Doświadczenie zawodowe |
- since 2022
Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences (profesor – associate professor)
- 2015-2022
Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences (adiunkt – assistant professor)
- 2003-2015
Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences (coordinator of a sustainable development project, research specialist, assistant professor)
Major Publications
- Putkowska-Smoter, R., Smoter, M., & Niedziałkowski, K. (2024). Gatekeepers of local environmental progress? self-referencing practices of urban bureaucracy. Urban Research & Practice, 17(1), 51-71.
- Niedziałkowski, K., & Chmielewski, P. (2023). Challenging the dominant path of forest policy? Bottom-up, citizen forest management initiatives in a top-down governance context in Poland. Forest Policy and Economics, 154, 103009.
- Tusznio, J., Matczak, P., Choryński, A., Rechciński, M., & Niedziałkowski, K. (2023). Rising to the Challenge? The State of the Art and Future Research Directions of Polish Environmental Sociology. Polish Sociological Review, 221(1), 27-46.
- Niedziałkowski, K. (2023). Between Europeanisation and politicisation: wolf policy and politics in Germany. Environmental Politics, 32(5), 793-814.
- Niedziałkowski, K., Sidorovich, A., Kireyeu, V., & Shkaruba, A. (2022). Stimuli and barriers to innovation in wildlife policy – long-term institutional analysis of wolf management in Belarus. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 35(3), 460-480.
- Niedziałkowski, K., & Putkowska-Smoter, R. (2021). What is the role of the government in wildlife policy? Evolutionary governance perspective. Politics and Governance, 9(2).
- Niedziałkowski, K., Konopka, A., & Putkowska-Smoter, R. (2021). To hunt or to protect? Discourse-coalitions in the Polish wolf management Conservation and Society, 19(2), 91-100.
- Putkowska-Smoter, R., & Niedziałkowski, K. (2021). Street level bureaucracy in response to environmental pressure. Insights from forestry and urban green space governance in Poland. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 39(5), 900-918.
- Niedziałkowski, K., & Putkowska-Smoter, R. (2020). What makes a major change of wildlife management policy possible? Institutional analysis of Polish wolf governance. PLoS ONE, 15(4).
- Mikusiński, G., & Niedziałkowski, K. (2020). Perceived importance of ecosystem services in the Białowieża Forest for local communities – Does proximity matter? Land Use Policy, 97, 104667.
- Blicharska, M., Angelstam, P., Giessen, L., Hilszczański, J., Hermanowicz, E., Holeksa, J., …, Niedziałkowski, K., …., Winkel, G. (2020). Between biodiversity conservation and sustainable forest management – A multidisciplinary assessment of the emblematic Białowieża Forest case. Biological Conservation, 248.
- Niedziałkowski, K., Jaroszewicz, B., Kowalczyk, R., Kuijper, D. P. J., Mikusiński, G., Selva, N., . . . Wesołowski, T. (2019). Effective mitigation of conservation conflicts and participatory governance: reflections on Kuboń et al. . Conservation Biology, 33(4), 962-965.
- Niedziałkowski, K., & Beunen, R. (2019). The risky business of planning reform – The evolution of local spatial planning in Poland. Land Use Policy, 85, 11-20.
- Niedziałkowski, K. (2019). Caught between the pasts and the futures? The role of imagined futures in the institutional dynamics of European bison conservation in Poland. Environmental Sociology, 5(4), 428-441.
- Niedziałkowski, K., & Shkaruba, A. (2018). Governance and legitimacy of the Forest Stewardship Council certification in the national contexts – A comparative study of Belarus and Poland. Forest Policy and Economics, 97, 180-188.
- Niedziałkowski, K., Komar, E., Pietrzyk-Kaszyńska, A., Olszańska, A., & Grodzińska-Jurczak, M. (2018). Discourses on Public Participation in Protected Areas Governance: Application of Q Methodology in Poland. Ecological Economics, 145, 401-409.
- Niedziałkowski, K. (2017). Kryzys sektora planowania przestrzennego w Polsce jako przykład deinstytucjonalizacji. Studia Polityczne, 45(2), 53-73.
- Niedziałkowski, K. (2017). Wielopoziomowe venue shopping a europeizacja polskiej polityki ochrony przyrody. In U. Kurczewska & K. Jasiecki (Eds.), Reprezentacja interesów gospodarczych i społecznych w Unii Europejskiej (pp. 129-157). Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
- Niedziałkowski, K. (2016) Why do foresters oppose the enlargement of the Białowieża National Park? The motivation of the employees of the State Forest Holding as perceived by social actors engaged in the conflict over the Białowieża Forest. Forest Research Papers, 77(4).
- Pietrzyk-Kaszyńska A., Rechciński M., Olszańska A., Mączka K., Matczak P., Niedziałkowski K., Cent J., Peek B., Grodzińska-Jurczak M. (2016), Ecosystem services of naturally valuable areas from the perspective of different groups of stakeholders. Kraków: Instytut Ochrony Przyrody PAN. [In Polish].
- Niedziałkowska M, Jędrzejewska B, Danyłow J, Niedziałkowski K. 2016. Diverse rates of gene flow and long-distance migration in two moose Alces alces subpopulations in Europe. Mammal Research 61: 171-178.
- Niedziałkowska M, Hundertmark KJ, Jędrzejewska B, Sidorovich VE, Zalewska H, Veeroja R, Solberg E, Laaksonen S, Sand H, Solovyev VA, Sagaydak A, Tiainen J, Juskaitis R, Done G, Borodulin VA, Tulandin EA, Niedziałkowski K. 2016. The contemporary genetic pattern of European moose is shaped by postglacial recolonization, bottlenecks, and the geographical barrier of the Baltic Sea. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 117: 879-894.
- Niedziałkowski, K., Pietrzyk-Kaszyńska, A., Pietruczuk, M., & Grodzińska-Jurczak, M. (2015). Assessing participatory and multi-level characteristics of biodiversity and landscape protection legislation: the case of Poland. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 1-21.
- Niedziałkowski, K., Blicharska, M., Mikusiński, G., Jędrzejewska, B., 2014. Why is it difficult to enlarge a protected area? Ecosystem services perspective on the conflict around the extension of the Białowieża National Park in Poland. Land Use Policy 38: 314-329.
- Niedziałkowska M, Hundertmark KJ, Jędrzejewska B, Niedziałkowski K, Sidorovich VE, Górny M, Veeroja R, Solberg EJ, Laaksonen S, Sand H, Solovyev VA, Shkvyria M, Tiainen J, Okhlopkov IM, Juškaitis R, Done G, Borodulin VA, Tulandin EA, Jędrzejewski W., 2014. Spatial structure in European moose (Alces alces): genetic data reveal a complex population history. Journal of Biogeography 41: 2173-2184.
- Niedziałkowski, K., Paavola, J., Jędrzejewska, B., 2013. Governance of biodiversity in Poland before and after the accession to the EU: the tale of two roads. Environmental Conservation 40: 108-118.
- Cent, J., Mertens, C., Niedziałkowski, K., 2013. Roles and impacts of non-governmental organizations in Natura 2000 implementation in Hungary and Poland. Environmental Conservation 40: 119-128.
- Niedziałkowski K., Paavola J., Jędrzejewska B. 2012. Participation and Protected Areas Governance: the Impact of Changing Influence of Local Authorities on the Conservation of the Bialowieza Primeval Forest, Poland. Ecology and Society 17 (1): 2.
- Kowalczyk R., Ławreszuk D., Niedziałkowski K., Wójcik M.J. 2010. Recommendations for the strategy of the European bison conservation in the Białowieża Forest. [In:] Kowalczyk R., Ławreszuk D., Wójcik M. J. (eds.) European bison conservation in the Białowieża Forest. Threats and perspectives for the development of the population. Białowieża: Mammal Research Institute PAS, 211-217. [In Polish].
- Niedziałkowski K. 2009. Protection of nature and landscape in cooperation with local communities – Evidence from the national parks in England. [In:] Andrzejewska A., Lubański A. (eds.) Sustainability and effectiveness of nature conservation in the Polish national parks. Izabelin: Kampinoski Park Narodowy, 67-79. [In Polish]
- Niedziałkowski K., Jędrzejewski W., Nowak S. 2009. Proposed legal changes to protect ecological corridors. [In:] Jędrzejewski W., Ławreszuk D. (eds.) Protection of ecological connectivity in Poland. Białowieża: Mammal Research Institute PAS, 268-271. [In Polish]
- Niedziałkowski K. 2009. Protection of ecological connectivity in Europe. [In:] Jędrzejewski W., Ławreszuk D. (eds.) Protection of ecological connectivity in Poland. Białowieża: Mammal Research Institute PAS, 29-34. [In Polish]
- Jędrzejewski W., Nowak S., Stachura K., Skierczyński M., Mysłajek R., Niedziałkowski K., Jędrzejewska B., Wójcik J.M., Zalewska H., Pilot M. 2005. Project of ecological corridors connecting European Network Natura 2000 in Poland (in Polish). Białowieża 2005: 1-78 + supplements. Report for the Ministry of Environment under the Phare programme PL0105.02 „Implementation of European Ecological Network in Poland”
Wystąpienia na konferencjach, sympozjach, lub seminariach |
Invited talks
- Niedziałkowski, K. 2015. Ecosystem services provided by the Białowieża Primeval Forest: A spatial approach. [International Seminar “Instruments of landscape planning for the green economy: Applicability of the experiences of the European Union in Belarus, 15.10.2015, State Technological University, Minsk, Belarus]. Inviting insitution: Ecoproject Minsk
- Niedziałkowski, K., Mikusiński, G. 2014. To which extent is the local opposition to the expansion of the national park based on a resource dependency? Ecosystem services perspective on the conflict around the Białowieża Forest, Poland. [International Conference Transition in Agriculture – Agricultural Economics in Transition, 12-13.12.2014, Budapest, Hungary]. Inviting institution: Institute of Economics, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Other talks
- Niedziałkowski, K. „Why have the wolves migrated to Germany? Socio-political transformations and wolf politics in Poland”, Pathways – Human Dimensions of Fisheries and Wildlife Conference (15-19.09.2018, Goslar, Germany).
- Niedziałkowski, K., Putkowska-Smoter, R. „The Change in the unchangeable: Moose conservation and forestry in Poland, 1919-2017”, Second International Forest Policy Meeting (11-13.04.2018, Wageningen, The Netherlands)
- Niedziałkowski, K., Shkaruba, A. “Can FSC certification succeed and fail in the same forest? Institutional politics of forest management in the transboundary Bialowieza Forest”, Second International Forest Policy Meeting (11-13.04.2018, Wageningen, The Netherlands)
- Niedziałkowski, K. “Caught between the pasts and the futures? The role of fictional expectations in the institutional dynamics of European bison conservation in Poland”, Max Planck Partner Group for the Sociology of Economic Life Conference (15-16.02.2018, IFiS PAN, Warszawa)
- Niedziałkowski K. 2017. Undermining the resilience: The deinstitutionalization of the land use planning sector in Poland [Symposium on Learning and Innovation in Resilient Systems, 23-24.03.2017, Heerlen, The Netherlands]
- Niedziałkowski K., Fronia M. 2016. Destabilizing the coal Goliath? Institutional change concerning renewable energy production as a potential factor eroding existing energy regime in Poland [3rd ESA RN12 Energy and Society Conference, 12-14.09.2016, Leipzig, Germany]
- Niedziałkowski K., Pietruczuk M., Pietrzyk-Kaszyńska, A., Grodzińska-Jurczak, M. 2015. Who can decide about nature? Multi-level and participatory characteristics of the protected areas governance in Poland [12the Conference of the European Sociological Association, 25-28.08.2015, Prague, Czech Republic].
- Niedziałkowski K., Paavola J., Jędrzejewska B. 2014.State forest service as a political actor. A conflict over the Białowieża Forest, Poland [2nd Nordic Conference on Forest Policy Science, 12-14.11.2014, Sweden].
- Niedziałkowski K., Grodzińska-Jurczak, M. 2014. How far should the European bison go? Controversies around biodiversity governance in designated and non-designated areas in Poland [Pathways Conference: Integrating Human Dimensions into Fisheries and Wildlife Management, 5-9.10.2014, Estes Park, CO, USA].
- Niedziałkowski, K., Paavola, J., Jędrzejewska, B., 2014. The impact of biodiversity discourse on the environmental conflicts in the European Union – Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe [Conference of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST), 17-19.09.2014, Toruń, Poland].
- Niedziałkowski K., Pietruczuk M., Pietrzyk-Kaszyńska, A., Grodzińska-Jurczak, M. 2014. Who can decide about nature? Multi-level and participatory characteristics of the protected areas governance in Poland [The 20th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management (ISSRM), 9-13.06.2014, Hannover, Germany].
- Niedziałkowski K., Paavola J., Jędrzejewska B. 2013. The impact of biodiversity discourse on the environmental conflicts in the European Union – Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe [European Sociological Association 11th Conference: Crisis, Critique and Change, 28-31.08.2013, Torino, Italy].
- Niedziałkowski K., Paavola J., Jędrzejewska B. 2013. The impact of biodiversity discourse on the environmental conflicts in the European Union – Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe. [Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting in Los Angeles, 9-13.04.2013, USA].
- Niedziałkowski K., Paavola J., Jędrzejewska B. 2013. The influence of NGOs on nature and landscape conservation policy – Evidence from environmental conflicts in Poland. [XV Meeting of the Polish Sociological Association, 11-14.09.2013, Szczecin].
- Niedziałkowski K., J. Paavola, and B. Jędrzejewska. 2012. Institutional tipping points and environmental conflicts over protected areas in Poland. [9th Convention of the Central and East European International Studies Association, 20-22.09.2012, Kraków].
- Niedziałkowski K., Paavola J., Jędrzejewska B. 2011. Institutional tipping points and environmental conflicts over protected areas in Poland. [9th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics, 14-17.06.2011, Istanbul, Turkey].
- Niedziałkowski K. 2011. How to save the forest everyone wants to protect? – Political background of the conflict around the last patch of the primeval lowland forest in Europe. [ACES 2011, Conservation Conflicts: Strategies for coping with a changing world, 22-25.08.2011, Aberdeen, UK].
- Niedziałkowski K., Paavola J. 2010. Determinants and outcomes of environmental governance institutions in Poland before and after the accession to the EU: The tale of two roads. [Conference on Governance of Natural Resources in a Multi-Level Context, 20-22.01.2010, Leipzig, Germany].
- Niedziałkowski K., Paavola J., Jędrzejewska B. 2010. The impact of socio-economic transformations on biodiversity governance in Central Europe: The case of the Białowieża Primeval Forest, Poland. [Advancing Sustainability in a Time of Crisis, ISEE Conference, 22-25.08.2010, Oldenburg-Bremen, Germany].