GSSR Seminar’8
The GSSR announces the eighth in our new series of seminars addressed both to doctoral students and academic staff. The seminars aim to bring together students and established researchers working in the same field, thus promoting closer interaction and future collaboration between them.
During the seminars doctoral students present for discussion well-advanced research projects, with experienced scholars from various academic centres in Poland and abroad invited to take the role of commentators.
The seminars take place on the Zoom platform and are open to all.
This seminar is scheduled for May 31stth at 15:00 Warsaw time (CET, GMT+1) with Justyna Minkiewicz presenting the topic, “Technology in Art and Art in Technology – Its Impact on Digital Society”, and Anna Nacher (Jagiellonian University) and Iwo Zmyślony (University of Warsaw) as commentators.
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- Meeting ID: 846 2579 1395
- Passcode: 368291
15.00 Introduction by Katarzyna Król (chair)
15.05 A few words from Maria Gołębiewska (supervisor)
15.10 Seminar presentation: Technology in Art and Art in Technology – Its Impact on Digital Society
15.40 Comments from Anna Nacher
15.55 Comments from Iwo Zmyślony
16.10 Discussion
16:45 Closing remarks
Next seminars: June 1st at 13:00 Oleg Dietkow – European Gaming Culture: the Case of Gamers’ Identity
Technology in Art and Art in Technology – Its Impact on Digital Society
The main subject of the seminar is the introduction to the topic of my doctoral dissertation entitled: “Preparation of the Marketing and Communication Industry for Breakthrough Technological Change: Rules of Recognition, Knowledge, and Implementation.” The starting point of my presentation will be first results of the research project on the knowledge and implementation of the newest technologies (well-known worldwide) in marketing industry in Poland.
However, the main accent of this presentation will be pressed on one of the key chapters, within which I explore the mutual intertwining of art and technology, and its impact on the society.
I will present: 1) some theses on diverse reciprocal interactions between art and technology, 2) an overview of the most important artistic movements that resulted from technological, economic and social changes, 3) the theory on contemporary art and new aesthetic criteria, 4) the development and character of the digital art, and the theory of new space – digital space.
I will present chosen artworks to illustrate the application of technologies in art which are the most popular nowadays, such as virtual reality, blockchain and artificial intelligence. In addition, I will also describe a clear example of the artist’s influence on the development of technology.
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