Ask: Research and Methods 30/2021

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SKU: ISSN 1234-9224, 2021 Categories: , , Tags: , ,


Ask: Research and Methods is a peer-reviewed academic journal devoted to the methodology of social science research.  Since 1995, its mission is to publish innovative work in the social sciences that focuses on methodological issues inherent to all phases of social research.  ASK welcomes articles on a broad range of topics and a variety of methodologies.  For more, please see Aims & Scope.

ASK had been published by IFiS Publishers since 1995 as a production of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology (IFiS) of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Since 2014, ASK is co-published with The Ohio State University Libraries.  ASK receives organizational support from Cross-National Studies: Interdisciplinary Research and Training Program (CONSIRT).


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