Harmonized longitudinal data on social structure: Polish research in a cross-national perspective

December 1-2, 2021
Staszic Palace, Nowy Swiat 72, 00-330 Warsaw
Mirror Room/Sala Lustrzana
Rejestracja: prosimy o zgłoszenie chęci uczestnictwa w konferencji do 26 listopada na mail: publicrelations@ifispan.edu.pl.
December 1 (Sessions in English and Polish)
09:30-10:00 Registration
10:00-10:15 Conference Opening (in English). Andrzej Rychard, Director IFiS PAN
10:15-11:30 Session I(in English): Research on Social Structure and the Polish Panel Survey POLPAN
Session Chair: Małgorzata Mikucka (Mannheim University & UCLouvain)
- Survey research on social structure in Poland: An overview – Henryk Domański (IFiS PAN)
- From the first (1987/1988) to the most recent (2018) Edition of POLPAN – Kazimierz M. Słomczyński (IFiS PAN)
- How to look at the data. And what we see there? – Zbigniew Sawiński (IFiS PAN)
11:30-12:00 Coffee break
12:00-13:00 Session II (in Polish)
Co w badaniach POLPAN jest ważne na dziś i na przyszłość? Uwagi współautorów pierwszego badania z lat 1987-1988/Relevance of POLPAN for Today and the Future. Views fom the Co-authors of the Original 1987-1988 Study
Session Chair: Kazimierz M. Słomczyński (IFiS PAN and CONSIRT)
- Powiązanie badania POLPAN z innymi studiami nad strukturą społeczną w perspektywie historycznej/ The relationship of POLPAN with other studies on the social structure in a historical perspective – Krystyna Janicka (IFiS PAN)
- POLPAN jako kontener wiedzy i instytucja naukowa / POLPAN as a bearer of knowledge and a scientific institution – Bogdan W. Mach (ISP PAN)
- Obraz polskiego społeczeństwa w okresie przemian / Depiction of Polish society in the transition period – Ireneusz Białecki (UW – prof. em.)
- Dodatkowe komentarze / Additional insights – Henryk Domański (IFiS PAN) and Zbigniew Sawiński (IFiS PAN)
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:00 Otwarta konferencja prasowa / Open Press Conference (in Polish). POLPAN & Mass Media – Kazimierz M. Słomczyński (IFiS PAN), Michał Kotnarowski (IFiS PAN), Henryk Domański (IFiS PAN) i zespół POLPAN
December 2 (All sessions in English)
10:00-11:00 Session I: New Analyses of POLPAN Data, Part I
Chair: Michał Kotnarowski (IFiS PAN)
Discussant: Ewa Jarosz (UW and CONSIRT)
- Loneliness of elderly people in Poland. What triggers it and what are the social differences? – Małgorzata Mikucka (Mannheim University & UCLouvain)
- Does subjective social status affect health? Analyzing Nottingham Health Profile with a fixed effects approach – Alexi Gugushvili (University of Oslo)
11:00-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-13:00 Session II: New Analyses of POLPAN Data, Part II
Session Chair: Joshua K. Dubrow (IFiS PAN and CONSIRT)
Discussant: Malina Voicu (Romanian Academy)
- Stability of partisan attachment among politicians and voters – Marcin Ślarzyński (IFiS PAN)
- Period and generation effects: Beliefs in meritoctacy – Ilona Wysmułek (IFiS PAN) and Jakub Wysmułek (ISP PAN)
- Between family and market: Class divisions in homeownership among the young – Mikołaj Lewicki (UW) and Michał Kotnarowski (IFiS PAN)
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:00 Session III: POLPAN in International Context: Moving Towards Harmonization in the CNB-Young Project
Session Chair: Ilona Wysmułek (IFiS PAN)
Discussant: Michael Gebel (University of Bamberg)
- Research team from IFiS PAN and UW: Anna Kiersztyn, Zbigniew Sawiński, Katarzyna Kopycka, Remigiusz Żulicki, Danuta Życzyńska-Ciołek, Stefan Bieńkowski, Viktoriia Sovpenchuk
15:00-15:15 Coffee break
15:15-16:15 Roundtable Discussion: Cross-National Perspectives on Panel Studies and the Future of POLPAN
Michael Gebel (University of Bamberg), Malina Voicu (Romanian Academy), Alexi Gugushvili (University of Oslo), Ewa Jarosz (UW), Irina Tomescu-Dubrow (GSSR, IFiS PAN and CONSIRT)
16:15-16:30 Concluding Remarks – Kazimierz M. Słomczyński (IFiS PAN and CONSIRT).
This conference is supported by the Committee of Sociology at the Polish Academy of Sciences (DUN program) and the (Polish) National Science Center, grant number 2017/25/B/HS6/02697.
Organizational support for this conference comes from CONSIRT of The Ohio State University and the Polish Academy of Sciences (consirt.osu.edu).
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