Minds, Brains and Artworks

The next (hybrid) meeting of the seminar ‘Philosophy of Cognitive Science’ is scheduled for Wednesday, October 30th, at 10:00 AM (Warsaw, CET). This time we will meet in person (and online), the seminar will…
Read more...The next (hybrid) meeting of the seminar ‘Philosophy of Cognitive Science’ is scheduled for Wednesday, October 30th, at 10:00 AM (Warsaw, CET). This time we will meet in person (and online), the seminar will…
Read more...The next meeting of the seminar „Philosophy of Cognitive Science” will take place on April, 11th, at 10:30 (AM Warsaw, CET). Our guest will be Balazs Aczel (ELTE, Eotvos Lorand University, Institute of Psychology, Budapest). We will…
Read more...The next meeting of the seminar „Philosophy of Cognitive Science” will take place on April, 4th, at 10:30 (AM Warsaw, CET). Our guest will be Bradley C. Love (University College London & The Alan Turing…
Read more...The next meeting of the seminar „Philosophy of Cognitive Science” will take place on February, 22th, at 10:30 (AM Warsaw, CET). Our guest will be Radim Hladík (Czech Academy of Sciences, Centre for Science, Technology and…
Read more...🌟 Join us for an online discussion at the “Philosophy of Cognitive Science” seminar on Jan 18th at 10:30 AM CET! Our guest, Markus Ilkka Eronen from the University of Groningen, will…
Read more...The next meeting of the seminar „Philosophy of Cognitive Science” will take place on December, 14th, at 10:30 (AM Warsaw, CET). Our guest will be Przemysław Nowakowski (IPS, PAS) We will discuss a draft: From hypotheses to…
Read more...Section for Logic and Cognitive Science at the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw is pleased to invite for an online seminar on neural representations. The direct motivation for the meeting is the…
Read more...The next (hybrid) meeting of the seminar „Philosophy of Cognitive Science” will take place on November, 30th, at 10:30 (AM Warsaw, CET). This time we will meet in person (and online), the seminar will take place in Staszic Place…
Read more...The upcoming session of the “Philosophy of Cognitive Science” seminar is scheduled for November 9th at 10:30 AM (Warsaw, CET). The seminar meeting will be hybrid: in person in Pałac Staszica (ul. Nowy Świat…
Read more...What Are Representational Formats? Online Seminar with Alfredo Vernazzani, Dimitri Coelho Mollo and Sami Yousif (17th Nov 2023, 4 pm CET). Section for Logic and Cognitive Science at the Polish Academy of…
Read more...We warmly invite you to our next seminar with Dr. Edward Baggs from University of Southern Denmark, who will give a talk titled “Why affordances are not categories”. Dr Baggs will come visit us for a…
Read more...The first in the 2023/24 season meeting of the seminar „Philosophy of Cognitive Science” will take place on October, 12th, at 10:30 (AM Warsaw, CET). Our guest will be Aleksandra Modzelewska ( Faculty of psychology, Uniwersity of…
Read more...The special (hybrid) seminar meeting is planned for August 17th at 10:30 (AM Warsaw, CEST). This time we will host Summer Workshop. Our speakers will be Jacob Beck (York University) and Marcin Miłkowski (IPS, PAS). We will discuss the manuscripts: Jacob…
Read more...The next (hybrid) meeting of the seminar “Philosophy of Cognitive Science” will take place on June, 15th, at 11:30 (AM Warsaw, CET). This time we will meet in person (and online), the seminar will take place in Staszic Palace…
Read more...The next seminar: „Philosophy of Cognitive Science” meeting will take place on June, 1st, at 10:30 (AM Warsaw, CET). We will meet online at GoogleMeet (for link ask: pnowakowski@ifispan.edu.pl). Our guest will be Holger Lyre (University of Magdeburg). We…
Read more...The next seminar: „Philosophy of Cognitive Science” meeting will take place on April, 11th, May at 10:30 (AM Warsaw, CET). We will meet online at GoogleMeet (for link ask: pnowakowski@ifispan.edu.pl). Our guests will be Samuli Reijula & Jakko…
Read more...The next (hybrid) meeting of the seminar „Philosophy of Cognitive Science” will take place on April, 27th, at 10:30 (AM Warsaw, CET). This time we will meet in person (and online), the seminar will take place in Staszic Place…
Read more...The next seminar: „Philosophy of Cognitive Science” meeting will take place on April, 13th, at 13:30 (AM Warsaw, CET). We will meet online at GoogleMeet (for link ask: pnowakowski@ifispan.edu.pl). Our guest will be Edouard Machery (University of Pittsburgh). We…
Read more...The next seminar “Philosophy of Cognitive Science” meeting will take place on April, 13th, at 13:30 (AM Warsaw, CET). We will meet online using Google Meet (email Przemysław Nowakowski, pnowakowski@ifispan.edu.pl for the…
Read more...The next (hybrid) meeting of the seminar „Philosophy of Cognitive Science” will take place on March, 30th, at 10:30 (AM Warsaw, CET). This time we will meet in person (and online), the seminar will take place in the Staszic…
Read more...The next (hybrid) meeting of the seminar „Philosophy of Cognitive Science” will take place on March, 16th, at 10:30 (AM Warsaw, CET). This time we will meet in person (and online), the seminar will take place in the Staszic…
Read more...The next meeting of the seminar „Philosophy of Cognitive Science” will take place on February, 23rd, at 10:30 (AM Warsaw, CET). This time we will meet in person (and online), the seminar will take place in the Staszic Place…
Read more...The next meeting of the seminar „Philosophy of Cognitive Science” will take place on February, 9th, at 10:30 (AM Warsaw, CET). Our guest will be Gualtiero Piccinini (University of Missouri – St. Louis). We will discuss the manuscript: Knowing…
Read more...The next meeting of the seminar „Philosophy of Cognitive Science” will take place on December, 8th, at 10:30 (AM Warsaw, CET). Our guest will be Alistair Isaac (The University of Edinburgh). We will discuss the manuscript: The Modal…
Read more...The next meeting of the seminar “Philosophy of Cognitive Science” is planned for November the 3rd at 10:00 (AM Warsaw, CET). This time we will host the Polish-Romanian Understanding (and Theory) Workshop.…
Read more...The next meeting of the seminar is planned for October, 27th, at 10:30 (AM Warsaw, CET). This time we will meet in person (and on-line), seminar will take place in the Staszic Place (IFiS, PAN), room: 161…
Read more...The first in the 2022/23 season meeting of the seminar „Philosophy of Cognitive Science” will take place on October, 10th (MONDAY), at 10:00 (AM Warsaw, CET). Our guest will be Antonio Lieto (University of Turin & ICAR-CNR,…
Read more...We have pleasure to invite you to a special, joint HILL & Philosophy of Cognitive Science seminar on Friday 15.07 at 1.30 pm (CET = GMT+2). Our guests will be Francesco Mannella…
Read more...The next meeting of the seminar is planned for June, 24th, at 10:30 (AM Warsaw, CET). This time we will meet IN PERSON, seminar will take place in the Staszic Place (IFiS, PAN), room: 154.…
Read more...The next meeting of the seminar is planned for January, 20th, at 11:00 (AM Warsaw, CET). Our guest will be Michał Piekarski (UKSW Warsaw). We will discuss a draft paper: Incorporating free energy models into mechanisms: the…
Read more...The next meeting of the seminar „Philosophy of Cognitive Science” is planned for December, 2nd, at 10:00 (AM Warsaw, CET). Our guest will be Lorenzo Buscicchi (University of Waikato). We will discuss a draft paper:…
Read more...The first in the 2021/22 season meeting of the seminar „Philosophy of Cognitive Science” will take place on November 25th, at 10:00 (Warsaw, CET). Our guest will be Francesco Consiglio (University of Granada). We will…
Read more...The next meeting of the seminar is planned for June, 11th, at 12:00 (CET). Our guest will be Luke Kersten (University of Edinburgh). We will discuss a draft paper:The Status of Markov Blankets: An Abstracta Realist…
Read more...The next meeting of the seminar is planned for May, 28th, at 12:00 (CET). Our guest will be Marcin Moskalewicz (Poznan University of Medical Sciences). We will discuss a draft paper by Marcin Moskalewicz, Piotr Kordel…
Read more...The next meeting of the seminar is planned for May, 14th, at 12:00 (CET). Our guest will be Tomáš Marvan (Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy, Prague). We will discuss a draft paper by Tomáš…
Read more...The next meeting of the seminar is planned for April, 16th, at 12:00 (CET). Our guest will be Paweł Gładziejewski (Department of Cognitive Science, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun). We will discuss a draft paper: Perceptual justification…
Read more...The next meeting of the seminar is planned for April, 9th, at 16:00 (CET). Note the change of the usual time! Our guest will be Uljana Feest (Institut für Philosophie, Leibniz Universität…
Read more...The next meeting of the seminar is planned for March, 26th, at 12:00 (CET). Our guest will be Lilia Gurova (Department of Cognitive Science and Psychology, New Bulgarian University). We will discuss a draft paper: Feigned…
Read more...The next meeting of the seminar is planned for March, 12th, at 12:00 (CET) (NOTE THIS COULD CHANGE!). Our guest will be Julian KIverstein (and possibly Michael Kirchhoff). We will discuss a draft paper…
Read more...The next meeting of the seminar is planned for March, 5th, at 12:45 (CET) – note the change of the hour. Our guest will be Paco Calvo. We will discuss a draft paper by…
Read more...The next meeting of the seminar is planned for February, 12th, at 12:00 (CET). Our guest will be Mark-Oliver Casper. We will discuss his draft “A Spectrum of Integration. Steps towards a Methodology of Situated…
Read more...The next meeting of the seminar is planned for January, 28th at 12:00 CET (note: Thursday!). We are delighted to host as our speaker Nir Fresco, who will be glad to discuss his draft…
Read more...The next meeting of the seminar is planned for January, 15th at 12:00 CET. We are delighted to host as our speakers the authors of the paper: Bruineberg, Jelle and Dolega, Krzysztof and Dewhurst, Joe and Baltieri, Manuel (2020) The Emperor’s…
Read more...The next meeting of the seminar is planned for December, 18th at 12:00 CET. We are delighted that our speaker is Professor Iris van Rooij. We will discuss her forthcoming paper, co-authored…
Read more...We cordially invite you to this year’s (2020/21 season) meetings of the Philosophy of Cognitive Science Seminar of IPS of Polish Academy of Sciences. This year, our meetings will mostly focus on…
Read more...W imieniu prof. Marcina Miłkowskiego serdecznie zapraszamy na kolejne posiedzenie ogólnopolskiego Seminarium Filozofia Kognitywistyki IFiS PAN, które odbędzie się dnia 2 czerwca 2020 (wtorek) o godz. 11.15. Tym razem w ramach seminarium…
Read more...W imieniu prof. Marcina Miłkowskiego serdecznie zapraszam na kolejne posiedzenie ogólnopolskiego Seminarium Filozofia Kognitywistyki IFiS PAN, które odbędzie się dnia 21 lutego 2020 (piątek) w Pałacu Staszica (ul. Nowy Świat 72, Warszawa)…
Read more...W imieniu prof. Marcina Miłkowskiego serdecznie zapraszamy na kolejne posiedzenie ogólnopolskiego Seminarium Filozofia Kognitywistyki IFiS PAN, które odbędzie się dnia 14 stycznia 2020 (wtorek) w Pałacu Staszica (ul. Nowy Świat 72, Warszawa)…
Read more...W imieniu prof. Marcina Miłkowskiego serdecznie zapraszamy na kolejne posiedzenie ogólnopolskiego Seminarium Filozofia Kognitywistyki IFiS PAN, które odbędzie się dnia 6 grudnia 2019 (piątek) w Pałacu Staszica (ul. Nowy Świat 72, Warszawa)…
Read more...Serdecznie zapraszamy na kolejne posiedzenie ogólnopolskiego Seminarium Filozofia Kognitywistyki IFiS PAN, które odbędzie się dnia 24 czerwca 2019 (poniedziałek) w Pałacu Staszica (ul. Nowy Świat 72, Warszawa) w sali 154 o godz. 11.00. Tym razem gościem seminarium…
Read more...Serdecznie zapraszamy na kolejne posiedzenie ogólnopolskiego Seminarium Filozofia Kognitywistyki IFiS PAN organizowanego tym razem we współpracy z Instytutem Filozofii UKSW w Warszawie. Seminarium odbędzie się dnia 20 maja 2019 (poniedziałek) w Pałacu Staszica…
Read more...Serdecznie zapraszamy na kolejne posiedzenie ogólnopolskiego Seminarium Filozofia Kognitywistyki IFiS PAN, które odbędzie się dnia 26 kwietnia 2019 (piątek) w Pałacu Staszica (ul. Nowy Świat 72, Warszawa) w pokoju 231 o godz. 12.00. W trakcie seminarium…
Read more...Serdecznie zapraszamy na kolejne posiedzenie ogólnopolskiego Seminarium Filozofia Kognitywistyki IFiS PAN, które odbędzie się dnia 29 marca 2019 (piątek) w Pałacu Staszica (ul. Nowy Świat 72, Warszawa) w sali 161 o godz. 14.00. W trakcie seminarium…