RENAISSANCE IN TRANSLATION International Conference: 30 May 2016


International Conference

30 May 2016, 9.30/16.00

Conference Room 154, Polish Academy of Sciences, Staszic Palace, Warsaw


Danilo Facca (Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology)

Valentina Lepri (Warsaw University)

Cecilia Muratori (University of Warwick)

Eugenio Refini (Johns Hopkins University)


Organizers’ greeting addresses

Chairs: Danilo Facca and Valentina Lepri

Respondent: Marta Wojtkowska-Maksymik (Warsaw University)

Shanti Graheli (University of St Andrews), Translatio imperii, translatio studii. Renaissance translations of the classics between Italy and France

Antoine Haaker (University of Wrocław, Institute of Classical, Mediterranean and Oriental Studies) Graece reddita. Translations into ancient Greek in the Renaissance

Sara Miglietti (Johns Hopkins University) Towards A Conceptual Framework for the Study of Renaissance Self-Translation

Wojciech Wrotkowski (Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology), Why and how is it conceivable that some Renaissance interpreters could have understood Plato’s Epistles deeper and better than usually we are prone to do nowadays? Some new, thought-provoking hypotheses based upon old, instructive examples

Cecilia Muratori (University of Warwick), To Sacrifice or Not to Sacrifice? Ficino’s Translations of Porphyry

Eugenio Refini (Johns Hopkins University), The Philosopher in the marketplace: Translating Aristotle in fifteenth-century Italy

Bryan Brazeau (University of Warwick), Tragic Fail: Hamartia in Sixteenth-Century Translations of Aristotle’s Poetics

Claudia Rossignoli (University of St Andrews), ‘Render qualche ragione dell’interpretazione’: Translation as Investigation

Matthias Roick (Göttingen University), Finding the Right Words. Translation, Language and Ethics in the Fruitbearing Society

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