Bibliografia |
Lavrinenko, Olga. Socio-economic and Socio-political Origins of Technocratic Populism in the Czech Republic and Nativism in Hungary. Populism 3 (2020): 257287.
Lavrinenko, Olga. The Russian student protests of March 2017: Harsh responses of the university officials and the authorities on the demands for social change. Chapter 8. Forthcoming in What Happens When Students Protest: Civil Rights and Social Politics, edited by Judith Bessant, Analicia Mejia Mesinas and Sarah Pickard (Rowman & Littlefield, 2021).
Lavrinenko, Olga. Determinants of Protest Attitudes: Subjective Well-Being, Value-Orientations, and Intentions to Participate in Protest Actions in Russia. Warsaw East European Review VI (2016): 55-64.
Lavrinenko, Olga. Protests Against Fraudulent Elections in Belarus as Emancipation of the Parallel Civil Society. Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics 1, no. 3 (2015): 120-139.
Lavrinenko, Olga. Ku praktykom demokracji deliberatywnej: refleksja filozoficzna po Majdanie. W Aktywizacja spo³eczeñstwa obywatelskiego. Wydarzenia na Kijowskim Euromajdanie, redakcja Andrzej Wojtaszak, 117-123 = Towards Practices of Deliberative Democracy: Philosophical Reflection after Maidan. In Activation of Civil Society. Events on Kyev Euromaidan, edited by Andrzej Wojtaszak, 117-123. Szczecin: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczeciñskiego Minerwa, 2014 (in Polish).
Under Review
Lavrinenko, Olga. Exploring Protest Potential in Europe with a Multi-level Cross-national Test of the Structural Cognitive Model.
Lavrinenko, Olga. Multilevel Connections between Distributive Justice, Social Spending, and Protest Potential in 51 Countries, 1981 2020.
In Preparation
Lavrinenko, Olga. Educational Spending and Protest Potential in Europe.
Lavrinenko, Olga (w/ Joshua K. Dubrow). Social Spending, Economic Inequality, and Political Participation in Europe, 1995 2015.
Lavrinenko, Olga (w/ Joshua K. Dubrow and Irina Tomescu-Dubrow). Contacting a Public Official: The Concept, Its Measurement, and Its Cross-national Variation in Europe.
Selected Conference Papers
Does Social Spending, Organizational Membership, and Distributive Justice Amplify Protest Potential? A Cross-national Test of Conflicting Theories Fourth ISA Forum of Sociology Challenges of the 21st Century: Democracy, Environment, Inequalities, Intersectionality, February 23-27, 2021, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Technocratic populism in East-Central Europe as a threat to liberal pluralism CBEES Annual Conference: Central and Eastern Europe 1989-2019: Orders and Freedoms, November 7-9, 2019, Stockholm-Uppsala, Sweden.
The conditional effects of the economic insecurity on the voting for the populist parties in the European Union EVS International Workshop, October 10-11, 2019, Tbilisi, Georgia.
Social and political predispositions for the rise of technocratic populism: Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Russia 5th Eastern Platform Tartu Seminar #BerlinWall30 What future for the post-cold war liberal order? May 23-25, 2019, Tartu, Estonia.
Prediction of Voting for the Liberal Opposition Parties in Russia: Emancipatory Values vs. Party Identification, Socio-Economic Status and Cleavages Predictors 1st ECPR/ODIHR Summer School on Parties and Democracy, July 9-15, 2018, Warsaw, Poland.
Integrated Models of the Protest Behavior Prediction in 27 Post-Socialist Countries 8th Laboratory for Comparative Social Research (LCSR) International Workshop Quantitative Research of Social Changes across the World, April 10-13, 2018, Moscow, Russia.
Protests of Entrepreneurs in Belarus: Demands of the Protesters and Causes of Failure 13th Warsaw East European Conference Belavezha: 25 years after. States, Nations and Borders, July 18-21, 2016, Warsaw, Poland.
Social Identity, Procedural Justice and Political Outcomes: Testing of the Social Activists’ Involvement in Anti-Authoritarianism Struggles in Belarus Third ISA Forum of Sociology The Futures We Want: Global Sociology and the Struggles for a Better World, July 10-14, 2016, Vienna, Austria.
Influence of the Ukrainian Factor on the Choice of Adaptation and Confrontation Strategies of Coping with Economic Crises in Belarus and Russia Eastern Platform seminar, University of Tartu, Johan Skytte Institute of Political Science, March 18-19, 2016, Tartu, Estonia.
Two Types of Justice in the Social Movements Struggle: Exploration of Recognition and Redistribution Dimensions in the Struggles against Authoritarianism in Belarus 5th International Congress of Belarusian Studies, October 2-4, 2015, Kaunas, Lithuania.
Anti-Systemic Protests as a Type of Civic Emancipation in the Authoritarian Regimes: Cases of Protest against Fraudulent Presidential Elections in Belarus (2006 and 2010) Conference Social Movements Today in Russia and the World: the issues of Human agency and Politicization, June 5-7, 2015, St. Petersburg, Russia.