Barbara Engelking


Imię i nazwisko

Barbara Engelking

Stopnie i tytuły naukowe

prof. dr hab.


prof. IFiS PAN

Funkcja w IFiS PAN

Kierownik Zespołu Badań nad Zagładą Żydów






Zespół badawczy

Zespół Badań nad Zagładą Żydów

Skrócony biogram

BOOKS (selected)





(with Jacek Leociak), Getto warszawskie. Przewodnik po nieistniejącym mieście. [Warsaw Ghetto. The Guide to the Perished City]. The second, revised edition. Warsaw: Center for the Holocaust Research.


“Jest taki piękny słoneczny dzień…” Losy Żydów szukających ratunku na wsi polskiej 1942-1945 [„It is Such a Beautiful and Sunny Day”. The Fate of Jews seeking refuge in Polish villages, 1942 – 1945]. Warsaw: Center for the Holocaust Research.


(with Jan Grabowski)  SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1Żydowskich przestępców należy karać śmiercią! Przestępczość” Żydów w okupowanej Warszawie 1939 -1942 [„Jewish criminals should be punished by death! “Criminalizing” the Jews in the occupied Warsaw, 1939-1942]. Warsaw: Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences.


(with Dariusz Libionka) Żydzi w powstańczej Warszawie [Jews during  Warsaw Uprising]. Warsaw: Center for the Holocaust Research.


Szanowny panie gistapo…” Donosy do władz niemieckich w Warszawie i okolicach w latach 1940 – 1941 [Dear Mister Gistapo…” Denunciations to the German Authorities in Warsaw and surrounding areas from 1940 – 1941]. Warsaw: Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences.


(with Jacek Leociak), Getto warszawskie. Przewodnik po nieistniejącym mieście [Warsaw Ghetto. The Guide to the Perished City]. First edition. Warsaw: Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences.


Czas przestał dla mnie istnieć”. Analiza doświadczania czasu w sytuacji ostatecznej [Time stopped existing for me”. An analysis of the experience of time in the Warsaw Ghetto]. Warsaw: Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences.


Zagłada i pamięć. [Holocaust and Memory]. Warsaw: Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences.


Na łące popiołów. Ocaleni z Holocaustu [On the Meadow of Ashes“. Interviews with Holocaust Survivors in Poland]. Warsaw: Cyklady. 


Books in English:



“It is Such a Beautiful and Sunny Day”. The Fate of Jews seeking refuge in Polish villages, 1942 – 1945. Trans. Jerzy Michałowicz. Yad Yashem.


(with Jacek Leociak) Warsaw Ghetto. The Guide to the Perished City. Trans. Emma Harris. Yale University Press.


Holocaust and Memory. Trans. Emma Harris. London, New York: Bloomsbury.


Books in French:



“On ne veut rien vous prendre…Seulement la vie”: Des Juifs cachés dans les campagnes polonaises 1942 – 1945. Trad. Xavier Chantry. Paris: Calmann-Lévy, Collection Mémorial de la Shoah.






2020          Moszek Baum, Nie wiemy, co przyniesie nam kolejna godzina…Dziennik pisany w ukryciu w latach 1943–1944 [We don’t know what the next hour will bring… Journal written in hiding, 1943-1944] Warsaw: Center for the Holocaust Research.

2019          Jakub Hochberg, „Czytając gazetę niemiecką…” Dziennik Jakuba Hochberga pisany w ukryciu w Warszawie w latach 1943–1944, [Reading German newspaper… Jakub Hochberg’s diary written in hiding, 1943-1944]. Warsaw: Center for the Holocaust Research.

2017          Po wojnie, z pomocą Bożą, już niebawem…. Pisma Kopla i Mirki Piżyców o życiu w getcie i okupowanej Warszawie [After the war, with God’s help, soon…. The writings of Kopel and Mirka Piżyc about life in the ghetto and occupied Warsaw]. Warsaw: Center for the Holocaust Research.

2016         Sny chociaż mamy wspaniałe… Okupacyjne dzienniki Żydów z okolic Mińska Mazowieckiego [At least we have got wonderful dreams… Wartime diaries of Jews from Minsk Mazowiecki area]. Warsaw: Center for the Holocaust Research


   Mietek Pachter, Umierać też trzeba umieć… [You also have to know how to  die]. Warsaw: Center for the Holocaust Research.


Aron Elster: Ocalony z Zagłady. Wspomnienia chłopca z Sokołowa Podlaskiego [Survivor from the Holocaust. Memoir of a boy from Sokolow Podlaski]. Warsaw: Center for the Holocaust Research.


(together with Alina Skibinska and Ewa Wiatr) Ostatnim etapem przesiedlenia jest śmierć. [The final stage of resettlements is death]. Warsaw: Ringelblum Archive Complete Edition, vol. 13, Jewish Historical Institute.




2020       Jews Helping Other Jews Hide Out on the “Aryan Side” in Warsaw, in: “Yad Vashem Studies”, vol. 48 1-2;

2020       Organizowanie pomocy dla Żydów po aryjskiej stronie w Warszawie [Organizing help for Jews on the Aryan side in Warsaw], in: „Przegląd Historyczny”, vol 3/2020;

2018     Żydzi i komuniści w okupacyjnej Warszawie [Jews and Communists in occupied Warsaw] in: „Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały”, vol. 14;

2017    The Germans Have Killed Our Jews, So We’re Throwing Out”. The Case of Edward Toniakiewicz, in: “Holocaust. Studies and Materials”, vol 4


Labirynty i plątaniny. Historia pewnego Sprawiedliwego [Mazes and entangelments. A story of a certain Righteous]. „Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały”, Vol 11;


“Tajemnica Hesi. Zapis emocji w świadectwach Zagłady“ [Hesia’s secrets. Emotions in the testimonies of the Holocaust survivors]. „Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały”, Vol 10;


Sny jako źródło do badań nad Zagładą [Dreams as a source for Holocaust research]. „Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały, Vol 9;


Murdering and Denouncing Jews in the Polish Countryside, 1942 – 1945, “East European Politics and Societies”, 25 (3). Available at:


BOOK CHAPTERS (selected)


2019    Le milieu juif communiste de Varsovie, 1942-1944, in: Les Polonais et la Shoah. Une nouvelle ecole historique ed: Audrey Kichelewski, Judith Lyon-Caen, Jean-Charles Szurek, Anette Wieviorka, CNRS, Paris;

2019    Traume als historische Quelle in der Holocaustforschung in: Im Schatten von Krieg und Holocaust. Psychonalyse in Polen im polnisch-deutsch-judischen Kontext, ed. Ewa Kobylinska-Dehe, Pawel Dybel, Ludger M. Hermans, Psychosozial -Verlag, Giessen;

2018    Powiat Bielsk Podlaski [Bielsk Podlaski County] in: Dalej jest noc. Losy Żydów w wybranych powiatach okupowanej Polski [Night Without End. Jewish Survival Strategies. Poland, 1942-1945,] ed. B. Engelking, Jan Grabowski, Warsaw;


Czarna godzina. Rzeczy żydowskie oddane na przechowanie Polakom [Black hour. Jewish things given to Poles for safekeeping], in: Klucze i kasa. O mieniu żydowskim w Polsce pod okupacją niemiecką i we wczesnych latach powojennych, 1939–1950. [Keys and cash. The Jewish property in Poland under German occupation and the early post-war years, 1939–1950]. Warsaw: Center for the Holocaust Research;


Po zamordowaniu udaliśmy się do domu. Wydawanie i mordowanie Żydów na wsi polskiej w latach 1942–1945“ [After the murder we went back home. Denouncing and murdering Jews in the Polish countryside in the years 1942–1945] [in:] Zarys Krajobrazu. Wieś polska wobec zaglady Żydów 1942–1945. [Presenting the Landscape. Polish village in the face of the extermination of the Jews, 1942–1945]. Warsaw: Center for the Holocaust Research;


Cher Monsieur Gistapo… La délation aux autorités allemandes en Pologne dans les années 1940–1941“ [in:] Juifs et Polonais 1939-2008 (eds.) Jean-Charles Szurek, Anette Wieviorka. Paris: Bibliothèque Albin Michel Histoire;





„Dear Mr gestapo…“ (in Hebrew) [in:] Hacheszbon Hapolani: Imut im Zikaron (ed. Miri Paz), Jerusalem: Yad Vashem;

Psychological differences between Poles and Jews during World War II from a Warsaw Perspective in: Contested Memories: Poles and Jews during the Holocaust and Its Aftermath, ed. J. Zimmerman, Rutgers University Press.




Habilitation, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences (for the book Warsaw Ghetto. A Guide to the Perished City)


PhD, Sociology, Graduate School for Social Research, Polish Academy of Sciences. Title of the dissertation: The Holocaust experience described on the basis of the autobiographical stories.


MA, Psychology, Warsaw University.

Doświadczenie zawodowe

From 2010 

Full Professor (tenure), Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw

From 2003

Head of the Polish Center for Holocaust Research (

2003 – 2010

Associate Professor, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences

1995 – 2002

Assistant Professor, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences

1993 – 1994

Graduate Assistant, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences

Realizowane projekty badawcze

from 2020       Między pomocą a zagrożeniem. „Ukrywanie się w Warszawie po “aryjskiej stronie“:, 1940-1945 – faza II. Rozwój i kontynuacja, [Between help and danger. Hiding in Warsaw on the “Aryan side”. 1940-1945 – phase II. Development and continuation], Polish National Science Center;

2017 – 2021   Świadkowie Holokaustu – społeczeństwo polskie na terenach okupowanych wobec zagłady Żydów (1939-1945) [Being a witness: Poles and Jews during the Holocaust], Polish National Science Center, IHRA

2016 – 2020  Ukrywanie się w Warszawie po <aryjskiej> stronie 1940-1945, [Hiding in Warsaw on the “Aryan side”. 1940-1945] Polish National Science Center, Fondation Memoire de la Shoah;

2013 – 2018

Jewish Survival Strategies in Occupied Poland, 1939-1945, University of Ottawa and Polish National Science Center;

2011 – 2014

Jewish Property in Poland Under the German Occupation and During the Early Post-War Years, 1939 – 1950, Rothschild Foundation Europe, Polish National Science Center;

2008 – 2011

Rural Communities in Poland and the Shoah. Polish-Jewish relations, 1942 – 1945, The Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, Polish National Science Center.


Zagraniczne doświadczenia naukowe

2015 – 2016

Ina Levine Invitational Scholar, USHMM, Washington DC;

1997 – 2015

Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, Israel (several fellowships).

Nagrody i wyróżnienia

2020           POLCUL Foundation Award;

2019           Medal of St George of the “Tygodnik Powszechny”;

2019             Man of the Year” award of the „Gazeta Wyborcza” in category „For ours and your memory”;


Special Award by “Polityka” weekly for journal Holocaust Studies and Materials;



Jan Karski and Pola Nireńska Award by YIVO Institute for Jewish Research;

Prof. Łukasz Hirszowicz Award by Jewish Historical Institute;



Polish Authors’ Rights Society Award in Warsaw-themed category;

Jerzy Giedroyc’ Award by University of Lublin;


“New Books Magazine” award for Book of the Year (Warsaw Ghetto. The Guide to the Non-Existing City);


Clio Award for Book of the Year (Warsaw Ghetto. The Guide to the Non-Existing City)


President of Poland Award for the best PhD dissertation;

1994          Klemens Szaniawski Award for the best PhD dissertation.

Działalność dydaktyczna


Holocaust in Poland; Polish – Jewish relations during the German Occupation; Everyday life in the Warsaw Ghetto


Life and Death in the Warsaw Ghetto

Promowane doktoraty


Maria Ferenc-Piotrowska, Agnieszka Haska, Małgorzata Preuss, Marta Cobel-Tokarska, Marta Pietrzykowska;


Jacek Smoter, Maria Ferenc, Agnieszka Witkowska, Agnieszka Haska, Marzena Gregier, Estera Pastuszka, Hanna Zielińska, Ludwina Otto, Agata Muszyńska.

Wystąpienia na konferencjach, sympozjach, lub seminariach


 2019       “Jews helping other Jews in hiding at the Aryan side in Warsaw”, conference Jews against Nazi Germany during World War II, organized by Polin and Polish Center for Holocaust Research, Warsaw

2018       Dreams as a source for Holocaust research” conference Psychoanalysis in the Shadow of WWII, organized by IPU, UP, Humboldt, IFIS, Berlin

2016       Holocaust Researcher’s Surprises: How to Read the Documents from Polish Archives”, Yad Vashem, Guest lecture

2016    Hiding on the Aryan Side in Warsaw”, USHMM, guest lecture


“Partisans in Bielsk Podlaski county”, Conference Lessons and Legacies XIII, Boca Raton, Florida, US


“Exploring the micro history of the Holocaust”, Sorbonne, Paris, France


A Moral Problem Comes Knocking: Attitudes of Poles to the Holocaust”, Hugo Valentin-centrum, Uppsala, Sweden


“Poles and Jews during the II World War”, Lund, Sweden


“Murdering and Denouncing Jews in the Polish Countryside during 1942 − 1945”, Princeton University, US


2014 –2018

Chair of the International Auschwitz Council

2006 –2014

Chief of the project of the Holocaust Gallery in the Museum of the History of Polish Jews, Warsaw

From 2005 


From 2003

Member of the Editorial Board of Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały [Holocaust. Studies and Materials]

Founder and Director of the Polish Center for Holocaust Research Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Science, the country’s most prestigious scientific institution devoted solely to the study of the Holocaust.

The Polish Center for Holocaust Research: conducts research using a wealth of resources and collections unique to Polish archives, coordinates interdisciplinary research projects, offers and presents informational seminars led by top researchers, publishes monographs, edited volumes, and unabridged source material and supports scholarship programs and research workshops for students in order to create and inspire a new generation of Holocaust scholars and academics. The Center’s membership includes 9 award-winning scholars representing a wide range of disciplines.  These leading historians, psychologists, literary scholars, anthropologists and sociologists combine their methodological expertise to conduct and disseminate cutting-edge research.


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