Workshop: Model-based explanation and understanding in cognitive science
The aim of the workshop is to discuss the model-based explanations and understanding in cognitive science, and is part of the joint Polish-Romanian project “Model-based explanation and understanding”.
The Workshop will take place in the Staszic Palace in the Warsaw (Nowy Świat St. 72) on October, 9th (room 161, previously 164)
11:00 Valentin-Veron Toma, Understanding the cultural contexts of health and well-being from the vulnerable subjectsʼ perspective. The risk of epistemic injustice, and efforts to overcome it, in contemporary research
Commentator: Marcin Miłkowski
12:00 Błażej Skrzypulec, Perceptual Kinds As Supervening Sortals
Commentator: Przemysław Nowakowski
13:00 Jakub R. Matyja, Musical imagery: one or many