Call for applications for a Ph.D. scholarship at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences in the project „The dynamics of youth employment precarity: drivers, trajectories, and outcomes in a cross-national perspective” (CNB-Young)”
Call for applications for a Ph.D. scholarship
at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences
in the project
„The dynamics of youth employment precarity: drivers, trajectories, and outcomes in a cross-national perspective” (CNB-Young)”
Principal investigators: dr hab. Anna Kiersztyn,
dr hab. Zbigniew Sawiński
Projekt funded by the Polish National
Science Centre
„OPUS 16” competition
Start date of the project: October 1, 2019.
Number of scholarships: 1
The amount of the Ph.D. scholarship is 4500 Polish zloty (1050 Euro) per month (net amount, exempt from taxes), awarded for a period of 30 months. The scholarship will be awarded in accordance with the „Regulations on awarding scholarships in research projects funded by the National Science Center” from September 26, 2018. In the case of resignation of the selected candidate, the next candidate from the ranking list is selected.
We are looking for a Ph.D. student to join the research team of the CNB-Young project. This project analyses employment precarity among young adults from a life career perspective. To do so, it plans to harmonise quantitative biographical data on individuals age up to 35 from four countries, gathered by the following long-standing panel surveys: The Polish Panel Survey (POLPAN), the German Socio-economic Panel (SOEP), the U.K. Household Longitudinal Survey – Understanding Society (UKHLS), and the U.S. NLSY79 Young Adults Study. We propose to create a new panel dataset Cross National Biographies – Young (CNB-Young), which will be the first cross-national quantitative dataset covering full employment histories of respondents starting from their first job, as well as their education, changes in household composition, income, and health / well-being. The study will apply statistical analyses to produce new and policy-relevant knowledge on how the interplay of various individual characteristics and institutional factors affect workers’ chances of moving into secure employment, or mitigate the possible negative life-course outcomes of early career instability.