Dorota Hall
Imię i nazwisko | Dorota Hall |
Stopnie i tytuły naukowe | dr hab. |
Stanowisko | prof. IFiS PAN |
Funkcja w IFiS PAN | Wiceprzewodnicząca Rady Naukowej IFiS PAN |
Pokój | 236 |
Filozofia/Socjologia | Socjologia |
Zakład | Zakład Badań nad Religią |
Obszary zainteresowań naukowych | socjologia religii, socjologia płci i seksualności, badania jakościowe |
Skrócony biogram | Dorota Hall, PhD, is a cultural anthropologist and sociologist, an associate professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences. In 2018-2022 she was the president of the International Study of Religion in Eastern and Central Europe Association (ISORECEA). Her research interests embrace religion, new spiritualities, gender, sexualities, minoritization and various forms of marginalization. She was a member of expert networks, such as the Network of Socio-economic Experts in the Anti-discrimination Field (SEN) established by the European Commission, and served as the national expert on field research within the FRANET network established by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights. |
Doświadczenie zawodowe |
– 2011–2020: National expert on field research within the FRANET network established and coordinated by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (expert contracted by the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights) – 2008–2012: National expert within the EU Network of Socio-economic experts in the Anti-discrimination Field reporting to the European Commission (expert contracted by the Human European Consultancy) – 2003–2011: National expert in the RAXEN [Racism and Xenophobia] network established and coordinated by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (expert contracted by the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights)
Pełnione funkcje w organizacjach, towarzystwach i gremiach naukowych | Member of executive boards
Udział w redakcjach czasopism lub serii wydawniczych | od 2022: Editorial Board member, journal Religio: Revue pro religionistiku od 2020: Editorial Board member, the Routledge series Gendering the Study of Religion in the Social Sciences od 2014: Editorial Board member, journal Religion and Society in Central and Eastern Europe |
Realizowane projekty badawcze | – PI of projects funded by the National Science Centre, Poland
– PI of other research projects, leader of research teams
– researcher
Bibliografia | Books Hall, Dorota, Marta Kołodziejska and Kerstin Radde-Antweiler, 2023: Minority Churches as Media Settlers: Negotiating Deep Mediatization, London and New York: Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/b23040 Hall, Dorota, 2016: W poszukiwaniu miejsca: chrześcijanie LGBT w Polsce [Searching for a Place: LGBT Christians in Poland], Warsaw: IFiS Publishers. Hall, Dorota, Rafał Smoczyński (eds.), 2010: New Religious Movements and Conflict in Selected Countries of Central Europe, Warsaw: IFiS Publishers. Hall, Dorota, 2007: New Age w Polsce: lokalny wymiar globalnego zjawiska [New Age in Poland: the local dimension of a global phenomenon], Warsaw: Wydawnictwa Akademickie i Profesjonalne.
Articles in peer-reviewed academic anthologies and journals Kołodziejska, Marta, Łukasz Fajfer, Dorota Hall and Kerstin Radde-Antweiler, 2023: Religious Media Settlers in Times of Deep Mediatization. Religion 53(2): 199–223. Hall, Dorota and Marta Kołodziejska, 2021: COVID-19 Pandemic, Mediatization and the Polish Sociology of Religion. Polish Sociological Review 1(213): 123–137. Hall, Dorota, 2021: The 2020 Protests and the Lord-Boor Division in Poland: Intricacies of Challenging the Roman Catholic Church. In: A. Zabrzewska and J.K. Dubrow (eds) Gender, Voice, and Violence in Poland: Women’s Protests during the Pandemic, Warsaw: IFiS PAN, pp. 204–209. Hall, Dorota, 2020: Autorefleksja i usytuowanie badawcze w socjologicznych studiach nad religią [Self-reflexivity and research positioning in social studies on religion]. Studia Socjologiczne 3(238): 161–186. Hall, Dorota, 2020: Shifting Silences: Changes in Living Religion and Homosexuality in Poland between 1970s and 2010s. Intersections – East European Journal of Society and Politics 6(3): 33–52. Hall, Dorota, 2020: Geographical Mobility, Sexual Identities and Personal Stories: Complexities of LGBT Christians’ Activism in Poland. In: S.J. Page and A.K.T. Yip (eds) Intersecting Religion and Sexuality: sociological perspectives, Leiden: Brill, pp. 122–144. Hall, Dorota, 2019: Dyskursy o homoseksualności w doświadczeniu kandydatów do duchowieństwa w Kościele rzymskokatolickim [The discourses on homosexuality in the experience of candidates to priesthood in the Roman Catholic Church]. Studia Socjologiczne 3(234): 109-134. Hall, Dorota, 2019: Trzy relacje o stosowaniu watykańskiej Instrukcji o dopuszczaniu do seminariów duchownych i święceń „osób z tendencjami homoseksualnymi”. In: J. Kaczmarek (ed.), Między socjologią a filozofią i teologią, Poznań: Wydawnictwo Nauk Społecznych i Humanistycznych UAM, pp. 345–358. Hall, Dorota, 2017: ‘Religion and Homosexuality in the Public Domain: Polish debates about reparative therapy’, European Societies 19(5): 600–622. Hall, Dorota, 2016: ‘Biseksualność w aktywizmie chrześcijan i chrześcijanek LGBT w Polsce’, Studia Socjologiczne 222(3): 79–99. Hall, Dorota, 2016: Religia i seksualność na peryferiach: „chrześcijanie LGBT” w Polsce, [in:] I. Borowik, A. Górski and W. Świątkiewicz (eds.), Globalny i lokalny wymiar religii, Kraków: Nomos, pp. 214–227. Hall, Dorota, 2015: ‘Individual Choices Revisited: non-heterosexual Christians in Poland’, Social Compass 62(2): 212–224. Hall, Dorota, 2015: Antagonism in the making: Religion and homosexuality in post-communist Poland, [in:] S. Sremac and R. R. Ganzevoort (eds.), Religious and Sexual Nationalisms in Central and Eastern Europe: Gods, Gays, and Governments, Leiden: Brill, pp. 74–92. Hall, Dorota, 2014: Od kontrkultury do New Age? Źródła i konteksty nowej duchowości w Polsce, [in:] E. Chabros (ed.), Od kontrkultury do New Age: wybrane zjawiska społeczno-kulturowe schyłku PRL i ich korzenie, Wrocław: Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, pp. 151–160. Hall, Dorota, 2014: Medytacja z Michaelem Jacksonem i piłkarzyki w kaplicy: świętość i codzienność w czasach popkultury, [in:] T. Chachulski, J. Snopek, M. Ślusarska (eds.), Religijność w dobie popkultury, Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego, pp. 252–260. Hall, Dorota, 2013: ‘Religia i nieheteroseksualność: stan debaty akademickiej i wybrane wątki badań prowadzonych w Polsce’, Studia Socjologiczne 210(3): 123–150. Hall, Dorota, 2013: ‘Religion and psychology in the age of emotional capitalism: the case of the Master Academy of Love’, Social Compass 60(2): 174–188. Hall, Dorota, 2013: The holistic milieu in context: between traditional Christianity and folk religiosity, [in:] S. J. Sutcliffe, I. S. Gilhus (eds.), New Age Spirituality: Rethinking Religion, Durham: Acumen, pp. 146–159. Hall, Dorota, 2012: Questioning Secularization? Church and Religion in Poland, [in:] D. Pollack, O. Müller, G. Pickel (eds.), The Social Significance of Religion in the Enlarged Europe: Secularization, Individualization, and Pluralization, Farnham – Burlington: Ashgate, pp. 121–142. Hall, Dorota, 2012: ‘Alternative Trajectories: a comment on Miguel Vale de Almeida in this issue’, Anthropology Today 28(3): 27. Hall, Dorota, 2011: Attitudes towards National Identity and National Values among Polish Catholic Youth, [in:] A. Mate-Toth, C. Rughinis (eds.), Spaces and Borders: Current Research on Religion in Central and Eastern Europe, Berlin – Boston: Walter de Gruyter, pp. 207–219. Hall, Dorota, 2010: ‘Measuring the Sacred: Research Notes on the Use of Science by Adherents of New Spiritualities in Poland’, Anthropological Journal of European Cultures 19(1): 102–115. Hall, Dorota, Rafał Smoczyński, 2010: Introduction, [in:] D. Hall, R. Smoczyński (eds.), New Religious Movements and Conflict in Selected Countries of Central Europe, Warsaw: IFiS Publishers, pp. 7–28. Hall, Dorota, Goran Goldberger, Lucia Grešková, Rafał Smoczyński, 2010: Societal Reactions to New Religious Movements in Poland, Croatia and Slovakia, [in:] D. Hall, R. Smoczyński (eds.), New Religious Movements and Conflict in Selected Countries of Central Europe, Warsaw: IFiS Publishers, pp. 29–94. Hall, Dorota, 2009: Beyond the Traditional Folk Religion? Miracular Sensitivity of Today’s Spiritual Seekers in Poland, [in:] U. Wolf-Knuts, K. Grant (eds.), Rethinking the Sacred, Abo: Abo Akademi University, pp. 25–36. Hall, Dorota, Monika Kostro, 2008: Mandala dyskursu: strategie uwierzytelniania astrologii jako działalności naukowej, [in:] I. Borowik, M. Libiszowska-Żółtkowska, J. Doktór (eds.), Oblicza religii i religijności, Krakow: Nomos, pp. 324–338. Hall, Dorota, 2008: ‘New Age na świecie i w Polsce: problematyka badawcza’, Nomos 59-60: 11–35. Hall, Dorota, 2008: ‘Life-as Spirituality as the Third Option? A View from the Polish Perspective’, Journal of Alternative Spiritualities and New Age Studies 4: 3–16. Hall, Dorota, 2008: Duchowość uprzedmiotowiająca jako trzecia opcja? Spojrzenie z polskiej perspektywy, [in:] K. Leszczyńska, Z. Pasek (eds.), Nowa duchowość w społeczeństwach monokulturowych i pluralistycznych, Krakow: Nomos, pp. 86–100. Hall, Dorota, 2007: Metaphors of the New Age Purification Practices, [in:] I. Lázár, A. Luse (eds.), Cosmologies of Suffering: Post-communist Transformation, Sacral Communication and Healing, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 90–106. Hall, Dorota, 2006: UFO in the Countryside: The Case of Wylatowo, Poland, [in:] I. Borowik (ed.), Religions, Churches and Religiosity in Post-Communist Europe, Krakow: Nomos, pp. 221–230. Hall, Dorota, 2005: Ezoteryka komercyjna jako manifestacja ludowej wrażliwości, [in:] Z. Pasek (ed.), Ezoteryzm, okultyzm, satanizm w Polsce, Krakow: Libron, pp. 89–100. Hall, Dorota, 2003: ‘Ciała oczyszczenie – grzechów odpuszczenie: nowa duchowość, New Age, bulimia’, Punkt po Punkcie, no. 4 (volume: Grzech), Gdansk: słowo/obraz terytoria, pp. 213–218. Hall, Dorota, 2002: ‘God Loves Fun. Rola śmiechu w kulturze New Age’, Konteksty. Polska Sztuka Ludowa 3–4: 211–222. Hall, Dorota, 2002: ‘Porządek sakralny ery konsumpcji: o bogatych i biednych Hall, Dorota, 2001: ‘Terapia reiki, czyli o widzialnych znakach niewidzialnej religii’, Przegląd Religioznawczy 200(2): 139–154. Hall, Dorota, 1998: ‘Pielgrzymka do starej-nowej ziemi świętej’, Konteksty. Polska Sztuka Ludowa 3–4: 164–166. Hall, Dorota, 1998: ‘Pod wieżą Babel – po komunizmie’, Konteksty. Polska Sztuka Ludowa 1: 28–32; in 1997, published also in: Браслаўскiя Чытaннi: Maтэpыялы IV-й нaвyкoвa-кpaязнaўчaй кaнфepэнцыi 24–25 кpacaвiкa 1997 г., Braslav (Belarus), pp. 145–153.
Reports prepared within the FRANET network (for the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights) Hall, Dorota, 2017: Protecting migrant workers from exploitation in the EU: workers’ perspectives – country report, Poland, Warsaw: Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. Available at: Hall, Dorota, 2014: Severe Forms of Labour Exploitation: supporting victims of severe forms of labour exploitation in having access to justice in EU member states (phase 2) – Final Summary Report: Poland, Warsaw: Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. Available at: Hall, Dorota, 2013: Surveying LGBT People and Authorities – Final Summary Report: Poland, Warsaw: Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. Hall, Dorota, Jacek Bialas, Dominika Bychawska et al., 2011: FRANET Annual Report: Poland, Warsaw: Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. The abovementioned reports are not publicly available (apart from two, as noted above); they have been submitted to the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights.
Reports prepared within the EU Network of Socio-economic experts in the Anti-discrimination Field (for the European Commission) Hall, Dorota, Agnieszka Mikulska 2012: Country Report 2/2012. Discrimination on the Ground of Religion or Belief: Poland. Hall, Dorota, Agnieszka Mikulska 2012: Country Report 1/2012. Links between Public Authorities at the Different Levels of Governance: Poland. Hall, Dorota, Agnieszka Mikulska, 2011: Country Report 2/2011. Economic Case for Anti-Discrimination: Poland. Hall, Dorota, Agnieszka Mikulska, 2011: Country Report 1/2011 on Active Ageing: Poland. Hall, Dorota, Agnieszka Mikulska, 2010: Country Report 2/2010 on Employment, Ethnicity and Migrants: Poland. Hall, Dorota, Agnieszka Mikulska, 2010: Country Report 1/2010 on the Situation of LGBT People: Poland. Hall, Dorota, Agnieszka Mikulska, 2009: Country Report 2/2009: Poland. Hall, Dorota, Agnieszka Mikulska, 2009: Country Report 1/2009: Poland. The abovementioned reports are not publicly available; they have been submitted to the European Commission (until 2010: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities; since 2011: DG Justice).
Reports prepared within the RAXEN network (for the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights) Hall, Dorota, Agnieszka Mikulska, 2010: Thematic Study: The Asylum Seekers’ Perspective: Access to Information and to Effective Remedies. Poland, Warsaw: Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. Hall, Dorota, Agnieszka Mikulska, Witold Klaus, 2010: Thematic Study: Racist and Related Hate Crimes in the EU: Poland, Warsaw: Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. Hall, Dorota, Agnieszka Mikulska, 2010: National Data Collection Report, Warsaw: Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. Hall, Dorota, Agnieszka Mikulska, 2009: Thematic Study: Housing Conditions of Roma and Travelers: Poland, Warsaw: Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, available at: Hall, Dorota, Agnieszka Mikulska, 2009: Thematic Study: Preventing Racism, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance in Sport across the European Union: Poland, Warsaw: Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. Hall, Dorota, Agnieszka Mikulska, 2009: National Data Collection Report, Warsaw: Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. Hall, Dorota, Agnieszka Mikulska, 2008: National Data Collection Report, Warsaw: Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. Hall, Dorota, Agnieszka Mikulska, 2007: National Data Collection Report, Warsaw: Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. Hall, Dorota, Agnieszka Mikulska, 2006: Thematic Study: Combating ethnic and racial discrimination and promoting equality: Trends and developments 2000-2005, Warsaw: Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. Hall, Dorota, Agnieszka Mikulska, Bartłomiej Tokarz, 2006: National Data Collection Report, Warsaw: Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. Hall, Dorota, Agnieszka Mikulska, 2005: Report on Islamophobia, Warsaw: Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. Hall, Dorota, Agnieszka Mikulska, Wojciech Hermeliński, 2004: National Data Collection Report, Warsaw: Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. The abovementioned reports are not publicly available (apart from one, as noted above); they have been submitted to the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (which operated as the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia until 2007).