Matthias Roick

wizerunek dr Mattthias Roick

Matthias Roick is an expert in the history of ethics and early modern Latin book culture. He did his MA in philosophy and literature at the University of Munich and received his PhD in European History and Civilization from the European University Institute in 2009. He continued his postdoctoral research at the University of Göttingen, at the Warburg Institute in London and at the Herzog August Bibliothek in Wolfenbüttel. He joined the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences as a posdoctoral fellow in 2022.
His PASIFIC mentor at IFiS is prof. dr hab. Danilo Facca

Virtue and sociability. Teaching friendship in early modern schools and universities, 1518-1648 (FRIENDS4EVER)


How did early modern schools and universities in post-Reformation Germany and Poland discuss the notion of friendship in Aristotle and Cicero? To answer that question, I look at commentaries, dissertations, and disputations on the notion of friendship in Cicero’s “De amicitia” and Aristotle’s discussion of the topic in “Nicomachean Ethics”, books 8 and 9. Different editions and translations of the above mentioned texts are being examined, their perception in post-Reformation Germany and Poland is compared. The project also includes a crowd-sourcing task to transcribe some of the disputations and dissertations available.

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