Ilona Wysmułek
Imię i nazwisko | Ilona Wysmułek |
Stopnie i tytuły naukowe | dr |
Stanowisko | adiunkt |
Pokój | 253 |
Filozofia/Socjologia | Socjologia |
Zespół badawczy | Zespół Porównawczych Analiz Nierówności Społecznych |
Skrócony biogram | Assistant Professor at the Research Group on Comparative Analysis of Social Inequality
Main activities and responsibilities:
– studying cross-national public opinion on corruption, with the main focus on education sector; role: principle investigator – developing survey data harmonization method and exploring its implications for corruption research; role: principle investigator – supervising ex-post harmonization work on over 3,000 national surveys of 23 international projects within the Survey Data Harmonization SDR project; role: core team member, task leader and research assistants team coordinator – developing questionnaire, testing measures and analyzing data of the Polish Panel Survey POLPAN; role: core team member |
Wykształcenie | 2011–2018 PhD in Sociology (with distinction). Graduate School for Social Science, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw (Poland) Dissertation: Informal Payments in Public Schools: the Determinants of Corruption Perception and Behavior in Europe (supervisors: prof. dr. hab. Kazimierz M. Slomczynski and dr. hab Zbigniew Sawinski, IFIS PAN) 2012 MA in Culture, Media and Society. Polish Academy of Science (Poland) and Lancaster University (Great Britain) 2008 MA in Philology with qualifications of English and German language and literature teacher, entrepreneur, National University of Ostroh Academy (Ukraine)
Additional training (selected) 2023 – visiting fellow at the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study (SCAS), Uppsala, Sweden 2022 – visiting fellow at the Paris Institute for Advanced Study, (PIAS), Paris, France 2019 – SERISS Training on Cross-National Comparative Research. Instructors: Gundi Knies and Dr Min Zhang, the UK Household Longitudinal Study, held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, February 18-19. 2018 – Social Data Analysis: Theories and Methods. An Introduction to the Computational Social Science approach. Instructor: Camilo Cristancho (Universitat de Barcelona), held at the Institute of Sociology of the Jagiellonian University, October 6. 2016 – Applications of Hierarchical Linear Models. SOCI 20112. Instructor: S. Raudenbush. The University of Chicago. Spring term. (audit) 2015 – Research Data Management. Instructor: Kevin Ashley (director of the Digital Curation Center, University of Edinburg). Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling. June 22. 2014 – The Ohio State Summer School in Social Sciences. 7th edition. Instructors: Kazimierz Slomczynski, Irina Tomescu-Dubrow. Warsaw, Poland. Summer term.
Doświadczenie zawodowe | Publications Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
Tomescu‐Dubrow, I., Slomczynski, K. M., Wysmulek, I., Powałko, P., Li, O., Tu, Y., … & Lavryk, D. 2024. Harmonization for Cross‐National Secondary Analysis: Survey Data Recycling. Survey Data Harmonization in the Social Sciences, 145-167. (Tomescu-Dubrow I., Wolf Ch., Slomczynski K.M., Jenkins J. C., eds) Wiley.
Wysmułek, Ilona and Jakub Wysmułek. 2023. Generational differences in attitudes to meritocracy: Sources of change in valuing education, innate abilities, and hard work in Poland. Acta Sociologica. Online first.
Wysmułek, Ilona. 2022. Corruption in the public schools of Europe: A cross-national multilevel analysis of education system characteristics. International Journal of Comparative Sociology. Online first.
Slomczynski, Kazimierz M., Irina Tomescu-Dubrow, & Ilona Wysmułek. 2022. Survey Data Quality in Analyzing Harmonized Indicators of Protest Behavior: A Survey Data Recycling Approach. American Behavioral Scientist, 66(4), 412–433.
Wysmułek, Ilona, Tomescu-Dubrow, Irina & Kwak, Joonghyun. 2021. Ex-post harmonization of crossnational survey data: advances in methodological and substantive inquiries. Quality and Quantity. Online first.
Tomescu-Dubrow, I., Slomczynski, K. M., Sawiński, Z., Kiersztyn, A., Janicka, K., Życzyńska-Ciołek, D., Wysmułek, I., & Kotnarowski, M. 2021. The Polish Panel Survey, POLPAN. European Sociological Review, 37(5), 849–864.
Wysmułek, Ilona. 2019. Using Public Opinion Surveys to Evaluate Corruption in Europe: Trends in the Corruption Items of 21 International Survey Projects, 1989–2017. Quality & Quantity 53, nr 5: 2589–2610.
Wysmulek, Ilona. 2018. Europe of Uneven Data: Country Representation in International Surveys on Corruption, 1989–2017. Ask: Research and Methods, 27(1), 87–104.
Wysmulek, Ilona 2017. Corruption in Schools? Scale and Sources of Corruption Perception and Bribe-Giving Experience in Poland, Edukacja. Kwartalnik, nr. 4 (143): 41-55.
Baczko-Dombi, Anna and Ilona Wysmułek. 2015. Determinants of Success in Public Opinion in Poland: Factors, Directions and Dynamics of Change, Polish Sociological Review nr. 3(191): 277- 293.
Slomczynski, Kazimierz M.; Tomescu-Dubrow, Irina; Wysmulek, Ilona; Powałko, Przemek; Jenkins, J. Craig; Ślarzyński, Marcin; Zieliński, Marcin W.; Skora, Zuzanna; Li, Olga; Lavryk, Denys, 2023, “SDR2 Database”,, Harvard Dataverse, V1
Wysmulek, Ilona, 2019, “Corruption Items in Cross-National General Surveys (1989-2017)”,, Harvard Dataverse, V1
Corruption Items in Cross-National General Surveys (1989-2017)”, Wysmułek, Ilona. 2017,, Harvard Dataverse, V1.
Survey Data Recycling SDR Master Box. Slomczynski, Kazimierz M.; Jenkins, J. Craig; Tomescu-Dubrow, Irina; Kołczyńska, Marta; Wysmułek, Ilona; Oleksiyenko, Olena; Powałko, Przemek; Zieliński, Marcin W., 2017, doi:10.7910/DVN/VWGF5Q, Harvard Dataverse, V1
Slomczynski, Kazimierz M. and Ilona Wysmułek, eds. 2016. Social Inequality and the Life Course: Poland’s Transformative Years, 1988–2013. Warsaw, Poland: IFiS Publishers.
Slomczynski, Kazimierz M. and Irina Tomescu-Dubrow, with Danuta Życzyńska-Ciołek and Ilona Wysmułek, eds. 2016. Dynamics of Social Structure: Poland’s Transformative Years, 1988–2013. Warsaw, Poland: IFiS Publishers.
Słomczyński, Kazimierz M., Irina Tomescu-Dubrow, J. Craig Jenkins, with Marta Kołczyńska, Przemek Powałko, Ilona Wysmułek, Olena Oleksiyanko, Marcin W. Zieliński and Joshua K. Dubrow. 2016. Democratic Values and Protest Behavior: Harmonization of Data from International Survey Projects. Warsaw: IFiS Publishers.
Book Chapters
Oleksiyenko, Olena, Ilona Wysmulek and Anastas Vangeli. 2018. “Data and Documentation Quality Check: Cross-national Surveys Quality in the Light of Data Harmonization”. Chapter in the edited book Advances in Comparative Survey Methods: Multicultural, Multinational and Multiregional Contexts. red. Johnson, Pennell, Stoop and Dorer, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Povitkina, Marina and Ilona Wysmulek. 2017. “Quantitative methods in researching corruption: surveys, cross-national studies, and measurement issues.” Pp. 25-34 in How to Research Corruption, edited by Anna K. Schwickerath, Aiysha Varraich and Laura-Lee Smith, Mannheim:ICRN; (
Wysmulek, Ilona. 2016. „What Can the Government Do about Corruption? Public Perception of Government Effectiveness.” Pp. 69-84 in Social Inequality and the Life Course. Poland’s Transformative Years 1988-2013, edited by Kazimierz Slomczynski, Ilona Wysmułek, Warsaw: IFiS Publishers.
Oleksiyenko, Olena and Ilona Wysmulek. 2016. „Structural Determinants of Foreign Language Skills.” In Social Inequality and the Life Course: Poland Transformative Years, 1988-2013, edited by: K.M. Slomczynski and I. Wysmulek. Warsaw: IFiS PAN Publishers.
Baczko-Dombi, Anna, Wysmułek, Ilona. 2016. „Perceived Determinants of Success: Factors and Dynamics of Change.” In Dynamics of Social Structure: Poland’s Transformative Years, 1988– 2013, edited by Kazimierz M. Slomczynski and Irina Tomescu-Dubrow, with Danuta Życzyńska- Ciołek and Ilona Wysmułek. Warsaw, Poland: IFiS Publishers.
Ilona Wysmulek. 2016. “Corruption during Transformations of Polish Society: Survey Data Analysis of Perceived Changes and their Determinants.” POMP Working Paper Series, St. Antony’s College, University of Oxford
In Polish
Wysmułek, Ilona. 2017. „Rząd wobec korupcji? Główne uwarunkowania percepcji walki z korupcją.” Pp. in Rozwarstwienie społeczne, edited by Anna Kiersztyn, Danuta Życzyńska-Ciołek and Kazimierz M. Slomczynski, Warsaw: IFiS Publishers.
Wysmulek, Ilona and Olena Oleksiyenko. 2017. „Angielski czy rosyjski? Kompetencje językowe i ich strukturalne uwarunkowania”. Pp. in Rozwarstwienie społeczne, edited by Anna Kiersztyn, Danuta Życzyńska-Ciołek and Kazimierz M. Slomczynski, Warsaw: IFiS Publishers.
Baczko-Dombi, Anna and Ilona Wysmułek. 2017. „Czynniki sukcesu w świadomości społecznej : uwarunkowania, kierunki i dynamika zmian.” Pp. in Rozwarstwienie społeczne, edited by Anna Kiersztyn, Danuta Życzyńska-Ciołek and Kazimierz M. Slomczynski, Warsaw: IFiS Publishers. Other Publications
Wysmułek, Ilona. 2017. Measuring Perceptions: Comparability of Corruption Items in Crossnational Surveys. In Harmonization: Newsletter on Survey Data Hamonization in the Social Sciences, edited by Irina Tomescu-Dubrow and Josh Dubrow, 3(2), 6-12.
Wysmulek, Ilona. 2016/2017. Creating a ‘Common File’ of Source Variables for Ex-post Harmonization of International Surveys featuring Corruption Items. In Harmonization: Newsletter on Survey Data Hamonization in the Social Sciences, edited by Irina Tomescu-Dubrow and Josh Dubrow, 2(2), 19-24.
Wysmułek, Ilona, Olena Oleksiyenko, Przemek Powałko, Marcin W. Zieliński, Kazimierz M. Słomczynski. 2015. Towards Standardization: Target Variable Report Template in the Harmonization Project. In Harmonization: Newsletter on Survey Data Hamonization in the Social Sciences, edited by Irina Tomescu-Dubrow and Josh Dubrow, 1(2), 13-17.
Wysmułek, Ilona, Olena Oleksiyenko, and Anastas Vangeli. 2015. Processing Errors in Crossnational Surveys:Insights from the Harmonization Project. In Harmonization: Newsletter on Survey Data Hamonization in the Social Sciences, edited by Irina Tomescu-Dubrow and Josh Dubrow, 1(1), 15-17. |
Pełnione funkcje w organizacjach, towarzystwach i gremiach naukowych | Board member: Interdisciplinary Corruption Research Network: RC09 Social Transformations and Sociology of Development of the International Sociological Association (ISA): Other professional associations: Polish Sociological Association (PTS: Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne) World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR) Comparative Survey Design and Implementation (CSDI) European Sociological Association (ESA) European Survey Research Association (ESRA) |
Realizowane projekty badawcze | 2020-2024 Principal investigator: Corruption and Anti-Corruption in Empirical Research: Critical Reflections on Concepts, Data and Methods – European Grant within a Constructive Advanced Thinking Program for interdisciplinary research teams of early-career researchers.
2017-2023 Core team: Survey Data Recycling: New Analytic Framework, Integrated Database, and Tools for Cross-national Social, Behavioral and Economic Research – Grant of the National Science Foundation. Principal investigators: Kazimierz M. Słomczyński, Irina Tomescu-Dubrow, Craig Jenkins; a joint project of Polish Academy of Sciences and The Ohio State University.
2018-2021 Core team: Multidimensional Biographies and Social Structure: Poland 1988-2018 – Grant of the (Polish) National Science Center. Principal investigators: Professor Kazimierz M. Slomczynski, and Irina Tomescu-Dubrow. Polish Academy of Sciences.
2015-2016 Principal investigator: Mobility Grant of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland for a 6 month research project Harmonization and Analyses of Data on Corruptive Behaviors in the Public Sector in Europe: Multilevel Modelling at the Mershon Center for International Security Studies, The Ohio State University; duration: [November 2015- May 2016].
2014-2015 Principal investigator: Public Sector Corruption in Europe: Micro and Macro Determinants of Perception and Behavior – Grant for doctoral students’ research project in Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology Research; duration: [December 2014 – December 2015]
2013-2015 Research assistant: “Democratic Values and Protest Behavior: Data Harmonization, Measurement Comparability, and Multi-Level Modeling” – Grant of the (Polish) National Science Center. Principal investigator: Kazimierz M. Słomczyński. Administered by the Institute of Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences and the Mershon Center for International Security Studies, The Ohio State University [September 2013 – October 2015] 2013-2015 Research assistant: “Polish Panel Survey: Social Structure and Mobility.” Grant of the (Polish) National Science Center. Principal investigator: Kazimierz M. Słomczyński. Administered by the Institute of Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences |
Zagraniczne doświadczenia naukowe | 2018 GESIS Grant: 1,5 month stay at Gesis research center (Mannheim, Germany) to work on joint projects with colleagues from the department on Survey Design and Methodology; supervisor at GESIS: Natalia Menold [February – March 2018]
2015-2016 Visiting researcher at the Mershon Center for International Security Studies, The Ohio State University and the National Opinion Research Center NORC, the University of Chicago (grant of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education 1292/MOB/IV/2015/0) |
Działalność dydaktyczna | Since 2018 Graduate School for Social Research, compulsory course for 1 year PhD students: 2008-2013 – developing and teaching a course „Foreign Language in Montessori” in Krakow; English Montessori teacher. |
Dorobek popularyzatorski | 2013 Ilona Wysmułek, “Education and Democracy: Choice Making as a Skill.” Presentation at the TEDx Polish Academy of Science,Warsaw, Poland, May 18 |