behavior: Data Harmonization, Measurement Comparability, and Multi-Level Modeling in Cross-National Perspective”, is a joint endeavour of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, and the Mershon Center for International Security Studies, The Ohio State University, financed by the Polish National Science Centre (2012/06/M/HS6/00322). ( 

Zagraniczne doświadczenia naukowe

Research visits at the Centre for Consumption Research (University of Gothenburg) – 2024, 2023, 2022.


Surveillance in Post-Communist Societies, Stockholm. Workshop for invited participants, organized by the Stockholm University Centre of Excellence in Societal Values and Security Technologies (NordSTEVA)


The CRISP (Centre for Research Into Information, Surveillance & Privacy), Doctoral Training School, Edinburgh


TheCRISP Doctoral Training Workshop was held at the Open University, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom. Intensive, multidisciplinary course of research methods and skills training in the field of Surveillance Studies. It featured a range of knowledge-exchange and research-training activities, as well as provided social and networking opportunities


Digital Humanities Oxford Summer School  “Connections: exchanging knowledge and widening participation in the Humanities” – focused on skills of understanding impact, communication, outreach and knowledge exchange

Stypendia naukowe

Scholarships for the best doctoral students at the Graduate School for Social Research at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, financed by Ministry of Science and Higher Education: 2013/2014, 2014/2015, 2015/2016

Działalność dydaktyczna

University of Warsaw, Faculty of Sociology: “Algorithms and surveillance society”


Graduate School for Social Research at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy Of Sciences: “Sociology of the Internet – social, political and economic aspects of cyberspace and society”

Wystąpienia na konferencjach, sympozjach, lub seminariach

People’s Beliefs regarding Phones ‘Listening’ to Offline Conversations: Comparing results from the United States, the Netherlands, and Poland. Segijn, C. M., Strycharz, J., Turner, A., & Opree, S. J., 2024, September). Midterm Conference of International Sociological Association by the WG10 Digital Sociology, Warsaw


“My phone must be listening!”: Consumers’ experiences and beliefs around phones ‘listening’ to offline conversations for personalized advertising. Segijn, C. M., Strycharz, J., Turner, A., & Opree, S. J. (2024, March). American Academy of Advertising, Portland


People’s Beliefs regarding Phones ‘Listening’ to Offline Conversations: Comparing results from the United States, the Netherlands, and Poland. Segijn, C. M., Strycharz, J., Turner, A., & Opree, S. J. (2023, September). Media Psychology, Luxembourg


ChatGPT, BARD, ERNIE – czy algorytmy sztucznej inteligencji to uczeni cyfrowego jutra? Conference at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw. Społeczne i etyczne aspekty rozwoju i wykorzystania sztucznej inteligencji. 24.10.2023.


ISSP General Meeting 2023. Reykjavik, Iceland. April 29th to May 3rd, 2023:


(1) From cyberscepticism to digital disconnect – Pretest results from the new ISSP Module on Digital Societies. Anna Turner, Anja Eder.


(2) Exploring Digital Society in the era of digitalization of personal interview. What is the impact of data collection mode on measuring behavior, attitudes and views about modern technologies. Marcin W. Zieliński, Anna Turner


To what extent do aggregate measures of Google searches relate to individual responses to survey items? On harmonizing data from different sources. Digital Research Data and Human Sciences, 1-3 December 2022, University of Jyväskylä, Finland.


XVIII Sociological Congress, Warszawa, 14-17.09.2022. Co-organiser of thematic group: “Algorythmic reality – social, cultural, economic and political aspects”. Paper: “Poles online – digital natives and the excluded”


Privacy, Data Protection, Mass Surveillance. Linking Big Data with Administrative and Survey Data – On Harmonizing Data from Different Sources. ISSP General Meeting 2022. Bratislava, Slovakia. June 18 to 22, 2022.


Big Data Meets Survey Science: “Continuing to Explore New Statistical Frontiers at the Intersection of Big Data and Survey Science”. New York (US) online 4-6.11.2020. Presentation: “Google Searches in Cross-National Analyses”


WAPOR 73rd Annual Conference and WAPOR LATAM 9th Congress. Public Opinion and Survey Research in Changing Times. Salamanca (Spain) online. 6-9.10.2020. Presentation: “Relationship Between Google Searches and Survey Responses: Cross-National Analyses on the Aggregate and Individual Levels”


17 Ogólnopolski Zjazd Socjologiczny, Wrocław, 11-14.09.2019. Presentation: “Economic, political and social determinants of public interest in surveillance, privacy and data protection Google Big Data in comparative sociology”


ESA RN36 Midterm Conference and 10th Slovenian Social Science Conference The Social Transformations We Live in: Between Cohesion and Fragmentation. Nova Gorica, Slovenia, 20–22.09.2018. Presentation: “Online Surveillance in Everyday Life. Google Big Data in European perspective”


BASEES Annual Conference, Cambridge 13-15.04.2018. Presentation: “Public Interest in Surveillance, Privacy and Data Protection in European Countries. Google Big Data in cross National Perspective and organization of panel “Politics: Surveillance in Post-Communist Countries”


Cyber Media, Lublin 15.12.2017. Presentation: “Google Data in Social Sciences”


Challenges in Data Science, Matera 8-11.07.2016. Presentation: “Conducting Google Big Data analysis using linear regression in multilevel modelling. Challenges, traps and discoveries”


7th Biennial Surveillance & Society Conference Surveillance: Power, Performance and Trust, Barcelona 21-23.04.2016. Presentation: “Attitudes Towards Surveillance in Everyday Life. Google Big Data in Cross National Perspective”


Surveillance and Citizenship State-Media-Citizen Relations After the Snowden Leaks, Cardiff University, 18-19.06.2015. Presentation: “Do We Really Care? Trust, Democracy and Attitudes Towards Sharing Personal Data and Online Surveillance in Cross National Perspective”


Conference and Workshop on Survey Data Harmonization, 18-21.12.2013 Warsaw. Presentation: “Discussion of the Harmonization of Background Variables in the Data Harmonization Project”

Dorobek popularyzatorski

Festiwal Nauki. 2024. Czy Twój smartfon Cię podsłuchuje? Jak pokazują badania, większość użytkowników internetu uważa, że ich telefony podsłuchują ich rozmowy i że rozmowy te są wykorzystywane do personalizowania kierowanych do nich reklam. Jak to możliwe i czy możemy coś na to poradzić?


Interview: Jak się zabezpieczyć przed telefonami, które nas podsłuchują? Polskie Radio 3


Interview: Jak odłączyć się od sieci? TVN24


V Forum Geopolityczne. 2023. A supervised society – will the Western countries overtake China? David Lyon, Katarzyna Szymielewicz, Anna Turner 


Festiwal Nauki. 2023. ChatGPT, Bard, Ernie – threats and opportunitites of artifical intelligence. During the lecture, we will learn how we can use AI in everyday life, find out about its impact on society, discover potential risks and consequences. 


Instytut Spraw Obywatelskich, podcast: Płynna inwigilacja, RODO i kpina z Twojej prywatności 

DELab of the University of Warsaw: „Pozorny wybór”, czyli w jaki sposób użytkownicy Internetu radzą sobie z e‑nadzorem?


Festiwal Nauki. 2022. Life for sale – the story of how companies make money by monitoring our online behaviour. During the meeting we will discuss the practical guide “Digital survival – how not to let algorithms get you down”



Press conference about Polish Panel Survey POLPAN results. 12.2021. Selected publications in media covering the topic of digital divide in Poland: Computer World, Nauka w Polsce, TVP Nauka.



Segijn, C. M., Strycharz, J., Turner, A., & Opree, S. J. (2024). Conversation-Related Advertising and Electronic Eavesdropping: Mapping Perceptions of Phones Listening for Advertising in the United States, the Netherlands, and Poland. Social Media + Society, 10(4).


Turner, A., ChatGPT, BARD, ERNIE – czy algorytmy sztucznej inteligencji to autorytety cyfrowego jutra? w: Sztuczna inteligencja. Szanse i zagrożenia, Red. Artur Wysocki. Wyd. UKSW. 2024


Turner, A., Marcin W. Zieliński, Public interest in surveillance, privacy and data protection. Google big data in comparative sociology. SSRN. Elsevier. 2023 


Turner, A., Marcin W. Zieliński. Zainteresowanie opinii publicznej tematyką inwigilacji, prywatności i ochrony danych. Google big data w socjologii porównawczejPrzegląd Socjologiczny (Sociological Review). 2021.


Zieliński, Marcin W., Anna Turner, “To what extent do aggregate measures of Google searches relate to individual responses to survey items? On harmonizing data from different sources”. Newsletter on Survey Data Harmonization in the Social Sciences. 2020. Nr of pages: 11. ISSN 2392-0858


Turner, A., Marcin W. Zieliński, Kazimierz M. Słomczyński, „Google Big Data: Characteristics and Use in Social Sciences”. Studia Socjologiczne (Sociological Studies). 2018. ORCID 


Turner, A. Public Interest in Data Leaks and Data Surveillance Before and After Snowden. Google Big Data in Cross-National Perspective. Monograph. Pracownia Wydawnicza Andrzej Zabrowarny. Warszawa. 2017. Nr. of pages: 90. ISBN 978-83-942170-5-1 


Lexical entries: Hacker, cryptology, cryptography, cryptoanalysis [in:] Leksykon bezpieczeństwa. Wybrane pojęcia. red. K. Dziubińska-Wójcik, R. Niedźwiecki, W. Saletra, A. Zagórska. Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego. Kielce. 2016, ISBN: 978-83-65139-74-0


Reviewer at: Studia Socjologiczne, Rocznik Lubuski, Polish Sociological Review, Safety and Defense, Polish Political Science Yearbook, Kultura i Społeczeństwo


Google Scholar Profile

Zainteresowania pozanaukowe

Calligraphy, performance art, theatre, opera, ballet, literature, Slavic culture.

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