A competitive selection process for the post of Assistant Professor in the research staff member group at the Copernicus Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of the Jagiellonian University in the domain of research on mathematical cognition and/or mathematics learning/education.

We are pleased to announce that The Rector of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow opened a competitive selection process for the post of Assistant Professor in the research staff member group at the Copernicus Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of the Jagiellonian University in the domain of research on mathematical cognition and/or mathematics learning/education.

The new Assistant Professor will conduct their research within the Mathematical Cognition and Learning Lab (PI: Mateusz Hohol), established recently with the support of Excellence Initiative-Jagiellonian University. The lab (see https://mcll.edu.pl) aims to explore the mechanisms underlying the cognitive processing and learning of mathematical structures and use the current knowledge to facilitate social change in the scope of mathematics education. The new person will be responsible for preparing research proposals, conducting experiments, analyzing data, interpreting results and reporting findings in peer-reviewed journals. We offer a full-time research position without teaching duties, a fixed-term employment contract for 30 months, and access to funds for a new person’s own research project. We will be happy to answer any questions (mcll@uj.edu.pl).

Application form: https://mcll.edu.pl/jobs/job-call-for-position/

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