Anna_E. Kubiak


Imię i nazwisko

Anna_E. Kubiak

Stopnie i tytuły naukowe

dr hab.


prof. IFiS PAN

Funkcja w IFiS PAN

Faculty member, Name of Faculty: Sociology; Graduate Student Advisor; Member of the Faculty Committee; a Lecturer at the Graduate School for Social Research


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Zakład Badań nad Religią

Obszary zainteresowań naukowych

death studies, bioethics, assisted death, biopolitics, bioeconomy, trauma and memory studies, the Fourth Age of global aging societies, visual anthropology, genocide, and animals’ status.

tanatologia, bioetyka, eutanazja, biopolityka, bioekonomia, antropologia wizualna, studia nad traumą i pamięcią, ludobójstwo, IV Wiek starzejących się społeczeństw, status zwierząt.


Skrócony biogram

Anna E. Kubiak is a sociologist and a cultural anthropologist, a Professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, and a lecturer at the Graduate School for Social Research, Warsaw, Poland. She is the author of books: Delicje i Lewa Ręka Kryszny [Delicacy and the Left Krishna’s Hand] (IFiS PAN, Warszawa 1997), Jednak New Age [NEW AGE After All] (Santorski & Co, Warszawa 2005), Nostalgia i Inne Tęsknoty [Nostalgia and Other Longing] (Stopka, Łomża 2007), INNE ŚMIERCI. Antropologia Umierania i Żałoby w Późnej Nowoczesności [OTHER DEATHS. Anthropology of Dying and Mourning in Late Modernity] (Universitas, Warszawa 2014), Pogrzeby To Nasze Życie [Funerals Are Our Lives] (IFiS PAN, Warszawa 2015), Assisted Death in the Age of Biopolitics and Bioeconomy (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Great Britain 2020;, Death and Funeral Practices in Poland (Routledge 2023), and a co-editor of the anthology: Społeczne i Kulturowe Reprezentacje Śmierci  [Social And Cultural Representations Of Death] (Nomos, Kraków 2015). Her research interests include: death studies, bioethics, assisted death, biopolitics, bioeconomy, trauma and memory studies, genocide, the Fourth Age of global aging societies, visual anthropology, and critical animal studies. 


2007                Habilitation Diploma in Sociology

                        Name of Faculty: Sociology/ Department: Sociology, Name of University: Institute of Philosophy and Sociology/ Institution: Polish Academy of Sciences, Country: Poland

1995                PhD

                        Name of Faculty: Sociology/ Department: Sociology, Name of University: Institute of Philosophy and Sociology/ Institution: Polish Academy of Sciences, Country: Poland

1987                Master

                        Name of Faculty: Cultural Anthropology/ Department: History, Name of University: Warsaw University/Institution: Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Country: Poland

Doświadczenie zawodowe


2019                Current Position: Professor

                        Name of Faculty: Sociology/ Department: Sociology, Name of University: Institute of Philosophy and Sociology/ Institution: Polish Academy of Sciences, Country: Poland

2014-2019       Current Position: Lecturer      

                        Name of Faculty: Sociology/ Department: Graduate School for Social Research, Name of University: Institute of Philosophy and Sociology/ Institution: Polish Academy of Sciences, Country: Poland


2011-2019       Position held: Associate Professor

                        Name of Faculty: Sociology/ Department: Sociology, Name of University: Institute of Philosophy and Sociology/ Institution: Polish Academy of Sciences, Country: Poland

1994-2007       Position held: Adjunct

                        Name of Faculty: Sociology/ Department: Sociology, Name of University: Institute of Philosophy and Sociology/ Institution: Polish Academy of Sciences, Country: Poland

1987–1989      Position held: Assistant

                        Name of Faculty: Management/ Name of University: Institute of Management Sciences / Institution: Polish Academy of Sciences, Country: Poland

Pełnione funkcje w organizacjach, towarzystwach i gremiach naukowych

1994-2019      Associated Member, Polish Sociological Association/Poland

2013-2019      Associated Member, Association for the Study of Death and Society/Great Britain

2013-2019      Associated Member, Dying and Bereavement Interest Group, a SIG of Society for Medical Anthropology/US

Udział w redakcjach czasopism lub serii wydawniczych

20132019      Review Board, Philosophy Study/US

20132019      Review Board, Ethic Education / Jagiellonian University/Poland

20132019      Reviewer, Philosophy Study/US 

20132019      Reviewer, Ethic Education / Jagiellonian University/Poland

Realizowane projekty badawcze

2010-2012 The research project “The evolution of funeral culture in Poland. The funeral industry perspective”, supported by The Ministry of Science and Higher Education, grant No.: 116081739

1999 – 2004 The cooperation with Lancaster University. The research project: “The constitution of society in a globalising world: societal margins, citizenship and cultural interstices”

1996 – 2001 The research project: “New Age Culture in Poland: Manifestations, Milieu, Significance”, supported by the Research Support Scheme of the Open Society Support Foundation, grant No.: 1150/1998

1996 The research in Glastonbury

1995 The research on Findhorn Community

1994-1995     With Prof. Alain Touraine, New social actors in postcommunist countries/Centre d’Analise et d’Interpretation Sociologiques ETHESS, Paris/France

1990 – 1993 The research on Hare Krishna Movement


Zagraniczne doświadczenia naukowe

2009                2 weeks research visit at the University of Bath, Great Britain, supported by the British Academy

1997                Three-month research visit at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, supported by the Denmark Academy


1996                One-month research visit at the London School of Economics and King’s College, London, Great Britain, supported by the British Academy



30.09.1992-30.07.1993 – one-year internship at the New School for Social Research in New York, funded by a Democracy Fellowship.

01.02-30.02.1996 – a month-long internship at the London School of Economics in London.

01.04-30.06.1997 – 3-month internship at the University of Copenhagen in the Department of Intercultural Studies.

2009 – 2-week exchange research stay between PAN and the British Academy at the Center for Death and Society at the University of Bath.


Stypendia naukowe

– 1992-1993 – Democracy Fellowship, the New School for Social Research, New York; visiting scholar,  Columbia University

– 1997 – the University of Copenhagen, Denmark

– 2003 – Schumacher College, Great Britain


Nagrody i wyróżnienia

1997 – Stanislaw Ossowski Award received from  the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology

Dorobek organizatorski

2018                            Organization of the panel: “Assisted Death in the Context of Biopolitics and Bioeconomy” during the international conference: “The Politics of Death”/Great Britain

2018                 Organization of the conference on death, dying and representations of death/ Country: Poland

2017                 Organization of the conference on death, dying and representations of death/ Country: Poland

2015                           Co-organizer of the conference “Socio-psycho-medical changes in the contemporary family”, the Francis I. Rainer Anthropology Institute of the Romanian Academy

1997                            Co-organizer of the international conference: “Structuring of Identities in 20th Century Europe: East/West Convergencies and Divergencies” in Poland

Działalność dydaktyczna

2014-2017       Teaching position: Lecturer, Topic: Visual Anthropology, Department: Graduate School for Social Research, Name of University: Institute of Philosophy and Sociology/ Institution: Polish Academy of Sciences, Country: Poland

2013-2014       Teaching position: Lecturer, Topic: Sociology of Death, Department: Graduate School for Social Research, Name of University: Institute of Philosophy and Sociology/ Institution: Polish Academy of Sciences, Country: Poland

Promowane doktoraty

dr Justyna Orłowska, Living in the sinking islands. Cultural approach to attitudes toward sea level threat on example of the Maldives

dr Michał Bielecki, Dealing with the Traumatic Past: Indonesian Genocide of 1965-66 and a Half-Century of Silence



Wystąpienia na konferencjach, sympozjach, lub seminariach

– 26-30.06 1995 – the conference “The Regulation by Religion of Nature and the Body” organized by International Society for the Sociology of Religion in Quebec City, Canada; the paper: “Ambivalence of carnality”

– 30.08-3.09.1995 – the conference “Fusion or Fission” organized by European Sociological Association in Budapest, Hungary

– 16-18.12.1995 – the conference “New Religious Phenomena in Central and Eastern Europe After the Fall of Communism” organized by Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Poland; the paper: “New Age – a Postmodern Conspiracy”

– 1995 – participation in the international research project of “New social actors in postcommunist countries”, organized by professor Alain Touraine (Centre d’Analise et d’Interpretation Sociologiques ETHESS, Paris)

– 12.06-8.07.1995 – participation in the international conference in Findhorn, Scotland: “Imagining the Millennium”, participation in workshops organised in Findhorn Foundation

– 02.1996 – 1-month research visit in London School of Economics (participation in seminars of Eileen Barker), King’s College (participation in seminars of Peter Clarke), London, Bath Great Britain

– 04-06.1997 – 3-months research visit at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark

– 20-23.11.1997 – organizing the international conference: “Structuring of Identities in 20th Century Europe: East/West Convergencies and Divergencies” in Konstancin-Jeziorna, a paper: “The prodigal son: new spiritualities”

– 9-10.06.1999 – participation in workshop in cooperation with Lancaster University, The constitution of society in a globalising world: societal margins, citizenship and cultural interstices. The paper “Old myths, new mythicizeing”, Warsaw

– 1-05.05.2001 – participation in workshop in cooperation with Lancaster University, The constitution of society in a globalising world: societal margins, citizenship and cultural interstices; Lancaster University

– 3-04.05.2003 – participation in workshop in cooperation with Lancaster University, The constitution of society in a globalising world: societal margins, citizenship and cultural interstices; Lancaster University; the paper: “Confluent communities”

– 30.05-01.06.2003 – participation in the international conference: Alternative Spiritualities and New Age Studies, The Open University, Milton Keynes, Great Britain, the paper: New Age Languages

– 11.05-30.05.2003 – participation in the seminar: New cosmology, Schumacher College, Great Britain

– 02-04.12.2004 – participation in the international conference: Making Sense Of Dying And Death, Vienna, the paper: “New Attitudes towards Death And Alternative Spiritualities”

– 2009 – 2 weeks research on death studies, Bath, CDAS

– – participation in the international conference: Death, Dying & Disposal, Durham, the paper: “Polish Identity – Dead March”

– 25-27.06.2009 – participation in the international conference: Dying and Death, Alba Iulia, the paper: „Virtual memoralization of death”

– 3-5.09.2010 – participation in the international conference: Dying and Death in 18th-21st Century Europe, Alba Iulia, the paper: “Von Hagens’ atrocities and sacrifice’s crisis”

– 29.09-01.10.2011 – participation in the international conference: Dying and Death in 18th-21st Century Europe, Alba Iulia, the paper: “The discourse of biopower against disturbances of the boundary between life and death”

– 4.11-6.11.2013 – participation in the international conference: Self harm, suicide and assisted suicide, Athens, the paper: “Assisted Dying in the Context of Biopower”

2013-2014      – cooperation with the Romanian Academy of Social Sciences

-7-8.10. 2015 – co-organizer of the conference: Socio-psycho-medical changes in the contemporary family, the Francis I. Rainer Anthropology Institute of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, the paper: “The Polish Funeral Culture”

– 2- 6.09.2015 – participation in the international conference: Dying and Death in 18th-21st Century Europe, Alba Iulia, the paper: “Legal and economic issues of the Polish funeral industry”

– 13.02.2017 – participation in the international conference:  The role of cemeteries as green urban spaces, NIKU, Oslo, the paper:”Civilized and wild heterotopy of the Polish cemeteries”

– 4-5.10.2017 – participation in the international conference: Individual, family, society – contemporary challenges, Bucharest, Romania, at the “Francisc I. Rainer” Anthropology Institute of the Romanian Academy, the paper: “The Polish cemetery as a historical archive of family bonds”

– 5-6.10.2017 – participation in the international conference: Mapping New Directions in Sociology of Social Problems: Approaches, Methodologies and Social Contexts, the paper: „The problem of testimony and witness in the case of assisted death”.

8-9.06.2018 – Participation in the international conference “The Politics of Death” in Bath, 2 papers: “Introduction. Biopolitics and bioeconomy as the framework of the analysis of end of life issues” and “Theories of biopolitics and bioeconomy: implications for assisted death issue”. Organization of the panel: “Assisted Death in the Context of Biopolitics and Bioeconomy”

11-12.10.2018 – Participation in the international conference “Social innovativeness in Europe and Asia” in Warsaw, paper: “Assisted death and the resistance toward biopolitics”.

2019 – coordinator of the international conference organized by “Francisc I. Rainer” Anthropology Institute of the Romanian Academy; The Libera Università Maria SS. Assunta (LUMSA), in Bucharest “Individual, family, society – contemporary challenges, third edition”.

2019 – Participation in the Polish conference in Gdansk “Nekroprzemoc? Polityka, kultura i umarli” (Necroviolence? Politics, culture and the dead), a paper “ Noc żywych trupów” (The night of the living dead).

2020 – Participation in the international conference: “Death and Dying: Medical, Cultural and Environmental Perspectives” in Cracow, Keynote lecture: “End-of- life issues in the context of biopolitics and bioeconomy”.


Dorobek popularyzatorski

in media


Zainteresowania pozanaukowe

Portrait photography


Short Profile

Anna E. Kubiak is a cultural anthropologist, a Professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences. She is the author of books: Delicje i Lewa Ręka Kryszny. Kreacja i ewolucja ruchu Hare Kryszna w Polsce (Delicacy and the Left Krishna’s Hand), IFiS, Warsaw 1997; Jednak New Age (NEW AGE After All), Santorski & Co, Warsaw 2005; Nostalgia i inne tęsknoty (Nostalgia and other longing), Stopka, Łomża 2007; INNE ŚMIERCI. Antropologia umierania i żałoby w późnej nowoczesności (OTHER DEATHS. Anthropology of dying and mourning in late modernity), Universitas, Warsaw 2014; Pogrzeby to nasze życie (Funerals are our lives), IFiS PAN, Warsaw 2015; The main editor of the reader and the author of the introduction: Społeczne i kulturowe reprezentacje śmierci. Antologia (Social and cultural representations of death. An anthology), Nomos, Kraków, 2017.

 Her research interests include death studies, assisted death, end-of-life care, the quality of life in the last stage of the life course, dignity of dying, trauma and memory studies, and visual anthropology. After publishing her article on euthanasia and physician aid in dying titled: Assisted dying in the context of biopower ( she is writing a book on this topic.


Educational Background

– 2007: habilitation diploma in sociology. The dissertation: “New Age after all”.

– 1995: Ph. D. diploma in sociology. The dissertation: “Community of Krishna Consciousness. Creation and evolution of communitas”.

– 1992-1993: the scholarship of the Democracy Fellowship, the New School for Social Research in New York, USA; visiting scholar at Columbia University.

– 1989-1994: doctoral studies in sociology, in the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences.

– 1987: M.A. diploma in cultural anthropology, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Warsaw University.

– language ability: English: – fluent

Russian – fair

Work Experience

– 2019: Professor, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences

– 2011-2019: Associate Professor, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences 

– 1994 – 2011: Adjunct, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences

– 1987-1989: Assistant, Institute of Management Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences

Functions held in academic organizations, societies, and scientific bodies

1994-2019      Associated Member, Polish Sociological Association/Poland

2013-2019      Associated Member, Association for the Study of Death and Society/Great Britain

2013-2019      Associated Member, Dying and Bereavement Interest Group, a SIG of Society for Medical Anthropology/US

Editor in journals/publication series

Philosophy Study, USA
Edukacja Etyczna (Ethic Education), Poland

Research projects

2010-2012 The research project “The evolution of funeral culture in Poland. The funeral industry perspective”, supported by The Ministry of Science and Higher Education, grant No.: 116081739

1999 – 2004 The cooperation with Lancaster University. The research project: “The constitution of society in a globalising world: societal margins, citizenship and cultural interstices”

1996 – 2001 The research project: “New Age Culture in Poland: Manifestations, Milieu, Significance”, supported by the Research Support Scheme of the Open Society Support Foundation, grant No.: 1150/1998

02.1996 The research in Glastonbury

1994-1995      New social actors in postcommunist countries/Centre d’Analise et d’Interpretation Sociologiques ETHESS, Paris/France 

12.06-8.07.1995 The research on Findhorn Community

1990 – 1993 The research on Hare Krishna Movement

Research visits

2009                2 weeks research visit at the University of Bath, Great Britain, supported by the British Academy

1997                Three-month research visit at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, supported by the Denmark Academy

1996                One-month research visit at the London School of Economics and King’s College, London, Great Britain, supported by the British Academy


Scientific experience abroad

– 26-30.06 1995 – the conference “The Regulation by Religion of Nature and the Body” organized by International Society for the Sociology of Religion in Quebec City, Canada; the paper: “Ambivalence of carnality”

– 30.08-3.09.1995 – the conference “Fusion or Fission” organized by European Sociological Association in Budapest, Hungary

– 16-18.12.1995 – the conference “New Religious Phenomena in Central and Eastern Europe After the Fall of Communism” organized by Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Poland; the paper: “New Age – a Postmodern Conspiracy”

– 1995 – participation in the international research project of “New social actors in postcommunist countries”, organized by professor Alain Touraine (Centre d’Analise et d’Interpretation Sociologiques ETHESS, Paris)

– 12.06-8.07.1995 – participation in the international conference in Findhorn, Scotland: “Imagining the Millennium”, participation in workshops organised in Findhorn Foundation

– 02.1996 – 1-month research visit in London School of Economics (participation in seminars of Eileen Barker), King’s College (participation in seminars of Peter Clarke), London, Bath Great Britain

– 04-06.1997 – 3-months research visit at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark

– 20-23.11.1997 – organizing the international conference: “Structuring of Identities in 20th Century Europe: East/West Convergencies and Divergencies” in Konstancin-Jeziorna, a paper: “The prodigal son: new spiritualities”

– 9-10.06.1999 – participation in workshop in cooperation with Lancaster University, The constitution of society in a globalising world: societal margins, citizenship and cultural interstices. The paper “Old myths, new mythicizeing”, Warsaw

– 1-05.05.2001 – participation in workshop in cooperation with Lancaster University, The constitution of society in a globalising world: societal margins, citizenship and cultural interstices; Lancaster University

– 3-04.05.2003 – participation in workshop in cooperation with Lancaster University, The constitution of society in a globalising world: societal margins, citizenship and cultural interstices; Lancaster University; the paper: “Confluent communities”

– 30.05-01.06.2003 – participation in the international conference: Alternative Spiritualities and New Age Studies, The Open University, Milton Keynes, Great Britain, the paper: New Age Languages

– 11.05-30.05.2003 – participation in the seminar: New cosmology, Schumacher College, Great Britain

– 02-04.12.2004 – participation in the international conference: Making Sense Of Dying And Death, Vienna, the paper: “New Attitudes towards Death And Alternative Spiritualities”

– 2009 – 2 weeks research on tanathological literature, Bath, CDAS

– – participation in the international conference: Death, Dying & Disposal, Durham, the paper: “Polish Identity – Dead March”

– 25-27.06.2009 – participation in the international conference: Dying and Death, Alba Iulia, the paper: „Virtual memoralization of death”

– 3-5.09.2010 – participation in the international conference: Dying and Death in 18th-21st Century Europe, Alba Iulia, the paper: “Von Hagens’ atrocities and sacrifice’s crisis”

– 29.09-01.10.2011 – participation in the international conference: Dying and Death in 18th-21st Century Europe, Alba Iulia, the paper: “The discourse of biopower against disturbances of the boundary between life and death”

– 4.11-6.11.2013 – participation in the international conference: Self harm, suicide and assisted suicide, Athens, the paper: “Assisted Dying in the Context of Biopower”

– 2013-2014 – cooperation with the Romanian Academy of Social Sciences

– 7-8.10. 2015 – Co-organizer of the conference “Socio-psycho-medical changes in the contemporary family”, the Francis I. Rainer Anthropology Institute of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest: paper entitled “The Polish Funeral Culture”

– 2- 6.09.2015 – Participation in the international conference “Dying and Death in 18th-21st Century Europe”, Alba Iulia: paper entitled “Legal and economic issues of the Polish funeral industry”

– 13.02.2017 – Participation in the international conference The role of cemeteries as green urban spaces”, NIKU, Oslo: paper entitled: “Civilized and wild heterotopy of the Polish cemeteries”

– 4-5.10.2017 – Participation in the international conference “Individual, family, society – contemporary challenges”, Bucharest, Romania, at the Francisc I. Rainer Anthropology Institute of the Romanian Academy: paper entitled “The Polish cemetery as a historical archive of family bonds”

– 5-6.10.2017 – Participation in the international conference “Mapping New Directions in Sociology of Social Problems: Approaches, Methodologies and Social Contexts”: paper entitled “The problem of testimony and witness in the case of assisted death”.

– 8-9.06.2018 – Participation in the international conference “The Politics of Death” in Bath, 2 papers: “Introduction. Biopolitics and bioeconomy as the framework of the analysis of end of life issues” and “Theories of biopolitics and bioeconomy: implications for assisted death issue”. Organization of the panel: “Assisted Death in the Context of Biopolitics and Bioeconomy”

– 11-12.10.2018 – Participation in the international conference “Social innovativeness in Europe and Asia” in Warsaw, paper: “Assisted death and the resistance toward biopolitics”.


– 1992-1993: Democracy Fellowship in New School for Social Research, New York; visiting scholar in Columbia University

– 04-06.1997 – scholarship, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

– 11.05-30.05.2003 – scholarship in Schumacher College, United Kingdom

Awards and distinctions

Stanislaw Ossowski award for the book “Delicacy and the Left Krishna’s Hand. Creation and evolution of Hare Krishna Movement in Poland”, IFiS PAN, Warszawa 1997

Organizational activities

2018                            Organization of the panel: “Assisted Death in the Context of Biopolitics and Bioeconomy” during the international conference: “The Politics of Death”/Great Britain

2018                 Organization of the conference on death, dying and representations of death/ Country: Poland

2017                 Organization of the conference on death, dying and representations of death/ Country: Poland

2015                           Co-organizer of the conference “Socio-psycho-medical changes in the contemporary family”, the Francis I. Rainer Anthropology Institute of the Romanian Academy

1997                            Co-organizer of the international conference: “Structuring of Identities in 20th Century Europe: East/West Convergencies and Divergencies” in Poland

Teaching activity

Sociology of Death – Graduate School for Social Research

Visual anthropology and sociology: the method, the document and the subject of empirical research – Graduate School for Social Research

Supervision of PhD dissertations

dr Justyna Orłowska, Living in the sinking islands. Cultural approach to attitudes toward sea level threat on example of the Maldives

mgr Michał Bielecki, Dealing with the Traumatic Past: Indonesian Genocide of 1965-66 and a Half-Century of Silence

mgr Christina Kosteva, Contemporary Russian popular culture: the transformation of the genre of prisoner’s song (“Russian chanson”) from a culture of protest to commercialized propaganda of “Russian world” and its impact on the formation of cultural identity



Presentations at conferences, symposia, seminars

see above

Promotion of scientific activity

In media




1997 – Delicje i Lewa Ręka Kryszny. Kreacja i ewolucja ruchu Hare Kryszna w Polsce (Delicacy And The Left Krishna’s Hand. Creation and evolution of Hare Krishna Movement in Poland), IFiS PAN, Warszawa

2005 – Jednak New Age (New Age After All), Santorski & Co, Warszawa

2007 – Nostalgia (Nostalgia), Stopka, Łomża

2014 – INNE ŚMIERCI. Antropologia umierania i żałoby w późnej nowoczesności (OTHER DEATHS. Anthropology of dying and mourning in late modernity), Universitas, Kraków

2015 – Pogrzeby to nasze życie (Funerals are our lives), IFiS, Warsaw 

2017 – The main editor of the reader and the author of the introduction: Społeczne i kulturowe reprezentacje śmierci. Antologia (Social and cultural representations of death: An anthology), Nomos, Kraków.


1990 – “Agnihotra” (Agnihotra) and “Obraz i percepcja kultury Dalekiego Wschodu w Polsce” (Image and the perception of the Far East culture in Poland), in: T. Doktór (ed.) Ruchy pogranicza nauki i religii, Uniwersytet Warszawski, 131-206, 78-103

1992 – “Kreacja wspólnoty. Międzynarodowe Towarzystwo Świadomości Kryszny w Polsce” (Creation of the community. The International Society of Krishna Consciousness in Poland), Społeczeństwo Otwarte 2, 33-37

1992 – “Wspólnota świadomości Kryszny w Polsce” (Krishna Consciousness Society in Poland), Przegląd Religioznawczy 1 (163), 97-116

1993 – “Powrót sacrum?” (The return of sacrum?) in: A. Jawłowska, M. Kempny, E. Tarkowska (eds.) Kulturowy wymiar przemian społecznych, Warszawa, IFiS PAN, 113-128

1994 – “Krótki tekst o totalu” (Briefly about total), Społeczeństwo Otwarte 3, 22-25

1994 – “Głód Mitu” (The Hunger of Myth), ExLibris, nr 53, 3

1994 – with Elżbieta Hałas: “Kolektywna konwersja do ruchu Hare Kryszna” (Collective conversion to Hare Krishna movement), in: Kempny M., Kapciak A., Łodziński S. (ed.): U progu wielokulturowości. Nowe oblicze społeczeństwa polskiego, Wyd. Oficyna Naukowa, 1997, 126-141

1995 – “Indiana Jones wśród Dogonów” (Indiana Jones among Dogons), Ex Libris, nr 73, 15-16

1995 – “New Age niejedno ma imię” (New Age has more than one name), Społeczeństwo Otwarte 1, 17-21

1995 – “Dlaczego de Mello?” (Why de Mello?), Ex Libris, 69, 10

1995 – “New Age – zjawisko kultury ponowoczesnej” (New Age – phenomenon of postmodern culture), in: M.Gołaszewska (ed.) Oblicza nowej duchowości Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków, 301-322

1996 – “Ciało w nowych ruchach religijnych” (The Body in New Religious Movements), Nomos, nr 14, 105-116

1996 – “Duch na sprzedaż, czyli Festiwal NEW AGE w Krakowie” (The Ghost for Sale, festival NEW AGE in Cracow), Nomos, nr 14, 129-139

1996 – “Co przyniesie Nowy Wiek?” (What the New Age can bring?), Problemy Opiekuńczo-Wychowawcze, 8, 2-6

1996 – “Nadchodzi Nowy Wiek” (The New Age is coming), Ex Libris, 10, 10

1997 – “Czy istnieje kobieca duchowość?” (Does feminine spirituality exist?), Społeczeństwo Otwarte 1997, 1, 24-28

1997 – “Klimaty New Age – strefy, pogranicza, prognozy” (New Age Climates – spheres, peripherals, forecasts), Przegląd Religioznawczy, 4/186, 129-142

1997 – “O jedności w wielości. Relacja z czwartej europejskiej konferencji transpersonalnej: 17-22 VIII 1997, Warszawa, Zamek Ujazdowski” (About Unity in Plurality, Review from European Transpersonal Conference), Przegląd Religioznawczy, 4/186, 285-288

1997 – udział w opublikowanej dyskusji (participation in discussion with Zygmunt Bauman), in: Zeidler-Janiszewska A. (ed.) O szansach i pułapkach ponowoczesnego świata. Materiały z seminarium profesora Zygmunta Baumana w Instytucie Kultury (Chances and traps of postmodern world), Instytut Kultury, Warszawa, 160-162

1998 – “Kosmologia i antropologia uzdrawiania” (Cosmology and anthropology of healing), Promocja zdrowia, Instytut Kardiologii, Warszawa, nr 14, 40-53

1998 – “Powrót trzeciej siły” (Return of the Third Force), the review of the book: Wouter J. Hanegraaff, New Age religion and western culture. Esotericism in the mirror of secular thought, Leiden, New York, Koln, E.J.Brill 1996), Nomos nr 22/23, 197-198

1998 – “Brudne misie czystych relacji czyli rzecz o nostalgii w kulturze” (Dirty teddy beards or the thing about the nostalgia in culture), Konteksty, nr 3/4, 167-169

1999 – “Le Nouvel Age, conspiration postmoderne”, Social Compass, vol. 46 no. 2, 135-143

1999 – “O ponowoczesności New Age raz jeszcze” (About postmodernity of New Age again), in: M. Kempny, G. Woroniecka (eds.), Religia i kultura w globalizującym się świecie (Religion and culture in a globalized world), Kraków, Nomos, 71-78

2001 – “Syn marnotrawny. Tradycje w New Age” (The prodigal son. Traditions in New Age), in: A. Jawłowska (ed.), Wokół problemów tożsamości (Around problems of identity), Uniwersytet Warszawaski, ISNS wyd. LTW, Warszawa, 280-303

2001 – “The prodigal son”, in: M. Kempny, A. Jawłowska (eds.), Identity in Transformation. Postmodernity, Postcommunism and Globalisation, Praeger Publishers, 115-126

2002 – “Nowy paradygmat Wodnika” (New paradigme of Aquarius), Kultura i Społeczeństwo, Warszawa, tom XLVI, nr 1, 5-22

2002 – “Obcy z kosmosu. Opowieści o UFO” (Aliens from Cosmos. Tales about UFO), Kultura popularna, Kraków, wydanie drugie, 157-166

2002 – “Duchowość Nowej Ery” (Spirituality of New Age), Studia Socjologiczne, Warszawa, nr 1, 43-60

2002 – “New Age Made In Poland”, Przegląd Religioznawczy, Warszawa, nr 1, 67-80

2002 – “Religijność Nowego Millenium” (Religiosity of New Millenium), in: Marcin Karaś (ed.), Definicja religii. Studia i szkice (The definition of religion), Kraków, UJ, 233-242

2002 – “Sztuka New Age” (New Age Art), Konteksty, Warszawa, nr 3-4, 178-186

2003 – “niewidzialna religia” (invisible religion), Encyklopedia “Religia”, PWN, Warszawa

2003 – “Obszary kobiecej duchowości” (Womens’ spiritualities fields), in: E. Pakszys, M. Baer (ed.), Obszary kultur kobiecych w badaniach plci/rodzaju, Wydawnictwo Fundacji Humaniora, Poznań, 113-132

2003 – “Języki nowej duchowości” (New Age Languages), in: S. Kowalewski, M. Jacyno, S. Łodziński (eds.) Granice współczesności (The borders of modernity), Wyd. Sekcja Antropologii Spolecznej PTS, Szkoła Wyższa im. B. Jańskiego, Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Przedsiębiorczości im. B. Jańskiego, Warszawa, 79-105

2003 – “Literatura New Age” (New Age Literature), in: A. Jawłowska, G. Woroniecka (eds.), Kultura w procesie zmiany. Z badań nad kulturą w Polsce lat dziewięćdziesiątych (Culture in the process of change), Wyd. Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego, Olsztyn, 199-221

2004 – “Nostalgia i kłopoty z kulturą” (Nostalgia and the predicament of culture), Kultura popularna, nr 1

2004 – “Miejsca alternatywnych pielgrzymek” (Places of alternative pilgrimages), in: A. Jawłowska, M. Kempny, M. Jacyno (eds.) Kultura w czasach globalizacji (Culture in the globalized time), IFiS PAN, Warszawa, 73-86

2004 – “New Age or How to Commune?”, in: James Lewis (ed.), The Encyclopedic Sourcebook of New Age Religions, Amherst, New York, Prometheus Books, 376-382

2004 – “New Age: religia ery konsumpcji” (New Age: religion of the consumption era), in: M. Kempny, K. Kiciński, E. Zakrzewska (eds.), Od kontestacji do konsumpcji, U.W., Warszawa, 135-144

2004 – “Nostalgia i konfluentne wspólnoty” (Nostalgia and confluent communities), Konteksty nr 1-2, 40-43

2005 – “New Age – Perfect Religion in the Globalized Culture”, in: M. Moravcikova (ed.) NEW AGE, Institute for State-Church Relations, Bratislava, 263-277

2006 – “New Age – Mythicizing Old Myths”, in: I. Borowik (ed.) Religions, Churches and Religiosity in Post Communist Europe, Nomos, Krakow, 231-239

2007 – “Aliens from the Cosmos: A Discourse of Contemporary UFO Myths”, in: D. Tumminia (ed.) Alien Worlds. Social and Religious Dimensions of Extraterrestrial Contact, Syracuse, University Press, 210-216

2007 – “Old Myths, New Mythicising”, in: D. Kemp, J. R. Lewis (eds.) Handbook of New Age, Brill, Boston, 255-262

2007 – „Dzienniki – zmagania z metaforą” (Diaries – fighting with the metaphore), in: A. Wieczorkiewicz (ed.) Ucieleśnienia, IFiS PAN, Warszawa, 122-136

2007 – „Inne Śmierci” (Other Deaths), in: Kultura i Społeczeństwo, LI, no. 1, 169-187

2008 – “O lęku przed śmiercią” (About the fear of death), in: W. Pawluczuk, S. Zagorski (eds.) Czego się boimy? (What are we afried of?), Stopka, Łomża, 23-32

2009 – “Wirtualna pamięć i upamiętnienie” (Virtual memory and mourning), in: J.Mucha (ed.) Nie tylko Internet (Not only Internet), Nomos, Kraków, 98-108

2009 – „Polska kostucha” (The Polish Grim Reaper), Kultura i Społeczeństwo, no. 3, 115-128

2009 – “The social memoralization of death on the Web”, in: M. Rotar (ed.), Dying and Death in 18th-21st Century, Alba Iulia University, 121-128

2010 – “The hocpice movement: the example of conflict between the process of personalized and rationalized institutionalization”, Sociologia, no. 3, 237-254

2010 – “Von Hagens’ Bestiary and Sacrifice’s Crisis”, in: M. Rotar (ed.), Dying and Death in 18th-21st Century, Alba Iulia University, 193-204

2011 – “The discourse of biopower against disturbances of the boundary between life and death”, in: M. Rotar (ed.), Dying and Death in 18th-21st Century, Alba Iulia University, 481-490

2012 – “Debata o eutanazji i biowładza” (The debate on euthanasia and biopower), Studia Socjologiczne, no 3, 105-122

2013 – “Tanatologia jako dziedzina humanistyki” (Thanatology as a field of humanistic studies), Edukacja Etyczna, no 5, 5-38

2014 – „Żałoba on-line. Cybernetyczne obcowanie” (On-line mourning”), in: Chachulski T., Snopek J., Ślusarska M. (eds.) „Religijność w dobie popkultury” (Religiosity In the pop culture age”), UKSW, Warszawa, 127-145

 2015 – Prawne i ekonomiczne aspekty polskiej branży funeralnej – spojrzenie antropologa (Legal and economic aspects of the Polish funaral industry), in: Non omnis moriar. Osobiste i majątkowe aspekty prawne śmierci człowieka, Jacek GołaczyńskiJacek Mazurkiewicz, Jarosław Turłukowski, Daniel Karkut (eds.), Wydział Prawa, Administracji i Ekonomii Uniwersystetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław (

2015 – “Assisted dying in the context of biopower, Anthropological Notebooks, 21 (1),  23-35

2015 – 2015 – Legal and Economic Issues of the Polish Funeral Industry, (, Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Serie Historica, nr 19, 141-147

2015 – Polish Funerals: History and Contemporary Changes (,

Anthropological Researches and Studies, nr 6, 33-42

2016 – Kultura pochówku w Polsce (Funeral culture in Poland), in: Problematyka umierania i śmierci w perspektywie medyczno-kulturowej, Jan Hartman, Marta Szabat (eds.), 2016, Woulters Kluwer, Warszawa

2016 – Nowi aktorzy społecznego dramatu w polskiej kulturze pochówku (New actors in the social drama in the Polish funeral culture), in: Przemiany kulturowe we współczesnej Polsce, J. Kurczewska, M. Karkowska (eds.), 2016, IFiS PAN, Warszawa

2017 – “Subversions on the border of life and death”, Death Studies, 7(41).

2018 – “Civilized and wild heterotopia – the case of the Polish cemeteries”, Anthropological Researches and Studies, 8, 276-284.


2007-2019       Faculty member, Name of Faculty: Sociology/ Institute of Philosophy and Sociology/ Institution: Polish Academy of Sciences, Country: Poland 

2010 2019    Graduate Student Advisor, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology/ Institution: Polish Academy of Sciences, Country: Poland 

2007 2019    Member of the Faculty Committee, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology/ Institution: Polish Academy of Sciences, Country: Poland 

·         REVIEWING ACTIVITIES (if applicable)

2016-2017       Scientific Advisory Board, Francisc I. Rainer” Anthropology Institute of the Romanian Academy/Romania

20132019      Review Board, Philosophy Study/US

20132019      Review Board, Ethic Education / Jagiellonian University/Poland

20132019      Reviewer, Philosophy Study/US 

20132019      Reviewer, Ethic Education / Jagiellonian University/Poland

·         MAJOR COLLABORATIONS (if applicable)

1999–2004      Prof. John Urry, Prof. Paul Heelas, The constitution of society in a globalising world: Societal margins, citizenship and cultural interstices/Lancaster University/Great Britain

1994-1995      Prof. Alain Touraine, New social actors in postcommunist countries/Centre d’Analise et d’Interpretation Sociologiques ETHESS, Paris/France 


The scientific proposal. End-of-life care, the quality of life  in the last stage of life course and dignity of dying in Poland, in comparative perspective





Non-scientific interests






1997 – Delicje i Lewa Ręka Kryszny. Kreacja i ewolucja ruchu Hare Kryszna w Polsce (Delicacy and Krishna’s Left Hand: The creation and evolution of the Hare Krishna Movement in Poland), IFiS PAN, Warszawa

2005 – Jednak New Age (New Age after all), Santorski & Co, Warszawa

2007 – Nostalgia (Nostalgia), Stopka, Łomża

2014 – INNE ŚMIERCI. Antropologia umierania i żałoby w późnej nowoczesności (Other deaths: The anthropology of dying and mourning in late modernity), Universitas, Kraków

2015 – Pogrzeby to nasze życie (Funerals are our lives), IFiS, Warszawa

2017 – Main editor of the reader and author of the introduction: Społeczne i kulturowe reprezentacje śmierci. Antologia (Social and cultural representations of death: An anthology), Nomos, Kraków.

2020 – Assisted Death in the Age of Biopolitics and Bioeconomy, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Great Britain (

2023 – Death and Funeral Practices in Poland, Routledge (Death and Funeral Practices in Poland – 1st Edition – Anna E. Kubiak – (

Articles and Chapters:

1990 – “Agnihotra” (Agnihotra) and “Obraz i percepcja kultury Dalekiego Wschodu w Polsce” (Image and perception of the Far East culture in Poland), in: T. Doktór (ed.) Ruchy pogranicza nauki i religii, Uniwersytet Warszawski, 131-206, 78-103

1992 – “Kreacja wspólnoty. Międzynarodowe Towarzystwo Świadomości Kryszny w Polsce” (Creation of community. The International Society of Krishna Consciousness in Poland), Społeczeństwo Otwarte, 2, 33-37

1992 – “Wspólnota świadomości Kryszny w Polsce” (Krishna Consciousness Society in Poland), Przegląd Religioznawczy, 1 (163), 97-116

1993 – “Powrót sacrum?” (The return of sacrum?) in: A. Jawłowska, M. Kempny, E. Tarkowska (eds.) Kulturowy wymiar przemian społecznych, Warszawa, IFiS PAN, 113-128

1994 – “Krótki tekst o totalu” (Briefly about total), Społeczeństwo Otwarte 3, 22-25

1994 – “Głód Mitu” (The Hunger of Myth), ExLibris, nr 53, 3

1994 – with Elżbieta Hałas: “Kolektywna konwersja do ruchu Hare Kryszna” (Collective conversion to the Hare Krishna movement), in: M. Kempny, A. Kapciak, S. Łodziński (eds.): U progu wielokulturowości. Nowe oblicze społeczeństwa polskiego, Wyd. Oficyna Naukowa, 1997, 126-141

1995 – “Indiana Jones wśród Dogonów” (Indiana Jones among Dogons), Ex Libris, nr 73, 15-16

1995 – “New Age niejedno ma imię” (New Age has more than one name), Społeczeństwo Otwarte 1, 17-21

1995 – “Dlaczego de Mello?” (Why de Mello?), Ex Libris, 69, 10

1995 – “New Age – zjawisko kultury ponowoczesnej” (New Age – phenomenon of postmodern culture), in: M. Gołaszewska (ed.) Oblicza nowej duchowości Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków, 301-322

1996 – “Ciało w nowych ruchach religijnych” (The Body in New Religious Movements), Nomos, nr 14, 105-116

1996 – “Duch na sprzedaż, czyli Festiwal NEW AGE w Krakowie” (The Ghost for Sale, NEW AGE festival in Cracow), Nomos, nr 14, 129-139

1996 – “Co przyniesie Nowy Wiek?” (What the New Age can bring?), Problemy Opiekuńczo-Wychowawcze, 8, 2-6

1996 – “Nadchodzi Nowy Wiek” (The New Age is coming), Ex Libris, 10, 10

1997 – “Czy istnieje kobieca duchowość?” (Does feminine spirituality exist?), Społeczeństwo Otwarte, 1, 24-28

1997 – “Klimaty New Age – strefy, pogranicza, prognozy” (New Age climates – spheres, peripherals, forecasts), Przegląd Religioznawczy, 4/186, 129-142

1997 – “O jedności w wielości. Relacja z czwartej europejskiej konferencji transpersonalnej: 17-22 VIII 1997, Warszawa, Zamek Ujazdowski” (About Unity in Plurality, Review from European Transpersonal Conference), Przegląd Religioznawczy, 4/186, 285-288

1997 – Udział w opublikowanej dyskusji (participation in discussion with Zygmunt Bauman), in: A. Zeidler-Janiszewska (ed.) O szansach i pułapkach ponowoczesnego świata. Materiały z seminarium profesora Zygmunta Baumana w Instytucie Kultury (Chances and traps of the postmodern world), Instytut Kultury, Warszawa, 160-162

1998 – “Kosmologia i antropologia uzdrawiania” (Cosmology and anthropology of healing), Promocja zdrowia, Instytut Kardiologii, Warszawa, nr 14, 40-53

1998 – “Powrót trzeciej siły” (Return of the Third Force), review of the book: Wouter J. Hanegraaff, New Age religion and western culture: Esotericism in the mirror of secular thought, Leiden, New York, Koln, E.J.Brill 1996), Nomos nr 22/23, 197-198

1998 – “Brudne misie czystych relacji czyli rzecz o nostalgii w kulturze” (Dirty teddy bears or the thing about nostalgia in culture), Konteksty, nr 3/4, 167-169

1999 – “Le Nouvel Age, conspiration postmoderne”, Social Compass, 46(2), 135-143

1999 – “O ponowoczesności New Age raz jeszcze” (About the postmodernity of New Age again), in: M. Kempny, G. Woroniecka (eds.), Religia i kultura w globalizującym się świecie (Religion and culture in a globalized world), Kraków, Nomos, 71-78

2001 – “Syn marnotrawny. Tradycje w New Age” (The prodigal son: Traditions in the New Age), in: A. Jawłowska (ed.), Wokół problemów tożsamości (Around problems of identity), Uniwersytet Warszawaski, ISNS wyd. LTW, Warszawa, 280-303

2001 – “The prodigal son”, in: M. Kempny, A. Jawłowska (eds.), Identity in Transformation. Postmodernity, Postcommunism and Globalisation, Praeger Publishers, 115-126

2002 – “Nowy paradygmat Wodnika” (New paradigme of Aquarius), Kultura i Społeczeństwo, Warszawa, tom XLVI, nr 1, 5-22

2002 – “Obcy z kosmosu. Opowieści o UFO” (Aliens from the Cosmos: Tales about UFOs), Kultura popularna, Kraków, wydanie drugie, 157-166

2002 – “Duchowość Nowej Ery” (Spirituality of the New Age), Studia Socjologiczne, Warszawa, nr 1, 43-60

2002 – “New Age Made In Poland”, Przegląd Religioznawczy, Warszawa, nr 1, 67-80

2002 – “Religijność Nowego Millenium” (Religiosity of the New Millenium), in: M. Karaś (ed.), Definicja religii. Studia i szkice (The definition of religion), Kraków, UJ, 233-242

2002 – “Sztuka New Age” (New Age Art), Konteksty, Warszawa, nr 3-4, 178-186

2003 – “Niewidzialna religia” (Invisible religion), Encyklopedia “Religia”, PWN, Warszawa

2003 – “Obszary kobiecej duchowości” (Women’s spirituality fields), in: E. Pakszys, M. Baer (eds.), Obszary kultur kobiecych w badaniach plci/rodzaju, Wydawnictwo Fundacji Humaniora, Poznań, 113-132

2003 – “Języki nowej duchowości” (New Age Languages), in: S. Kowalewski, M. Jacyno, S. Łodziński (eds.) Granice współczesności (The borders of modernity), Wyd. Sekcja Antropologii Spolecznej PTS, Szkoła Wyższa im. B. Jańskiego, Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Przedsiębiorczości im. B. Jańskiego, Warszawa, 79-105

2003 – “Literatura New Age” (New Age Literature), in: A. Jawłowska, G. Woroniecka (eds.), Kultura w procesie zmiany. Z badań nad kulturą w Polsce lat dziewięćdziesiątych (Culture in the process of change), Wyd. Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego, Olsztyn, 199-221

2004 – “Nostalgia i kłopoty z kulturą” (Nostalgia and the predicament of culture), Kultura popularna, nr 1

2004 – “Miejsca alternatywnych pielgrzymek” (Places of alternative pilgrimages), in: A. Jawłowska, M. Kempny, M. Jacyno (eds.) Kultura w czasach globalizacji (Culture in the globalized time), IFiS PAN, Warszawa, 73-86

2004 – “New Age or How to Commune?”, in: J. Lewis (ed.), The Encyclopedic Sourcebook of New Age Religions, Amherst, New York, Prometheus Books, 376-382

2004 – “New Age: religia ery konsumpcji” (New Age: religion of the consumption era), in: M. Kempny, K. Kiciński, E. Zakrzewska (eds.), Od kontestacji do konsumpcji, U.W., Warszawa, 135-144

2004 – “Nostalgia i konfluentne wspólnoty” (Nostalgia and confluent communities), Konteksty, nr 1-2, 40-43

2005 – “New Age – Perfect Religion in the Globalized Culture”, in: M. Moravcikova (ed.) NEW AGE, Institute for State-Church Relations, Bratislava, 263-277

2006 – “New Age – Mythicizing Old Myths”, in: I. Borowik (ed.) Religions, Churches and Religiosity in Post-Communist Europe, Nomos, Krakow, 231-239

2007 – “Aliens from the Cosmos: A Discourse of Contemporary UFO Myths”, in: D. Tumminia (ed.) Alien Worlds. Social and Religious Dimensions of Extraterrestrial Contact, Syracuse, University Press, 210-216

2007 – “Old Myths, New Mythicising”, in: D. Kemp, J. R. Lewis (eds.) Handbook of New Age, Brill, Boston, 255-262

2007 – “Dzienniki – zmagania z metaforą” (Diaries – fighting with the metaphor), in: A. Wieczorkiewicz (ed.) Ucieleśnienia, IFiS PAN, Warszawa, 122-136

2007 – “Inne Śmierci” (Other deaths), in: Kultura i Społeczeństwo, LI, no. 1, 169-187

2008 – “O lęku przed śmiercią” (About the fear of death), in: W. Pawluczuk, S. Zagorski (eds.) Czego się boimy? (What are we afraid of?), Stopka, Łomża, 23-32

2009 – “Wirtualna pamięć i upamiętnienie” (Virtual memory and mourning), in: J. Mucha (ed.) Nie tylko Internet (Not only the Internet), Nomos, Kraków, 98-108

2009 – “Polska kostucha” (The Polish Grim Reaper), Kultura i Społeczeństwo, no. 3, 115-128

2009 – “The social memoralization of death on the Web”, in: M. Rotar (ed.), Dying and Death in 18th-21st Century, Alba Iulia University, 121-128

2010 – “The hospice movement: The example of conflict between the process of personalized and rationalized institutionalization”, Sociologia, no. 3, 237-254

2010 – “Von Hagens’ Bestiary and Sacrifice’s Crisis”, in: M. Rotar (ed.), Dying and Death in 18th-21st Century, Alba Iulia University, 193-204

2011 – “The discourse of biopower against disturbances of the boundary between life and death”, in: M. Rotar (ed.), Dying and Death in 18th-21st Century, Alba Iulia University, 481-490

2012 – “Debata o eutanazji i biowładza” (The debate on euthanasia and biopower), Studia Socjologiczne, no 3, 105-122

2013 – “Tanatologia jako dziedzina humanistyki” (Thanatology as a field of humanistic studies), Edukacja Etyczna, no 5, 5-38

2014 – “Żałoba on-line. Cybernetyczne obcowanie” (On-line mourning”), in: T. Chachulski, J. Snopek, M. Ślusarska (eds.) “Religijność w dobie popkultury” (Religiosity In the pop culture age”), UKSW, Warszawa, 127-145

2015 – “Assisted dying in the context of biopower”, Anthropological Notebooks, XXI, 1(21), 23-35

2016 – “Legal and Economic Issues of the Polish Funeral Industry”, Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Serie Historica, II, 19, 141-147

2016 – “Polish Funerals: History and Contemporary Changes”, Anthropological Researches and Studies, 6(2), 33-42

2016 – “Prawne i ekonomiczne aspekty polskiej branży funeralnej – spojrzenie antropologa (Legal and economic aspects of the Polish funeral industry – an anthropological view), in: J. Mazurkiewicz (ed.) Non omnis moriar. Osobiste i majątkowe aspekty prawne śmierci człowieka, Wydział Prawa, Administracji i Ekonomii Uniwersystetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław, 520-532

2016 – “Kultura pochówku w Polsce” (Funeral culture In Poland), in: J. Hartman, M. Szabat (eds), Problematyka umierania i śmierci w perspektywie medyczno-kulturowej, Woulters Kluwer, Warszawa, 35-48

2016 – “Nowi aktorzy społecznego dramatu w polskiej kulturze pochówku”, in: M.  Karkowska, J. Kurczewska (eds) Przemiany kulturowe we współczesnej Polsce, IFiS, Warszawa, 589-606.

 2017 – “Subversions on the border of life and death”, Death Studies, 7(41).

2018 – “Civilized and wild heterotopia – the case of the Polish cemeteries”, Anthropological Researches and Studies, 8, 276-284.

2018 – “Shaking the Foundations of Biopolitics”, Global Journal of Archaeology & Anthropology, 3(3), 555-615.

2019 – “Zapomniana perspektywa biograficzna jako kategoria ocalająca” (The forgotten biographical perspective as a rescue category), Studia Kulturoznawcze, 1, 117-130.

2020 – “Ciało jako obiekt bioekonomiczny” (The body as a bioeconomic object), in: Jakub Pawlikowski (ed.), Ciało ludzkie w badaniach naukowych i praktyce medycznej (The human body in scientific research and medical practice), PZWL Wydawnictwo Lekarskie, Warszawa, 310-320.

2021 – „End-of-Life Issues in the Context of Biopolitics and Bioeconomy”, in: M. Szabat, J. Piasecki (eds) Approaches to Death and Dying: Bioethical and Cultural Perspectives, Cracow, UJ.

2021 – „Trup jako podmiot i aktor w rytuałach”, in: K. Motyka (ed.) Prawa zmarłych?, Lublin, KUL, 67-86.

2022 – „Pochówki i cmentarze ekologiczne”, in: B. Imiołczyk, J. Troszczyńska-Reyman, T. Zieliński (eds) Uszanujmy zmarłych, Warszawa, ChAT Wydawnictwo Naukowe

2022 – „Noc żywych trupów”, in: J. Orzeszek, S. Rosiek (eds) Nekroprzemoc, Gdańsk, słowo/obraz terytoria


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