Marta Olcoń-Kubicka


Imię i nazwisko

Marta Olcoń-Kubicka

Stopnie i tytuły naukowe

dr hab.


prof. IFiS PAN

Funkcja w IFiS PAN

Associate Professor


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Zespół badawczy

Zespół Badawczy Socjologii Polityki, Gospodarki i Edukacji

Obszary zainteresowań naukowych

sociology of money, new economic sociology, domestic money, household, qualitative research, ethnography

Skrócony biogram

Sociologist, PhD (2007), trained in sociology at the University of Warsaw and at the Graduate School for Social Research.  Author of the book “Indywidualizacja a nowe formy wspólnotowości” (Scholar 2009) focused on the social and cultural consequences of the individualization process, identity formation, and the emergence of new forms of communities in online spaces. Her current areas of academic interest include culturally oriented economic sociology and sociology of money. Her work focuses on cultural analyses of economic life and on ethnographic research into money practices in households. She was a principal investigator in the project “Practices of handling money in close relationships in young family households” (NCN OPUS, 2014-2017). She is currently leading a research project “Intergenerational transactions: Relational work and moral frames in transfers of wealth from parents to their adult children” (NCN OPUS, 2019-2021). Her work was supported by the Foundation for Polish Science. In 2017 she joined the Max Planck Partner Group for the Sociology of Economic Life.


Recently published articles:


Olcoń-Kubicka, Marta (2019). Pursuit of fairness in household financial arrangements among young middle-class couples in Poland, “Journal of Consumer Culture”, online first: 1 Dec, DOI:

Olcoń-Kubicka Marta, Mateusz Halawa (2018). Making a living: how middle-class couples in Warsaw start and practice a household, “Kultura i Społeczeństwo [Culture and Society], LXII (4): 91-111.

Halawa Mateusz, Marta Olcoń-Kubicka (2018). Digital householding: calculating and moralizing domestic life through homemade spreadsheets, “Journal of Cultural Economy”, Vol 11 (6): 514-534, DOI:10.1080/17530350.2018.1486728


Profiles on

Google Scholar




Doświadczenie zawodowe

since 2017 Key-Investigator in Max Planck Partner Group for the Sociology of Economic Life

since 2014 Assistant Professor. Institute of Philosophy and Sociology PAN

2007-2014 Assistant Professor. Warsaw University of Life Sciences. Department of Sociology

Pełnione funkcje w organizacjach, towarzystwach i gremiach naukowych

Polish Sociological Association (PTS), Economic Sociology Section, chair

Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), member

European Sociological Association (ESA), Research Network 09 Economic Sociology, board member



Udział w redakcjach czasopism lub serii wydawniczych

2017-2021. Editor in “Studia Socjologiczne”

Realizowane projekty badawcze

Principal Investigator:


1) Intergenerational transactions: relational work and moral frames in transfers of wealth from parents to their adult children (2019-2021). Project financed by the National Science Center Poland (NCN), Opus 15.


2) Family money: cultural dimensions of money and wealth transfers from parents to young Warsaw residents (May-December 2018)

Working paper:

Mateusz Halawa and Marta Olcoń-Kubicka, Intergenerational householding under financialization: Parental assistance, first mortgage, and classed experiences of housing in Warsaw.



3) Practices of handling money in close relationships in young family households (2014-2017). Project financed by the National Science Center Poland (NCN), Opus  9.

Publications from the project:


1) Max Planck Partner Group for the Sociology of Economic Life (2017-2020). Research Area: “Contested Futures and Moral Economies”.


2) Transforming the State-Citizenship Relationship: The Institutionalization of the Personal Income Tax in Poland after 1989“. Project financed by the National Science Center Poland (NCN), Opus 15. Principal Investigator: prof. Andrzej Rychard


Zagraniczne doświadczenia naukowe

Oct-Dec 2019. Visiting Researcher, Max  Planck Institute for Study of Societies, Cologne              Research project Intergenerational transaction: cultural dimensions of money and wealth transfers from parents to their adult children


Oct-Nov 2017. Visiting Researcher, Max  Planck Institute for Study of Societies, Cologne.              Research project Money and Family Practices Among Young Middle-Class Households in Poland


June 2017. Visiting Researcher.  Lancaster University, Department of Sociology, Centre for Mobilities Research Research project Digital Technologies of Budgeting in the Household,


2014-2015. Mentoring Program. Foundation for Polish Science. Cooperation with professor Alya GusevaBoston University. Study visits in Boston (December 2014, March 2015, May 2015)

Nagrody i wyróżnienia

Best performance prize (with Mateusz Halawa) for the presentation “Społeczne życie pieniędzy i finansów w młodych gospodarstwach domowych, XV Congress of Market and Opinion Researchers, Warsaw, October 2015


Dorobek organizatorski
Działalność dydaktyczna

Graduate School for Social Research (GSSR)

  • Sociology of Money and Finance,  PhD programme
  • Qualitative Methods, MA programme
  • Qualitative Methods in Research Practice I, (with dr Piotr Binder) PhD programme


Wystąpienia na konferencjach, sympozjach, lub seminariach
  • 2019. Multigenerational Householding in the Age of Financialization: Mortgage Family Practices in Warsaw (co-author Mateusz Halawa), ESA Conference, Manchester, 20-23 August.
  • 2019. “How Multigenerational Families Make Financialization Work: Practices of Householding Around Mortgages in Warsaw” (co-author Mateusz Halawa), SASE Annual Meeting, New School for Social Research, New York, 27-29 June.
  • 2019. “Towards a microsociology of household financial crises”, workshop “Crisis of Expectations, Expectations of Crisis”, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne, April 10-11th.
  • 2019. “Temporalities of the good life: long term indebteness and household investments as emerging horizons of middle-class expectations after socialism” (co-authors Małgorzata Łukianow and Mateusz Halawa), “Memories of the Future Conference”, University of London, London, March 29-30th.
  • 2019. “Międzypokoleniowe transakcje: praca relacyjna i moralne ramy w transferach majątku od rodziców do ich dorosłych dzieci” (co-authors Michał Sitek and Mateusz Halawa), Seminarium Instytutu Studiów Politycznych PANMiędzy pokoleniami – różne ujęcia problematyki pokoleniowej w badaniach empirycznych”, Warsaw, March 21st.
  • 2019. “Etnografia gospodarowania. Badanie domowych praktyk pieniężnych” (co-author Mateusz Halawa), Seminarium Instytutu Socjologii UAM, Poznań, February 25th.
  • 2018. “To help the daughter in her mortgage: practices of intergenerational support among Warsaw young homebuyers” (co-author Mateusz Halawa), workshop “Financialization, Mortgages and Families”, Centre for Urban Studies, University of Amsterdam, November 12th.
  • 2018. “Family money: cultural dimensions of money and wealth transfers from parents to young Warsaw residents” (co-author Mateusz Halawa), workshop “Meaning of Money” organized by the Max Planck Partner Group for the Sociology of Economic Life, Warsaw, November 5th.
  • 2018. “Zasady organizacji domowych układów finansowych”, seminarium Krytyczna Teoria Organizacji, Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego, Warsaw, May, 14th.
  • 2018. “Expecting Fairness in Household Financial Arrangements”, Contested Futures and Temporalities of Capitalism, Kick-Off Workshop of the Max Planck Partner Group for the Sociology of Economic Life, Warsaw, February, 15-16th.
  • 2017. “Pursuit of Fairness in Household Financial Arrangements”, Sociology of Markets, Research Group Meeting, Max Planck Institute for Study of Societies, Cologne, November 21st.
  • 2017. “Household Financial Devices” (co-author Mateusz Halawa), Research Seminar, Max Planck Institute for Study of Societies, Cologne, November 7th.
  • 2017. “The Technological Mediation of Domestic Currencies” (co-author Mateusz Halawa), 3rd DELab UW International Conference “Ongoing Digitalization of Economies and Societies”, Warsaw, September 29th.
  • 2017. “How do young family households manage non market transfers from their parents? “(co-author Mateusz Halawa) SASE Annual Meeting, Lyon,  June 29th – July 1st.
  • 2017. “Digital Technologies in Household Budgeting Practices”, Intellectual Party/Summer Conference 2017”, Lancaster University, Lancaster, June 26-27th.
  • 2017. “Digital Mediation of Household Calculation and Valuation Practices”, ‘On the Move’ seminar, CEMORE, Lancaster University, Lancaster, June 16th.
  • 2017. “Culturally Oriented Economic Sociology of Money Practices”, New Economic Sociology and Sociology: Where Do They Meet? Where Do They Diverge? , Warsaw, May 22-23rd.
  • 2017. “Ethnography of Household Money and Credit” (co-author Mateusz Halawa), POLPAN Seminar, IFiS PAN, Warsaw, January 16th.
  • 2016. “Rola pieniędzy w wytwarzaniu domowej sprawiedliwości”, XVI Ogólnopolski Zjazd Socjologiczny, Gdańsk, 14-17 września.
  • 2016. “Digital Technologies of Budgeting in the Household” ( co-author Mateusz Halawa), ESA Qualitative Research Summit, Cracow, September, 1-3.
  • 2016. “Technologies of Householding: Morality and Materiality in Domestic Economic Life” (co-author Mateusz Halawa), SASE Annual Meeting, Berkeley, June 24-26.
  • 2016. “Creating fairness in the financial arrangement”, SASE Annual Meeting, Berkeley, June 24-26.
  • 2016. “Zastosowanie metod etnograficznych w eksploracji zasad budżetowania w młodych gospodarstwach domowych”, V Transdyscyplinarne Sympozjum Badań Jakościowych, Ustka, 18-21 maja.
  • 2015. “My Money, His Money, Our Money: On Gendered Discourses of Household Money Among Heterosexual Polish Couples” , SASE Annual Meeting, London School of Economics, London, July 2-4.
  • 2015. “Making a Living: How Young Couples in Warsaw Start and Practice a Household” (co-author Mateusz Halawa), SASE Annual Meeting, London School of Economics, London, July 2-4.
  • 2015. “Mixing Qualitative Methods: Exploring Synergies in Practice”, Mixed Methods Research in Practice, Methodological Seminar, Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, February 24th.
  • 2015. “The Moral Dimension of Financial Arrangements in Young Family Households in Poland”, ‘Everyday Market Lives‘ , University of Warwick, February 13th.
  • 2015. “Od osobnych do wspólnych pieniędzy – praktyki budżetowania w młodych gospodarstwach domowych”, Seminarium Etyki Biznesu i Socjologii Ekonomicznej, IFiS PAN, Warsaw, February 19th.
  • 2014. “Money and Young Family Households in Post-socialist Poland”, Consumption and Economic Crises: Post-Socialist Experiences, Workshop organized by National Research University – Higher School of Economics, Moscow, October 9-10.
  • 2014. “Handling Money in Close Relationships in Young Family Households in Poland” XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, ‘Facing un Unequal World, Challenges for Global Sociology’ , Yokohama, July 13-19.
Dorobek popularyzatorski

Kochaj i licz: jak młode pary zarządzają swoimi finansami, wywiad dla tygodnika “Polityka”, nr 28/2019

Poranek RDC: (święta) własność?, wywiad, radio RDC, 17 grudnia 2018.

Własność to konieczność, wywiad “Kultura Liberalna, nr 50/2018

“Społeczne życie pieniędzy, czyli jak finanse wpływają na związek“, audycja “Godzina Filozofów”, red. Tomasz Stawiszyński, Radio, maj 2016.

W łóżku z Excelem. Co kredyty, planowanie i rachunki robią dziś z miłością, wywiad dla “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”, grudzień 2015.


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