Influence: entrepreneurial bargaining and personal capital

Serdecznie zapraszamy na seminarium Zakładu Teorii Kultury IFiS PAN i Sekcji Socjologii Cyfrowej PTS, które odbędzie się online 28-ego marca (wtorek) o godzinie 18.00

Dr Magdalena Petersson McIntyre, Associate Professor, University of Gothenburg będzie miała wystąpienie pt. Influence: entrepreneurial bargaining and personal capital

Spotkanie poprowadzi dr Anna Turner (IFiS PAN)

Abstrakt wystąpienia:

Having influence over something or someone has become a desirable cue of success. To influence is to advocate change, to make a mark on the world and to affect. Nowhere is the status of influence clearer than in the rapid emergence and expansion of the group of individuals that are referred to precisely as influencers. In this presentation, a critical approach is taken to the phenomenon of social media influencers by relating it to another group of people who are also typical of present-day opinion work; consultants working with issues of gender equality, diversity and inclusion. Both groups base their activities in the breaking down of boundaries between private and professional life, and frame personal experiences as a motor for large-scale change. By sharing the ambition to influence or change another person’s direction, these individuals illustrate how influence has become a new form of power tool, promoted by digital technologies. The presentation draws on a qualitative and ethnographic study of social media influencers and gender equality consultants, conducted over the past 10-year period. Methods consist of a combination of observations, in-depth interviews, and social media analyses.


Magdalena Petersson McIntyre is Associate Professor and PhD in European Ethnology at Centre for Consumer Research, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. She has co-edited the book “Digitilizing Consumption” (Routledge 2017) and has published on influencers in Journal of Cultural Economy (2020), and Gender, work and organization (2021).

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